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Posts posted by Rowbee

  1. [quote name='karenon' post='467732' date='Apr 20 2009, 06:38 PM']I got my Sterling during a trip to Toronto last year. £580 brand new. Definitively lighter on the shoulder than the Stingray I sold off to pay for this one. Seems like the preamp is tuned a bit up on this one, as it definitively is louder and with more deep end than my old Stingray and other Sterlings/Rays I tested (it also burns batteries quite a bit faster). I totally agree with the chap doing the rewiew. Great neck and very comfortable all around. Good looking too. I bought it to get some relief from my old Streamer, as that one gets a little bit too demanding sometimes (I have to practice to keep up my technique, or else it reveals what a lazy sod I am). The MM is a bit more forgiving, as it delivers that good old MM growl, and a little bit more ordinary sound with the selector in the back position. Great bass. Love it.[/quote]

    That's a great looking guitar! Legion had the HH version of that one when I went to see him and it was awesome.

  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='466776' date='Apr 19 2009, 03:29 PM']PM me if you fancy an XO Bass Micro Synth for a few more quid - I'll be shifting it. Will have to figure out a price, no time at the moment, sun's shining and the pub's open.

    I want an older one because I want to mod it. :)[/quote]

    Forgive my ignorance but is the XO the latest model like the one on the EHX website? Is it true bypass? That's pretty important to me.

  3. It's well worth doing, I have several modded XBOX consoles (hard and soft modded ones) and it's not just games they're great for. I use them for XBOX Media Centre to listen to music, watch pretty much any video format, connect to BBC iplayer, Youtube. Also have some pretty cool emulators.

  4. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='459907' date='Apr 11 2009, 01:10 PM']Oooh that's the canine's danglies.

    Don't suppose you'll do catalogue terms and take £7 a week for the next 100 weeks? :)

    Good luck with it mate, it's a beaut.[/quote]

    Catalogue terms would be £7 a week for the next 150 weeks. :rolleyes:

    Beautiful bass by the way.

  5. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='460391' date='Apr 12 2009, 10:10 AM']There's a guy on ebay called Dazbootman who makes them to order and ships from the States. He's got a clear one [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Clear-Plexiglass-Fender-Jazz-Bass-5-String-Pickguard_W0QQitemZ220390458335QQihZ012QQcategoryZ41424QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1713.m153.l1262"]HERE[/url] but the £ against the $ dollar means they're expensive at the mo. :)[/quote]

    +1 for Dazbootman in terms of quality - I have two stunning MM Sterling pickguards from him. Due to the £v$, I'm sure there must be some cheaper alternatives in the UK at the moment.

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