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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I managed 45 seconds. One man's funny is another mans chimp acting like a total tw@t. Can't argue with the blokes talent though.
  2. But how do I know what I'm looking for until I see it and GAS tells me?
  3. And a 5 string and 6 string section too. Ooh, and one for Reekingburgers that we can all ignore. 😁
  4. Yeah I was really looking forward to seeing him. He did the first set with his new (at the time) band, Los Pacaminos and they were great. Then he did his solo stuff in the second set, and it was just awful.
  5. I saw him about ten years ago and he was Godawful then. His voice is totally shot.
  6. Exactly this. I'm not in it for the money, which is lucky because I'd starve. I'm not even into it for the gigging. I really couldn't care less. It's kind of just a necessary evil that makes being in a band make sense. It's purely the creative aspect, and hanging around with like minded friends doing something we all enjoy. Playing Sex on Fire or any of the other cheesy crap a load of drunken idiots want to listen to doesn't factor into the equation at all for me. The final straw in my previous band was Rocking in the Free World. I decided there and then I'd never play another song I couldn't stand. Nothing wrong with it if that's your bag, but I'd rather sit in front of the telly.
  7. As I said. It very much depends on why you're in a band. If I was in a paid, gigging band then I'd play absolutely anything. If you're playing for enjoyment, then why play something you don't enjoy? There are literally millions of songs. Even in a five or six piece band, there has to be plenty of songs that everyone likes, or at least don't care about one way or the other, without having to play something you can't stand. I play purely for enjoyment. I don't play things I don't enjoy listening to. Or by artists I can't stand the sight or sound of. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nobody is forcing me to play, and no one ever will. Either way it's irrelevant as I don't play covers anymore anyway, and have no desire to do so.
  8. I agree. I can't imagine anything more depressing than being forced to play something you hate, when you're in a band to make music for enjoyment. Why would anyone do something they don't enjoy as a hobby?
  9. It very much depends on the reason you're in a band. If it's financial, then I'd just get on with it. If it's just for fun and playing the songs is not fun. Then I'd reuse to play them. This was a constant bone of contention in my last band. I flatly refused to play anything by Oasis, or as the guitarist at the time was insisting, The Shadows. There has to be some kind of compromise, but there are certain songs and artists that I can't stand, and I wouldn't be willing to budge on that, unless there was money involved. Then it's just a job.
  10. Yup. I often see the old Russian instruments at local flea markets. I've never bothered asking how much, because they usually look way too rough to even bother with. But they certainly wouldn't be anything like that much. Especially, when checking local listings and I can pick this up for around £170.
  11. Ah I'm so sorry. After all that bother and checking, you still ended up with a Rickenbacker. (I jest of course. It looks great)
  12. That's about 45 minutes down the road from me. I see these old Russian basses pop up quite a lot, usually at really low prices, but they always look absolutely knackered.
  13. I got mine second hand from an ex Toto roadie.
  14. I usually find three foot six, plus fifteen spans and the length of a six year old female zebra is optimal.
  15. Newfoundfreedom

    Zoom MS-60B

    You can set it to either mute, or bypass, in the settings. 😉
  16. I got a Fender ABY for about £25 off eBay, and about the same price for a blender pedal. Add to that something like a Zoom MS-60B and you're covered for about £100 all in.
  17. Yes precisely, and to change or combine the two. So for example A to the FX unit for guitar sound. B bass direct to the amp. Y bass and guitar simultaneously.
  18. I don't see why not. I used to use a line 6 M13 and get a pretty reasonable approximation. But you'll also need an ABY pedal to split the signal and make it switchable between bass and "guitar" then something like a blender pedal to recombine the two signals going into the amp, unless your amp has two inputs.
  19. That's bonkers for the price! I'd love to see a video of if / how well it works on bass.
  20. I can't stand the Thumb Burglar, but she's got a point. However. I still vote C, irritating!
  21. Removing the film wouldn't make any difference whatsoever to returns. And I've never found returning anything to Thomann the slightest bit of a hassle. It couldn't be easier.
  22. I've returned two things in the past 12 months to Thomann. A six string bass, and an electric drum kit. The return postage was prepaid for both items and it didn't cost me a penny. I'm in the EU so if you're having to pay return postage then it must be a UK thing.
  23. I'm my case it's for both. The back line is also the FOH. I think I've played through a PA about twice in my life.
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