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Everything posted by richy316

  1. Larry Graham = Mace Windu
  2. BASS CELLAR = MOS EISLEY LOL! You walk in eyeing up a rather expensive bass the assistant comes over to you and says "He doesn't like you!" "i don't like you either! you better watch yourself" Ok i'll shop elsewhere
  3. surgical spirit +1
  4. Yeh its right by Spearmint Rhino on the Hagley Road, 5 minute walk from Five Ways Island/Broad Street. And it looks huge!!!
  5. Presoul is back!! when did you sneak back?
  6. if you headline, i might let you borrow my full rig! lol.
  7. [quote]Is that pub any good? I went to see the Ned's at the Civic hall before Christmas and when we went back to me car, there was a queue out the door just to go in and have a drink.[/quote] Nah its a chavvy dive! The Royal London opposite is much better or the Little Civic.
  8. Well done mate! the first one is always the scariest, the sooner you play the next one the better you'll soon see the nerves disappear. As for the monitors at the Varsity they are how should i phrase it?...............sh*te? Did you stick around and listen to the other band?
  9. Ah i know it well. The stage is raised about 4ft and a bit hollow so if you take the combo it will boom a little so back off the bass, i've played there with a 75watt Peavey combo and its coped easily. I Think i was either mic'd or di'd anyway so you should be ok!
  10. Where's the gig at Sarah? and have you sorted a back up amp?
  11. This might be in the wrong section, maybe it should go in the general posts? you may get more response there.
  12. A friend on my myspace sent this bulletin thought some of you guys might be interested. Do you all remember Bass Frontiers Magazine from the 90's? They are under new ownership now, and will be launching their content in a digital, online, e-zine format. I wanted to let you know that I am working with Bass Frontiers Magazine (online) as an interviewer for celeb and up-and-coming bassists. Additionally, I will be providing multi media content geared towards the musician/entertainment lifestyle, including video clips, DVD/merchandise, and a regular monthly column dealing with health/fitness/nutrition topics for musicians, etc... The CEO of Bass Frontiers is Dave Fowler, touring manager for Dolly Parton. Dave's a great spirit, talented bass player and all-around great guy! The premiere issue featuring Billy Sheehan is expected to launch Aug 1st. If you are a bass player (celeb status or up-and-coming) or music company/store associated with bass products/services and are interested in appearing in the online magazine in an interview, feature or cover story (* cover stories for celeb status only), please contact me via my inbox. If you are up-and-coming (read: non-celeb status), please have your EPK (that's electronic press kit for those who are digitally-challenged! LOL) ready to submit to me for consideration. I will provide you the email address after you message me through the myspace inbox. The premiere issue is expected to launch Aug 1st...watch for it! www. BassFrontiersMag. com
  13. Pino will probably do it.
  15. [quote]Your back might complain a bit!![/quote] Probably not as much as it would if you were lugging the Ampeg about! On the subject of the 611pro, i think it would give you a cleaner sound compared to the Ampeg and you'll save a hell of alot of money too!
  16. [quote]It's a vintage model[/quote] Fair enough reason i guess! Don't worry bout your English, most of the people on here can't spell for toffee anyway!
  18. If the bass in question is so hard to find in France why don't you sell it in France you may get the money you want for it. Any Status owners in Blighty want to reveal how much this would cost here?
  19. Warwick have designed a bass with that tuning on a 4 string its called the Taranis, same body as the Corvette but with a Jazzman style pickup setup.
  20. +1 for enjoy it! there will be nerves but i tell you what, there is no greater joy than being on stage
  21. Thanks for clearing that up guys i think i get the basic "when its needed and when it isn't idea" mucho gracias
  22. On the back of my Warwick Pro Fet 4 just above the power socket, well i'm not really sure what it supposed to do? I've read the manual but that does'nt really help in the slightest, so i'm putting it out to you wise folk to give me some expert knowledge on this?
  23. Well unfortunately the bass was gone when i went in to take a look at it. And when the price was £450 i'm not surprised!! Whether my friend knew what he was talking about when telling about it i'm not sure as he's not a musician, i mean it could have been a good copy that fooled the CRACK CONVERTERS staff. Anyway its gone now so maybe i missed out on a massive bargain or avoided being ripped off.
  24. Hey i've received an anonomous tip off about a 15 year old MM Stingray for sale in a local shop, so im looking for some wise heads to tell me how much i should expect to pay for this bass. As far as i know its 4 string in natural colour! And i aint telling you where it is just incase somebody gazumps me!
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