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Everything posted by L-mac

  1. Hi Guys Just been offered an "early 80's Squire by Fender Jazz, made in japan" Can any one help me confirm it is as described - what should I be looking for?. Also - whats it worth? Been asked for £120. all help appreciated. cheers L
  2. UPDATE Well......he got his first bass at the weekend and spent Sunday learning a couple of U2 tracks - 4 note specials - and feeling very pleased with himself!! Piano practice tonight didnt raise a single complaint for the first time in months. Thanks for all the input, advice and brilliant posts. cheers L
  3. + 1 on the new website - seems a bit pointless with no stock. BigRedX - they have had a couple of people out sick this week - in particular Andy who runs the bass department. Might explain the lack of service you experienced.
  4. The Funk - you got PM
  5. + 1 for K basses I learned the entire sex pistols Never Mind the b****cks album....... played at full volume in my bedroom thru an old 400w p.a. system I picked up for £20. my family only recently started talking to me again!!!
  6. Guys thanks for all the input, ideas and advice - am loving this community! what I've decided is............ he sticks with piano lessons, plus I get him a bass of his own and I teach him some basics. If after 6 months - once the novelty factor has gone - and his heart is really with the bass, then he can drop piano and concentrate on bass. so all I need to do now is find him a 1/2 or 3/4 scale bass - he is just too small to handle any of my full scale basses. Thanks again & I will let you know how he gets on! cheers L
  7. Hi With the imminent arrival of my Sandberg California JM (droool - cant wait!) my Warwick Fortress Rockbass is redundant. I've always fancied trying fretless - so had the idea of getting a defret done on the warwick. BUT - am I spending money on an instrument only to devalue it? (It is in "out of the box"pefect nick) Am I better just to try to trade it for a fretless? thoughts? experiences? cheers
  8. thanks for the thoughts guys. I think you are right - if his heart is in bass thats the way to go (with a good tutor so he doesnt pick up his old man's sloppy technique!) faithless - not so much about whether the boy has the time, more about the dads finances to pay for the lessons & dads time to get him to/from lessons thanks again.
  9. my 10 year old boy has been pestering me to get him a bass for the last year. he is currently learning piano - to a reasonable standard - grade 3 jazz. I am deciding what to do......... - keep encouraging him on the piano so he gets a really strong foundation in theory, sight reading, etc. He can pick up bass later on with the advantage of a great grounding in music theory. - or let him go with his heart - get him a bass and find him a tutor (doing both is not an option) thoughts?
  10. Hi guys newbie here.........would be interested to hear your opinions on sandberg basses, specifically the California JJ. cheers
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