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  1. You've come to the right place, there are plenty of experts round here with far more knowledge than me. I think they were Japanese copies imported in the 70s. Do some digging on Rickenfakers, there are plenty of threads around.
  2. this thread made me dig this out [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW08GnKufQ8&feature=related[/media]
  3. so many gorgeous b lines to choose from on Motown [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhH-iNk1ZV8[/media]
  4. for reggae I'd go for a 2x15, with a mk 111 or mk vi head cheap, deep and loud there's usually one on fleabay or gumtree I use a mkv1 head with a trace 2x15 and its awesome for reggae
  5. I want to have a few hours on the sub-sofa with some herb and some Upsetters !!
  6. Thought I'd dig this out and get some photos done. It's been in a mates (dehumidified) cellar for the last 7 years, and doesn't really get look in since I got my Ric. Got it 2nd hand in 1978, when I was a wee nipper just getting into punk rock !! I went into the shop to get a £80 Columbus Precision copy, but the bloke insisted I have this for £120 instead. Good man.
  7. cool, and yes love the logo(s) treatment !
  8. possibly my favourite bassline, and the fab four at their peak [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuQ22WYr7N8&feature=fvwrel[/media]
  9. great find, thanks for sharing
  10. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whSYTSXm8wo[/media]
  11. +1 for some new found Peavey love! My current band (ska/reggae/punk) have just moved into a residential rehearsal room and I needed to borrow a head quick to go with my Trace 2 x 15" So I borrowed a MkVI XP head, and it is very well suited to what we do. Very pleased with it. Big massive bottom end, warm, punchy and very very loud. Really drives the reggae bits along nicely. It can do a really nice overdriven rock sound too. So if anybody has one of these going cheap let me know!
  12. got to be the jetglo for me, here's mine but they do look good in most colours [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/dscf5983x.jpg/"][/url] and I'd love to get hold of a Blackstar too
  13. [i]very reasonable[/i] price now added!
  14. Hi all, now surplus to requirements, so I may as well let this go plays well and sounds great good condition excellent beginners bass £110 cheers, Woodster
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