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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Same here, and I genuinely love the tone that comes from it.
  2. Thanks everybody. Just need to raise some cash and hope it's still available.
  3. I know nothing about Wishbone Ash. All I got from the original post was that Bugera Veyron's are brilliant! A sentiment with which I wholeheartedly agree. 😁
  4. Is it my eyes, or are the "frets" just a bit of wire wrapped around the neck?
  5. We had a "guitarist, singer, songwriter" advertise locally for a bassist, stating that they must be vegan, and mysoginists need not apply. Can't eat meat or degrade women. What's the point in being in a band? I'm out! I was actually on a vegan kick at the time, and I don't consider myself particularly mysoginistic. But the guy sounded like such a Sir Richard Head III you couldn't have paid me enough to be in a band with him.
  6. Yeah it would mean a 3 hour train ride to view the bass in person for a proper test drive. Weight, no idea, but being chambered it has to be lighter than my current 14lb behemoth.
  7. Oh somebody please contact him and ask for the demos. I'm dying to know if he's as good as he thinks he is.
  8. I've just spotted this on Facebook marketplace. Doing a little research it appears that Svetano is a custom builder / luthier here in Bulgaria. There has been a couple of them listed on here over the years. But it looks like all the photos are now defunkt. I've been gassing for a fanfret 6er for a while, and this looks like it could scratch the itch. So I thought I'd post it on here for the more experienced and eagle eyed amongst you to give it a look and see if I'm missing anything. All I can see "wrong" with it is the pickups look a bit shoddy with a couple of the poles slightly sunken, and they appear to be held on with couple of DIY wood screws. I know that this is a retro done by the owner, and not original work by the builder. The spec, as I can best translate. Top - 100 year old Madagascar Ebony. Base - Sapele Mahogany. Neck - Mahogany / Maple. Acoustic openings. Pickups - Alnico 2 humbucker 20 kohm divided into 2 singles (I'm assuming he means split coils) 3 band active electronics with 4 selectable frequencies 440, 550, 800, 1000hz 33-36" scale. Elixir medium guage strings. The builder's work looks pretty good, at least to my untrained eye. Those with Facebook can see more (plus the original build of this) here. https://www.facebook.com/zvetano-custom-basses-225369094171732/ The price at the current exchange rate is around 560 of her majesty the Queen's British pounds. It looks like a hell of a lot of bass for that money to me. Am I missing anything?
  9. I thought the same from The Greeks original description before I even saw the pictures.
  10. Bloody amateur! I don't even need a fretless bass to play all the wrong notes.
  11. I think that's the thing, as I said earlier. They've been around for so long, that which ever albums were current when you started listening to them are the sound you associate with them and usually like. For a lot of the (ahem) more mature basschatters, it's the early Paul Di'Anno albums. For me it was Seventh Son. Then I worked backwards from there, next getting into Somewhere in Time and Piece of Mind. They're still my favourite 3 Maiden Albums, even though I then bought and regularly listened to their entire back catalogue. I went to see the Dance of Death tour but couldn't really get into the album. I really really tried to love No Prayer for the Dying and Fear of the Dark, and although i liked a lot of the tracks, the album's as a whole never had the same impact as the first three I got into. The Blaze Bailey albums, I didn't listen to at all, they just weren't Maiden to me. Then all the post Brave New World stuff just kind of passed me by entirely.
  12. I'm like that at practice every week. 😆
  13. I love ABBA. Cheesy pop tunes disguising deep and disturbing lyrics, written by two couples being torn apart by bitterness and divorce. Which made people tap their feet and sing along, with absolutely no idea what they're really singing about. Genius! I'm looking forward to hearing this one.
  14. Natural for me. I can live with a fine colour wash that still shows the grain. I can't stand anything painted. It always feels cheap to me. I know in reality the opposite is probably true. But I grew up playing really crap instruments that were always painted bright and shiny colours to make them look better than they were. I know that in reality, this has nothing to do with a good quality, well painted instrument. I just can't get over the ingrained feeling that paint = cheap and tacky.
  15. I still use 2 core mains cable. But it's black. Still no chance of confusing it with an instrument cable, apart from the fact that it's much heavier cable, all my instrument leads are braided, and the speaker cable has speakon connectors.
  16. The thread is 12 years old! I suspect the bass has been sold by now.
  17. Yippee! Soon to be more than proficient. There's a first time for everything. 😆
  18. Does anyone else get an annoying power hum from their ms-60B? I've tried everything I can think of and I can't get rid of it, it's even there running on batteries, so it can't be mains related, and it disappears if I take the pedal out of the equation, so can't be bass or amp related either.
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