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Everything posted by HCC

  1. Cool bass!! Is this additional model from NYC Satin Series or NYC Custom Verdine White 21fret Bass?
  2. This could help a bit.
  3. Richard's early performance...
  4. Hi Graham, The string spacing is 19 and 17mm for 4- and 5-string modulus flea bass, respectively. From the specification of lane poor pickup, it was designed for both 4- and 5-string bass. Below link is the information: https://www.modulusgraphite.com/new-products/copy-of-2
  5. Welcome, Steen. It sounds like the dead spot issue on Fender bass. How about try a FatFinger. Clamping it on headstock might help release the issue.
  6. Here is a Mattisson Series II.
  7. Four basses so far, and try to not incease collection. — Elrick Platinum evolution singlecut 5-string — Jens Ritter R8 5-string — John Carruthers’ custom 5-string with graphite neck
  8. Hi all, I am from Amsterdam. I played bass during school days, and stopped for 12 years after graduation. Within this year, I have tried to recap everything with John Carruthers' custom bass (made in 2006) at home. In the meantime, I bought few basses, books and an amp to accelerate the progress, but not revealed the real price to my dear wife. 😛 Hope enjoy the bass and discussion with you guys. CC
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