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Posts posted by Rowbee

  1. I bought this here on the forum recently from Lee-Man as I planned on transporting a bass to and from LA when I went to visit in May. However, things didn't quite go to plan and I didn't take it with me so this case is now surplus to requirements and is back up for sale.

    I hope Lee doesn't mind me using his pictures and details from his thread:



    The foam insert is cut for Lee's Sadowsky basses so you may need to get some more from Flightcase Warehouse. Other than that, this is in great condition and will protect your bass from the most careless of luggage folk.

    Internal measurements are 120cm x 40cm.

    Looking for £60 which is what I paid for it.

  2. This is quite literally brand new and has been used twice for five minutes at a time. I know how fantastic these things actually are, but today I succumbed to a GAS attack and this needs to go.

    It's a pre-amp with enough juice to run a power amp, a top quality DI and the ACG circuitry can generate anything from a warm fuzz to an almost synthy overdrive. These links explain it far better than I can and there are some great samples and pro-bassist reviews:





    I know I will regret this immediately but I'm looking for SOLD.

  3. [quote name='Musicman20' post='507250' date='Jun 6 2009, 09:43 PM']Ive heard about it...but never had the problem. I think they just say the factory settings might need tweaking eg raise the pickup or lower the g.[/quote]

    So it [i]is[/i] just a set-up thing then?

    Sorry to hijack the thread, Platypus. As I've said, this is a beautiful instrument, I'm quite tempted myself to be honest.

  4. [quote name='Waldo' post='507239' date='Jun 6 2009, 09:21 PM']It's actually quite a common problem - just don't mention it on the EBMM forums![/quote]

    Really? I've honestly never, ever heard that. But then I don't play Stingrays because I don't like the neck.

  5. I've never had any problems with the G strings on my Sterlings, but then I've never heard of Stingrays having that reputation either - It sounds like you might have played a badly set up instrument to me.

    Btw, I've played this very Sterling when it belonged to Legion and not only does it look great but it feels and plays great too. Whoever buys it is getting one hell of a bass!

  6. To be honest I hadn't really given too much consideration to selling this bass lately as I've been incredibly busy with one thing or another - I'd actually forgotten I listed it!

    However, in answer to your questions it is a pretty much mint condition Vintage Modified Jazz with all original hardware, no pickup changes or new bridge changes etc. I'm not sure I really want to post it though - Shrewsbury really isn't that far from Coventry though so perhaps we could meet halfway or something?

  7. [quote name='Wil' post='480663' date='May 6 2009, 09:11 AM']The Little Mark 2 I had was the best bit of bass kit I've owned by a country mile. Amazing engineering, for something so loud to be so light, and it was built like a tank. The only critique I have is the EQ was a bit lacking for me - it had plenty of cut and boost, and it could push out some serious lows, but some kind of parametric mid would have been nice as I never got the low mids quite how I like them without an external EQ. Purely a personal opinion on the voicing, though, as I'm more a fan of the Ampegs of the world in terms of sound over the likes of EBS.[/quote]

    I've never owned a LMII but I have the SA450 which has the extra mid-range shaping and it's great. However, a lot of the time I tend to run it flat and do the shaping on my Sterling as the amp is amazingly receptive to the tiniest of onboard tweaks.

    I've owned an Ashdown ABM 500 EVO II head and my only criticism is that I always felt I could never quite get the tight tone I was looking for. I think it's probably a great head for straight rock music but I couldn't get a good defined, more up front sound out of it.

    The SA450 enables me to have that great modern bright and zingy bass tone I hear in my head but will also give the more vintage tones if needed with the turn of a dial. I've found it's been great for pretty much any style of music I've played.

