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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. OK sod it! That's a 1x112 ordered from Muzik Produktiv to match the one I've already ordered locally. Nice little 2x12 600w lightweight stack. Can't go wrong at that price. Even with the delivery charge it's cheaper than the one I bought locally, which itself was cheaper than any of the UK retailers 😁
  2. Just put a dummy order in without completing, and it's an extra 30Euro delivery charge to get to me here in Bulgaria. I realize it's slightly more distance from Germany to here than it is to the UK, but I always find it strange when delivery is charged to another EU country, yet free to the UK. But even with the delivery charge, the 1x12 I'm looking at is still 50 euros cheaper than I can find it anywhere else.
  3. I'm waiting for my first one to come so I can try it and make sure it does the job, before ordering a second. I'm betting before it arrives, MP will have sold out at that price.
  4. Newfoundfreedom

    DI box

    Wouldn't one of those Behringer preamp / DI jobbies do the trick? They seem to be highly rated and they're only about 18 quid. https://www.behringer.com/product.html?modelCode=P0294
  5. I'm still marveling at the fact that someone used the word heist. It's hardly oceans 11. Somebody probably nicked a box from the back of an unattended van, and flogged the contents down the local pub having absolutely no idea what they were.
  6. I've just ordered a 112 locally for about £40 more than MP are selling it. I wish this thread has been posted a day earlier. I wanted a super lightweight option for small venues and the 112's look just the job. I'm still awaiting delivery, but if it's any good, I'm tempted to order a second one from MP at that price. 2x112's at a total of 600w should be more than I'd ever need for the venue's we play, and I'd never have to hump my super heavy old 115 and 212 anywhere again.
  7. I would have killed for that rig 30 years ago. Now I think that rig would probably kill me. I still can't help but drool a little bit when I see a full on Trace stack though. 🤤
  8. I'm really starting to think the Zoom MS-60B is all the pedal I'll ever need having recently bought one from this very parish. I don't use a lot of effects. So anything like the Helix would be massive overkill, not to mention prohibitively expensive. Cheap. Extremely compact, and covers just about any sound I wish to make. So much so, that I'm now thinking of selling my Line 6 M13 that I've been using for years.
  9. That's so cool! I've been eyeing the PJB stuff for a long time now. I actually watched an interview with Phil just yesterday explaining how and why he uses small drivers. I've now come to conclusions that two if the Piraha C4's in red would be my ultimate bass rig. I'd better get saving.
  10. Yet to me, the three you mentioned. Are amongst my favourite vocalists of all time. No accounting for taste.
  11. Wow! Spooky! I've just this minute ordered one of these from a music shop here in Bulgaria at a great price. Should solve all my problems for a lightweight small venue rig. Thanks everybody for the advice. This was even cheaper than a budget frfr, so it looks like the FRFR thing is on hold for the foreseeable future. As you were. 😁
  12. Yeah true. That's one of the reasons I was looking at FRFR. But I've got the Bugera Veyron amp, which is lightweight class D and fast more power than I'm ever likely to need. So the amp is actually the least of the problems. Finding a decent, portable cab without spending a fortune is more of a challenge. I might just have to hump the heavy cabs for a little while longer and save up for a PJB C4 compact.
  13. Thanks. What I mean is a 75w practice combo is nowhere near enough for even a small gig, and wouldn't be much good outside of bedroom levels. Whereas a 1400w (even though that would be peak value) would, and is by all accounts of the reviews and user experiences, plenty loud enough for even a moderately sized pub gig.
  14. There's a couple of the 15 inch versions second hand local(ish). I was initially tempted, but I'm put off by the 20kg weight. My whole mindset behind possibly buying one is to downsize my rig to do less humping around. If I bought one of the 15's I may as well just take one of my cabs. ☹️
  15. War volume. 😅 I'm not in a death metal band. We're a small venue, chilled out folkish band with one guitar and a ukulele. I don't think we're going to be knocking any walls over. As for ordering one. I think I may well just do that. Nothing to lose with Thomann's return policy. I'll be happy to review it as and when. As you say. There aren't any reviews for bass so it would be an interesting experiment if nothing else. Although there are plenty of bass players using the 12 inch Headrush, which is a very similar animal in a very similar price range, and the general consensus on that is extremely positive.
  16. Frequency response 48 - 1900hz That's lower than many purpose built bass cabs, and lower than the ones I'm currently using. So I can't see that it would be a problem. They're designed to handle a full band from bass to highs simultaneously. So I can't see how transients would be any worse than a bass cab. Again, having never used one I have no way of telling. All I have to go on are reviews, and the experience of other bass players, which seem to be overwhelmingly positive. Granted, if I was playing a stadium, then they'd need some serious PA support. But playing on a small bar or coffee shop. I can't see how they could fail to be honest.
  17. Not even close. There's absolutely no comparison between the the FRFR I listed, and a 75w practice combo. You obviously didn't read any of the reviews. If you think that the low price is still a marker of low quality in today's market, then you've never used any Harley Benton gear.
  18. https://www.thomann.de/intl/harley_benton_frfr_112a_guitar_dsp_monitor.htm?i11l=en_GB%3ABG.EUR
  19. Sadly the Barefaced is well out of my price range. It's three times the price of the FRFR I'm looking at, and weight wise the FRFR is only 14.6kg for the 12" version. So not much heavier.
  20. I once slept with my teenage cousin. Sorry. I may have misunderstood the question.
  21. Wow! Cool. I'm still struggling with the concept that a plastic full range speaker can replace a wooden, purpose built bass cab. Especially in the bass response and lower frequencies. I'm still going backwards and forwards on whether to get one of these or a couple of small, lightweight cabs. One of these would make far more sense, both financially and weight saving. Does anyone have any live recordings / videos of them in action please?
  22. This is what I'm really interested in. I don't really play gigs big enough for PA support. We only use the PA for vocals and acoustic guitar. Does the QSC handle the bass well enough to be a standalone back line cab replacement for small to medium venues?
  23. I'd quite like to slap Bob Geldoff. Does that count?
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