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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I'm still seriously tempted to try one of these when they come back in stock. A lightweight (16kg) 2x10 for under 120 quid. Ridiculous! https://www.thomann.de/intl/harley_benton_solidbass_210t.htm?i11l=en_GB%3ABG.EUR
  2. That seems like a hell of a bargain at that price. I can't see how you could go wrong. I've had a fair bit of HB stuff now, and I'm always surprised at how good it is. In fact, it's now my go to brand for most things.
  3. I thought the same. It sounds crap. Then again, that's often the case with bass in isolation. For me, it just doesn't work as a solo instrument.
  4. Yes. I think this is the mk1 Evo. It looks to have been changed on the mk2 (the op's above) I'll try it and see what it sounds like, but I'll probably have the tweeter switched off anyway. I'm not a fan of the top end twange. If I do use it and the grill is causing interference, I can always remove the bracing on that corner. It does seem to be a bit of a design flaw though.
  5. Cool. The first of the two I ordered arrived today too. I'm looking forward to trying it tomorrow. The second one, from MP should be here in the next few days. 😁
  6. Try the Bugera Veyron BV1001T. Ignore the name. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, and they're so cheap you wouldn't even need to sell the SVT first.
  7. The bass player in my mates covers band has one. I was sitting outside the bar they were playing in on a recent warm night, with the patio doors open and the bass sounded great. Even from outside. It Easily kept up with the rest of the band, 2 loud guitarists and a drummer. I couldn't believe it when I went in and saw a small combo in the corner. Although I don't know why I'd be so surprised, as I myself have been using the Bugera Veyron for the past couple of years and the thing sounds like thunder. I can't imagine ever playing anywhere where I would need it above half volume.
  8. Hard to believe this is still sitting here at that price. If I was in the UK I'd be on it like a shot.
  9. Yeah you also need something like 4000 hours watch time over a 12 month period. I don't think I'm ever in any danger of hitting that 😅 I just assumed that they wouldn't be putting ads on until / unless you were monetised first.
  10. Hi all. I've been posting a few videos from rehearsals on our band's fairly recently created YouTube channel. We don't have many subscribers at this point, and obviously we're a million miles away from hitting the kind of targets we'd need for monetisation. But I've noticed, when I go to one of our videos on my phone, I sometimes get ads playing before the video starts. Are they allowed to do that? Obviously I'm not receiving any proceeds from advertising. I always thought they only put ads on the monetised channels.
  11. Yup. I've come to the same conclusion. There were a couple of OK tracks on the greatest hits playlist I went through, but nothing I'd buy or go out of my way to listen to again. They just don't do it for me I'm afraid.
  12. I can only echo what everybody else has said mate. I hope things improve and you can get some relief and quality of life. In the meantime, take it easy.
  13. Before the update, if I clicked on unread posts, then opened a thread, it would automatically take me to the first unread post in that thread. Now, when I do that, it just opens at the beginning of the thread and I have to manually go through the thread to find the last unread post. There is now just a line which tells me where the unread posts start, but I still have to go through manually to find it, which can be really annoying when threads are several pages long. What's all that about? How do I get the threads to automatically jump to the last unread post?
  14. Weirdly it's just this second finished playing. I'm currently listening to their best songs playlist on YouTube to see what else I've missed.
  15. To be fair, that's far better than anything I've just listened to on the Disintegration album, and their sound live is far better than the overproduced album sound. I still wouldn't rush out and buy it, but it's a lot better than most of the stuff I've heard.
  16. That's weird. I'm just this minute listening to Disintegration, after a friend asked on Facebook what everyone thought the best Cure album is. I came on here and this was the first thread that popped up. I've never been a Cure fan, but never been able to figure out why. So I thought I'd give them another go. I really should like them with the bass driven melodies, but I just don't. I love the bass lines, but hate pretty much everything else. It's just wishy washy noise. It's like listening to music underwater. It's a shame the bass player is leaving. He's the only decent thing in the band.
  17. Not sure why. That's just the side I've always stood in rehearsal. Standing anywhere else just feels wrong now. 😅
  18. It's weird that you should mention The Doors, I've never particularly associated that track as having a Doors vibe. This one however feels quite Doorsy to me, and other people have said the same. (Apologies for the sound quality. It's just a mobile phone recording)
  19. Thanks Al. I'd recommend the Veyron to anybody. It's ridiculously good, and I've never managed to turn it up past half way. The bass is an ESP LTD B206-SM
  20. Another vote for Studio One here. Reaper is essentially free (you can evaluate it with no time limit) So that's definitely a large plus. But as a total DAW virgin I couldn't figure it out at all. I then tried Studio One and I found the user interface to be far better, and the whole system to be far more intuitive.
  21. Eek! This is a really difficult one for me. I've always felt like a bit of an imposter on here with the level of skill and professionalism of many of the members. We're very much an friend amateur hobby band , two couples (I'm married to the singer, and the guitarist is married to the drummer) so please don't expect stadium level performance. OK here goes (deep breath). This is the first couple of songs from our first ever public performance two weeks ago, with our own original material. It's very amateur and nothing like the level of most of the posts on here. But I guess I've got to stick my head above the parapet at some point. Please excuse the "outfit". It was 40°c when we played. I had taken a change of clothes to wear after setting up, but it was so bloody hot I didn't bother.
  22. Yup. Looks like you got the last one, and I ordered mine just in the nick of time yesterday. The 1x12's are no longer listed. Can't say I'm surprised at that price once word got out. I'm looking forward to trying my new, lightweight rig. 😉
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