So as the title suggests.
Does the Jaguar give you "that P bass" sound?
I confess, I've never actually owned a P bass, and I accept I'm probably in the minority here, but I've never been a fan of Fender guitars. I just think they're so damned ugly!
However, having been on this forum for a while now, there seems to be massive love for the P bass (and also probably equally the Jazz bass) sound. So to anyone who has one, does the Jaguar give you some sort of approximation of the P, and as it's a PJ configuration, the Jazz bass sound? Or does it fall short on both accounts? Now I don't expect miracles, and I fully accept that it's a Squier and not a full on vintage fender P, but I've got the chance of picking one up at a ridiculous price (equivalent of £130 UK) and they seem to be fairly well received. So how does it compare (everything being relative of course)
Can I get a taste of that much sort after P bass sound from a cheap Jag?