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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I saw the documentary last night. It was interesting enough. But at the time of Nirvana's "meteoric rise" around 90 - 91. I was much more into bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Guns n Roses, Skid Row, Motley Crue, Thunder, Alice Cooper etc, I find the claim that grunge killed so called "hair metal" absolutely laughable. I was barely even aware of their existence, other than the continually played Smells Like Teen Spirit that was absolutely hammered to death on MTV, they weren't even a ripple in a lake of great rock and metal music. I was actually surprised to find out that they released several albums. Never Mind was the only album I was even aware of.
  2. Yup. Another one here with the HB Airborne Pro. I have gigged it and use it for practice every week. No issues whatsoever. It has 4 selectable channels, so even in the unlikely event of interference, you can just change to another channel. Well worth the money.
  3. Vinyl was before my time. I had a few records, and an old record player, but by the time I started developing my own tastes it was all about cassette tapes. Now if you want to talk about a real shoddy musical medium.......
  4. All true. But I actually meant literally, not figuratively. Compelling viewing if you haven't already seen it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3253624/
  5. I wouldn't know. I could never understand a single word he was singing.
  6. I can't understand how their appearance on The Word would have in any way elevated then to fame. I remember seeing it at the time. Kurt Cobain was absolutely smashed of his tits and they played and sounded absolutely awful. That very appearance was one of the reasons I never really rated the band at all. Yeah granted, they probably had a unique sound at the time. But the slurry illegible, unintelligible singing totally ruined it for me. I never understood why they were considered to be such a great band.
  7. Ah bugger! Sold already? That'll teach me not to go around the bar instead of trawling Basschat. ☹️
  8. I had the Donner ones for about the same price and they were excellent. I'm current using the Harley Benton which, if I remember correctly is about £90 and it's superb!
  9. I hated reaction videos, until I found The Charismatic Voice on YouTube. Then I think I fell a bit in love.
  10. Ah bugger. Looks like they're narrower then my current ESP pups which look to be about 38mm. So might be a bit gappy. 😕
  11. I've been looking for some Barts for my sixer for ages. I might be interested in the pre and the pickups if the dimensions are correct. Can you post pictures and dimensions please. Cheers
  12. I'm looking forward to the Trace Elliott one. Eau de Heft!
  13. Wow! They even managed to make a turntable look dull.
  14. Great price. The case alone is probably worth half the asking price.
  15. Here's one of our very amateur efforts. But we've all got to start somewhere I guess. https://youtu.be/Db3USbk1lbY I don't know why it's only posting a link instead of embedding the video.
  16. God forbid. With my art skills, if I designed a bass it would come out looking like Mr Sneeze from the Mr Men books.
  17. I actually really like the quirkyness of these. I much prefer them to the standard Music Man.
  18. We all know what an earworm is. A song you hear and can't get out of your head all day. But does anyone else get dreamworms, where you actually wake up with a song in your head that you haven't heard in years? I suspect it's some sort of nighttime re-filing that the brain does while we're sleeping. I do it quite often. This is today's little gem. A song I haven't heard or thought about in a very long time, and I'd totally forgotten even existed. What an absolute banger!
  19. My Dad died three weeks ago, and my mum has a lot of health problems that we haven't even started dealing with yet. I love being in a band. Sometimes it's my whole reason for getting out of bed on a morning. But sometimes there are bigger priorities. You shouldn't even feel guilty about getting out and getting on with more important things. Good luck. I wish your wife and your Dad the best of health.
  20. Thanks. I really enjoyed that Nice to hear someone actually play a bass rather than doing honky noodling Jaco impressions or slapping the snot out if it.
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