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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Thanks. I have the M version but I'll give it a try.
  2. To be honest, all of the above goes totally over my head. I plug my bass in, and I play, and a noise like a bass comes out. I twiddle with the mids and play, and a noise like a bass comes out. I can hear a subtle difference, but I've no idea how you would tailor that to go with what the rest of the band is doing. I just don't hear "frequencies" like some people on here seem to be able to do. I have pretty much everything set on 12 o'clock and I play. I can twiddle for hours but all I do is drive myself mad. Except from the extremes, nothing sounds particularly better or worse, just different, and after a while I lose the will to live, put everything back at 12 o'clock and crack on.
  3. There have been several threads on here and FRFR setups. I very nearly went down that road myself recently, but then my head was turned by some bargain Ashdown gear. Good to hear another good review from the FRFR fraternity.
  4. At least this is one thing I don't have to worry about. Nobody's ever paid me. 😆
  5. I think it's a Status Quo bass because you'd have to be snorting coke to buy it.
  6. I think that's a work of art. Absolutely stunning.
  7. It's not an "or" situation. 😆.
  8. There's quite a few of these style basses knocking around. They're a combination of fretless and fretted. Because.......... Why take two bottles into the shower. I believe they're switchable between the fretless only section, the fretted only section, or both section at once. They actually make a lot of sense if you play a set with a lot of swapping around between fretted and fretless, but they do look utterly ridiculous!
  9. I'll take it at the higher price. Don't want to be a cheapskate.
  10. Straight out of From Dusk Till Dawn. 😆
  11. Again, I quite like them. But the brightly coloured ones look like children's toys.
  12. Yup. Probably. I like interesting looking basses, either in natural wood or a colour wash with the grain still showing. I can't stand anything brightly painted or Fender shaped. I'm still trying, and failing, to get over the trauma of my first bass. A gloss black Fender clone with action so high you could hang your washing from it.
  13. They're great! Other than the bottom one, I'd happily play any of them. Plus the third one doubles as a bottle opener. Win win!
  14. Well, after almost 3 years I've just sold the Wharfdale cabs for pretty much what I paid for them. Not because they weren't great, but because I couldn't resist the absolute bargain Ashdowns from Musik Productiv. So I've now gone with a more lightweight two 1x12 setup. As for the Wharfdales, they've been absolutely bullet proof. I've gigged them several times as well as used then for weekly practice for almost 3 years. They always performed and sounded superb. So all in all. Yeah I've been pretty pleased with my "cheap" Wharfdale cabs. Hopefully the new owner will have many years of Good usage out of them as well.
  15. Even better. At that price, if anyone is insane enough to buy it, you just order one directly from Thomann and drop ship directly to the buyer. Easy £900 profit.
  16. Sid Viscous. He's the only famous musician I can think of who's a worse bass player than me.
  17. Is this guy on glue? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Harley-Benton-bass-guitar-BZ-6000-Deluxe-/265311371793?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Harley-Benton-BZ-7000-NT-7-string-bass-guitar-/265311366977?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  18. Damn! I think a little bit of wee just came out. 😮
  19. I genuinely like all the above. The ugliest basses I've ever seen are standard Fenders. In fact, to be fair I'm not even sure ugly is the right word. They're not interesting enough to be ugly. They're just a massive pile of bland.
  20. Yes. Although I can't remember who. But it was on a different thread. The general consensus was that the Tube had a somewhat warmer tone than the Mosfet. Edit. Maybe it was earlier in this thread, but I'm not reading back through 18 pages. 😆
  21. Gretsch Junior Jet. Superb basses. Cheap as chips, built like tanks, and sound like thunder.
  22. I think you're misunderstand the job title. Don't forget to add roadie and sound engineer. 😆
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