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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I've just been upgraded to "Mentor" 😳 Ha ha! You're all scr@wed now.
  2. And while you're at it, drop anything else by Status Quo.
  3. Not to mention leaving a whole load of nasty looking screw holes exposed.
  4. Hi Dan. I love Timisoara, it's a very beautiful city. I have stayed there a few times on my road trips between the UK, and Bulgaria where I now live. I can't remember the name of it, but there's an especially nice restaurant right on the corner of the main square which is absolutely superb, and does (or at least used to) a Dracula mixed grill. Bloody lovely! 😋
  5. Yeah I had a look at mine but I couldn't find a bloody tape measure anywhere, but it looks like standard 19mm spacing, so there should be plenty of choices for replacement bridges.
  6. I think the bloke in the white shirt must have been her carer.
  7. I watch this guy quite a bit on YouTube. A lot of it is clickbaity rubbish with regards to the presentation and subject matter. But his playing is phenomenal.
  8. Thanks. Yeah that's not bad. My current 6er (ESP LTD B206) is about 6.5kg. it's a real behemoth.
  9. Thanks. I'm really tempted by this, but it's probably a no go thanks to bloody Brexit. 😡
  10. Just out of curiosity, what's the weight of this? It doesn't say in the spec listing.
  11. I'll be honest. I always associate the name Cort with lower quality, budget end gear, but that looks ridiculously tasty, and the spec at that price is phenomenal!
  12. 2 beers and a poke in the eye where I live.
  13. That's exactly why they're to blame. Everything that comes out of Boris' mouth is a lie. So if he says there's no fuel shortages. There almost certainly is. Or at the very least, people are going to believe there is.
  14. I can't say I'd blame them given the place they were put in the lineup. They never stood a chance. Anyway. Back on track. So....... Nirvana. 😁
  15. I love Extreme, I always thought they were massively underrated. Didn't they put them on immediately after Pantera or some other heavy rock band? Hardly surprising they bombed given the audience.
  16. Quite a statement considering Kurt Cobain was responsible for pretty much the most incoherent, drug addled live performances I've ever seen. They couldn't even lace the boots of contemporary rock acts like Aerosmith and GnR at the time.
  17. I suppose everything is relative depending on your own tastes and experiences. There are 4 of my all time favourite bands on that list that I still listen to on a regular basis. Nirvana were barely a footnote for me. It wouldn't even cross my mind to play one of their albums today. For others Nirvana had a massive impact on their musical journey. I was 16 in 1991 when Nirvana were arguably at the peak of their popularity. So exactly the right age to be target audience, yet they somehow just passed me by. I was aware of them, but there was nothing about them that would make me go out of my way to listen to them or go and buy an album. Having said that, the floodgates were open on all the Manchester music scene dross at the time which all my friends were into and I absolutely hated. Compared to that Nirvana were Gods.
  18. The tuner works fine with bass, even on my sixer. Mine came with an EU plug, but I'm in the UE so maybe the UK one comes with an adapter.
  19. I think I've only heard of about 5 bands on that list, and the only album out of the 30 I've listened to is Never Mind. Meanwhile. Iron Maiden, Metallica, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith et all, continued to release albums and sell out stadiums and arenas for the next 30 years. Maybe no-one told them they were dead?
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