  8. [quote name='51m0n' post='479967' date='May 5 2009, 03:01 PM']When I bought the ae410 Mark at bassdirect let me play for over 2 hours, we tried the ae210s against the ae410, we checked what I could get in my car, we went through about 12 basses that I wasnt going to buy just then etc etc As a result he's got all my custom for new purchases since (bar my rack tuner cos he doesnt do them). He understands that it is in his best interests to let you fiddle, let the gear sell itself to you - he doesnt really involve himself in that process beyond answering questions and offering advice when asked. As such he is the most dangerous salesman I know - visit him at your peril :)

    Fortunately most other shops dont 'get' this at all![/quote]

    A big +1 for Mark at Bass Direct! I have the luxury of being just down the road (if living in Coventry could ever be considered a luxury) and I've spent several hours in store talking to Mark. Based on past experiences, I've tended to stay away from music shops if I can but he is just genuinely passionate about bass playing and totally into good sound, good gear and totally satisfied customers.

  9. I gigged a few times in pubs with just an ABM EVO II 500 and an ABM 210 (which Paul S is currently selling in the Market Place section) and I never had any problems. I elevated the cab with a few beer crates (how hard are they to get hold of now? It's all cardboard!) to nearer ear height and pointed it slightly towards my tub thumping buddy and it was fine.

    Why not get two 210 cabs and then you don't have to lug around a 4x10 cab to smaller gigs and you have the benefit of getting the full 4 ohm power of your amp head when you use both?

  10. As Paul says, I owned the ABM 210T cab previously and it was in great condition when I sold it to him so unless he threw it down said stairs it's a great cab and well worth the money.

    I can also say that Paul is an absolute gent and dealing with him was a pleasure - if you choose to meet at a motorway services you may even get a free coffee out of it!

    Good luck with the sale Paul. :)

  11. Karl

    Your sig says "Aguilar GS112 - IT'S HERE! AT LAST! AND I LOVE IT!", obviously you should try before you buy, but it's my opinon you should get another one and love them even more! Gigged again last night and didn't let me down.

    It's a pity you don't live closer, you could've popped along to a gig or rehearsal of mine and checked out my rig. However, one of my bands is based in Leicester and rehearses just off the M69\M1 junction if that helps, although I won't be rehearsing again until I return from the US at the end of May.

  12. I use a GS112 and a GS112NT along with a MB SA450 and they work great. I had a gig last night in a pretty big hall and it held it's own - I placed the NT on the floor of the stage and the 112 on a table closer to ear height and the sound was great with plenty of bottom end.

  13. I would add that I only have two 1x12 cabs and am confident that they pretty much do as good a job as any other larger setup for a venue where bass through the PA is not required. It's actually surprised me how powerful the cabs are and I don't think I would ever go back to something like a 1x15 and 4x10 because there's no need.

  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='472884' date='Apr 26 2009, 07:42 PM']I know that a year or two ago I was chasing my own tail trying to get the sound I wanted from a bunch of amps/cabs and unfortunately I didn't have the sense to settle on one amp and then find the cabs to match I just kept swapping out amp/cab/amp/cab and I was getting no further forward. Each time I seemed to find that something wasn't quite hitting the spot I seemed to change the wrong bit of equipment... it didn't help that I was also going through a purge of basses that I had collected and didn't even keep that one factor constant; harsh and expensive lesson learned. :D[/quote]

    I had a similar problem but it was fun at the time. :)

    Graeme, a second 1x12 cab will certainly help. I sometimes make do with one at rehearsals but always take both to gigs and it does help fill out the bottom a little more.

    It sound like you're playing reasonably large venues so front of house is covered by the PA? To me that means your rig is effectively just on stage monitoring so I wouldn't have a problem asking the sound guy to put some bass through the monitors - I like to move around the stage. :rolleyes:

  15. I've never done it myself but I hear the Ernie Ball forums are pretty good identifying MM basses by the serial number? I'm sure they'd have a record of what wood type it is.

  16. If it was an HH or HS model I'd be on my way to Bradford right now but I already have two like this one. That doesn't detract from the fact that this is still a beautiful instrument, well worth the asking price and is still capable of giving me GAS!

    Having seen teal EB instruments before, I can guarantee that these photos do not do the colour justice at all.

    Buy it people!

  17. [quote name='megazap63' post='472572' date='Apr 26 2009, 10:48 AM'](in the days when Ernie Ball used top quality woods[/quote]

    Is there something wrong with the woods they have used post 1997? I've always known Ernie Ball as a company with a reputation for making consistently good quality instruments?

    People will ask for pics by the way. :)

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