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Everything posted by grenadillabama

  1. It is also a lot of rhyme , but not the usual "boy/joy" or "girl/world" rhymes.
  2. I have a white Jackson 5. It hangs well and stays in tune. The sound was too bland for me and I went passive . I put a Quarterpounder Jazz on and one volume. Your red bass looks nice.
  3. Looks like three knobs.
  4. A Rickenbacker neck pickup is added. This pickup came from his 4001 Rickenbacker used on the first CCR albums.
  5. A Jazz was my first bass. I like the big changes a Sting Ray eq can make. Now I like my Mustangs but I want an active eq to change the sound . On recordings my Warwick Corvette sounds better than anything else I've used.One of my friends said "all basses sound the same". I told him all saxes sounded the same.
  6. Baloney, the tight spacing is less trouble for pick players ? I use a pick on a 8 string bass and would probably use a pick on a Bass vi. Maybe a 100 E would sound the most "solid" like a piano. It would pull that tremelo toward the neck some. There must be a good strong spring in that whammy.
  7. the band is Son Volt and the bass player is Andrew Duplantis. I don't know if his new bass is a parts bass.
  8. One of my favorite bands changed from a white Jazz Bass to a black Jazz with only a neck pickup and two knobs. It sounds maybe more like a old single coil Precision.
  9. Could a Bass VI owner tell me that this bass is bassy enough ? Would I be asked to bump up the 40 hZ eq ?The smallest short scale E string I use is a 95 on a Hofner . Can a Basss VI take a 95 (or 90) E string . I do like baritone gtrs like the one on Witchata Lineman.
  10. I have the active bubinga version and it sounds like a souped up Jazz Bass. The D machine snapped loose and I bought Gotoh tuners.
  11. Or have a trained blue tail fly land on the E string . When it took off the band would start up, playing Free Bird (Free Fly).
  12. I got my first Squier. It sounds different than the PJ 'Stang I have. An insect landed on it.
  13. I have Mustang PJ basses I like .I was pleased with the Squier Mustang bass I tried. Not only did it play well (at the store) but it sounded GOOD ! I am saving for a special run with a racing stripe at Chicago Music Exchange. It is a good store .
  14. My Rays have a zing to the treble that I find strange. I have learned to like it as a different flavor of bass. If it is too much there is the trusty P for a regular sound. OR: Does the audience hear a difference ?
  15. One of my favorite singles is "Pictures of Matchstick Men" and I used to play it. Was that a common Fender bass ?
  16. Maybe . With most active basses you have two "clicks" when you plug in all the way. I have made that mistake several times by not pushing the plug all the way in. Or a fault with Jack ??
  17. Beautiful paint job ! What if more trashed out basses were given a new lease on life ? It would be a new "style" if the trend caught on.
  18. I have one Korean Ray with a figured blue maple top . It looks great and sounds exactly like the Indonesian ash Rays. No complaints . US Ray "feels" better to play.
  19. Sandblasted blue American Special Precision Bass
  20. Those black guards look regal; dignified even ! I want to go back to black for my 78 Precision.
  21. I have a Mustang PJ and I think it gets two good sounds with the switch in the neck pickup or both pickups.I have a Ray 34 with a great eq that has a lot of range. That passive short scale Ray needs that preamp, I feel. The 'Stang is probably lighter .
  22. The blues players I have encountered were the least able to sing a vocal harmony.
  23. Yes, it is cheaper than the Precision Deluxe and it sounds a tad more "hot" . The body shape seems exactly like a Precision Bass.
  24. I like to move my right hand to play the high notes more mellow and the lowest notes more twangy. It is not an "angry" sound I'm after. I do try to not use the same tone on every song. Maybe 1/2pick and 1/2 fingers and some thumb and bridge palm-mute. I don't know if other band members hear any difference but I do.
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