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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Well my vote goes with 2x112's. More convenient to only have to carry one for small gigs, and still easier to transport than a single 2x12 should you need a second one for larger gigs. Plus the vertical stacking thing gives you a much better sound in your ears than a 2x12 firing at your ankles. That was my reasoning anyway. Which is why I just bought two 112's. 😁
  2. Yay! I made the list with my Ashdown Evo 112's. I'm officially lightweight. There's a first time for everything. 😆
  3. What five pages? You're the third post.
  4. Don't look at the for sale section. You have been warned! 😅
  5. Yes. Buying more gear will always trump being sensible. Congratulations sir. You truly are a bass player. 😅
  6. Keep what you've got and get the rest of the band to turn down. If the Mag300 and 2x10 are struggling at "small" gigs, the rest of the band is way too loud. I've got the Behringer Mag300 clone, and running out through my 2x10 It makes my ears bleed at anything above half volume.
  7. It seems to me that that reputation comes largely from heresay, spread mostly by people that thinks the brand is beneath them, and have never actually owned any Behringer gear. This seems especially prevalent on American based forums, where the attitude seems to be, if it's not made in 'Murica, it's crap.
  8. That's a good point. I never thought about it that way around. I bet there are loads of bands where at least one member is not willing to go and play to crowds yet.
  9. They were also doing the 112's at the ridiculous price of 156 Euros (about £135) I grabbed one of the last ones and it arrived today. Can't go wrong at that price.
  10. I'm not sure how much that's going to annoy me yet. I might even contact Ashdown and see if I can buy a replacement badge.
  11. My new cab turned up today. It turns out I accidentally ordered the Evo1 the first time around (locally) but the second cab I ordered from Muzik Produktiv is the mk2. Although they're slightly different, luckily they're the same dimensions so stack nicely. Lightweight, powerful and look great (to my eye at least). Can't wait until Wednesday practice now to put them through their paces.
  12. I've got the B-206SM. It weighs about the same as a church, but I love it! Really slim neck and super easy to play for a 6er.
  13. Great stage setup. I bet that was a real buzz. I think I'd die of anxiety before I got within 40 yards of the stage.
  14. Justyn Delbridge. It says so on his YouTube channel.
  15. We've played one outdoor, small charity gig a couple of weeks ago. We've got a small private party this weekend, which I'm hosting in my barn, and a possible mini, outdoor festival in my garden in a couple of weeks time, which again I'm hosting, with another two local bands, if the local lockdown situation permits. That'll do me for now. Outdoor gigs and small private functions where I know who is in attendance and have some control over numbers. I've got no desire to play busy indoor bars full of the great unwashed. Although, to be fair. That was the case even before Covid.
  16. I've got these. They're superb. Certainly nothing to complain about at the price. https://m.thomann.de/gb/behringer_b1031a.htm
  17. Yup. Mostly this I think. Plus a large dose of brand snobbery. I love Behringer (along with Harley Benton) I couldn't afford to partake in my hobby as an extremely amateur musician without them. I've got loads of Behringer stuff, and despite the reputation, it's absolutely bullet proof.
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