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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. If that were true Jaco would be sh#t next to me.
  2. Yup. Same here. I've asked sellers questions many times, and often gone on to bid / buy said item if I get a good response from the seller. I've even bought stuff on auctions I've lost a few times, because the winning bidder didn't pay, so the seller has come back to me because they knew I was genuinely interested.
  3. Yup. Exactly the same here. 3 hour rehearsal is usually followed by a couple of hours at a local restaurant with band membersfor a good meal and occasionally a few beers, and deconstruct what we've done that day and bounce around a few ideas. Again this is for original material, and something we never did in my previous covers band with all the members. I can't even imagine being in a band with someone who isn't first and foremost a friend. I wouldn't last two minutes.
  4. I sold all my dogging gear on eBay. I had loads of watchers. (I'll get my coat)
  5. The whole point of the Headrush and the likes are that they're full range flat response. Which theoretically should mean that they produce a totally uncolored sound. I'm not sure how making them sound "better" would even be possible. They're either FRFR, or they're not.
  6. I don't get band who don't want to rehearse. I like rehearsing more than gigging. But for me, in an originals band, that's where the magic happens. I much prefer the creative process of creating music, than actually playing it in front of a crowd. Some people see rehearsing as a necessary evil at best, and something they just have to put up with. I feel pretty much the same way about gigging.
  7. I was going to bag it straight after you posted. But I have no idea what it is. 😆
  8. I use these for my six string. They're far better than the price would suggests, and at six quid a pack you can afford to throw the extra strings away. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SET-OF-CHAMP-6-STRING-BASS-GUITAR-ROUND-WOUND-STRINGS-30-125-/153818811958?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0P
  9. I'm going to pass my bass on to my grandson. Hell probably have to think about changing the strings when he reaches retirement age.
  10. Well. After giving it a few listens through, I've decided it's too difficult for me. I'm out!
  11. Six string bass. You can tell by the way that the low B and high C aren't played in unison with the other strings which aren't played.
  12. Beatbuddy is the closest thing you can get to a live drummer as you can stomp the pedal to do fills, or cymbal hits, and change between verse, chorus etc. I think it would work great to add drums to maybe a two piece of you wanted to keep things small and tidy and not have to have a full kit and drummer on a small stage. Not sure how well it would work with a full band on a large scale though.
  13. Absolutely this. The magic comes from the chemistry of X amount of people sitting in a room, swapping ideas, and just jamming it out. I wouldn't expect anything at all going in. It's a matter of putting a bit of time in and seeing if it gels.
  14. Not to mention trolling and purposely trying to wind people up. But nothing new there.
  15. God Sting bores me. I couldn't even make it down the list of song titles. 😂
  16. Please imagine whitty song title based retort here. (I don't know any Sting songs except Roxanne and I couldn't make that work)
  17. Hi Drobny. Welcome to the forum. Where are you in Eastern Europe? I live in Bulgaria.
  18. It only took me three weeks to learn Get Back. I am a bass legend!
  19. Some people don't find someone acting like a total bell end particularly funny.
  20. Just looked that up. It looks like a superb bit of kit. Literally built for the job. Add a ryrhm guitar in a single pedal. Genius! I now need one of these!
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