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Everything posted by richy316

  1. They only usually release live footage through their membership club, which you have to pay to become a member and then pay for the live footage of shows.
  2. As always, Sly and the Family Stone - Larry Graham ( the creator of thumpin n pluckin bass) Louis Johnson - The brothers Johnson, Michael Jackson
  3. Hey Walman, i had the same problem with my SUB when i wanted to adjust the saddle height. First i thought the screws were knackered so ordered some replacements, alas they did'nt work! Basically the 1/16" hex key they recommend on the EBMM site is incorrect information. Speak to Kevin at StringsandThings and request a hex key set, he sent me one for free! and yes i can now adjust my SUB saddles.
  4. Well i emailed the guy and asked him about the mexican assembly and also the zero feedback, first of he sounded a little narked at why i would question his feedback but he answered with an expected reply "its the first sale i've ever done, but i've bought loads from ebay before" So why not use the same account? Then he said that when he bought the Bass the old owner said that it might have been assembled in mexico, but as somebody here has said why did'nt he do a bit of research before listing? Anyway he asked me if i was still interested because he had another interested buyer, OHHH before i could reply to that message he had removed it from auction!
  5. I've just found this on Ebay, don't know what your thoughts are about it? There are a few things that are bothering me into persuing the auction. 1. The seller was told it was assembled in Mexico? when it has a Made in Japan on the headstock and the serial no checks out too 2. Then theres the zero feedback is the seller trust worthy? Maybe i should email him about the zero feedback?
  6. Id also like to add Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine!!
  7. [quote]i also think the guys from dillinger escape plan are tight.. not sure of the bassists name but the drummers name is chris pennie[/quote] Chris is no longer the drummer, but they've had 3 bassists since the start. Adam Doll, Jeff Wood and currently Liam Wilson.
  8. Larry Graham & Greg Errico( i think thats his surname) Sly and the family stone Flea & Chad Smith RHCP
  9. I got a Pro fet 4, nice amp plenty of power @ 400watts if used with 2 8ohm or 1 4ohm cab/s. Hav'nt used it in a gig situation yet but i have no doubts that it would handle it with ease. I paid £210 for mine in used condition.
  10. Its the spitting image of my SUB! gorgeous ain't they?
  11. i can vouch for the Warwick stuff being good for Rock music, its also quite cheap unless you go Neo. I'd try and get the 4ohm version of that 411 pro 4x10 so you can drag the full 300 watts from the 3.2fet head.
  12. I played a few gigs with these guys and they are a very talented and good bunch of guys to hang out with, gig with and be in a band with. They are very professional in their approach to everything regarding their band and i thought i'd try and help them out by possibly finding them a replacement for the outgoing bassist. As you can read below they have gigged with some well known signed bands and have alot going for them so if your interested read on and you can get in touch with them at the bottom of this message via myspace. thanks Rich So yeah, if you’re a 4 stringer (or more) and are interested in playing some Rock ‘n’ Roll then get in touch. If you’re not aware as of yet, we were voted top 4 unsigned band of 2006 in the Kerrang! Magazine Readers Poll and have shared stages and festivals with bands both old and new such as chart toppers the Sweet, the Scorpions, Dogs d’Amour, Vain, Tigertailz to Wednesday 13, Tokyo Dragons, Roadstar (rip) and countless others… just to stat a few achievements. Now we’re asking for a big commitment which really should go with out saying for any semi pro band. The fact of the matter is thats scary sh*t for anyone which is why we’re not asking you to be our bass player and invest all your time in playing bass for Sweet Seduction…. we’re asking you to be IN Sweet Seduction, get involved, be a member of, come hang out… have new social network, get excited by our prospects, help with the song writing, watch you time and effort pay off and join the family!! If you’re interested you should consider that we’re after: Commitment we may book tours which mean being able to get weeks off from work, college whatever... we usually play at least weekly when not touring, last min gigs being a priority over work if it’s justified Age We’re all 23/24 so we’re looking for someone between 18 and 30… if you over 25 and are willing to drive the van then that’s a bonus. Travel We’re based in Birmingham, we practice near then NEC twice a week, you need to be able to get to those practices with your gear. You need to be willing to travel the UK and hopefully soon enough outside of. Image Inject some reality into it all before applying, we’re a well travlled rock n roll band, we want no shoe gazers we’re after good stage presence (yet with a solid performance) with a rock ‘n’ roll look and confidence to pull it off. NO Nikki Sixx’s Now we’re not saying this as an image thing or as a dig at the man him self (if yer free Nikki get in touch), although quite honestly it would be nice if you were your own person and not trying to be him… we’re not trying to be guns n roses, we’re not trying to do anything other then play and look like what 5 people who influences that stem from classic rock would get together look and play like… we want no delusions of wanting to live ‘the Dirt’, no ego, no idiocy.. Like I said, it’s not easy, we knew that before Savage departure took place but none the less we accepted we needed changes and were willing to face the current disruption and heartache but if you wish to be involved with the brighter side of Sweet Seduction, then we’re just waiting for that right person to fill that slot and get sh*t moving forward again due to this lil bit of forces down time. OH yeah we have free rehearsal… all money made from Sweet Seduction is put back into Sweet Seduction… we currently have a free recording session to lay down our new EP… we’re fresh from playing main stage at the Rock ‘n’ Blues festival with the Scorpions with all contacts made and gained from the weekend and the 3 years leading up to now… you couldn’t pick a better time to get involved or at least continue to show support ..of which we really appreciate. Yadda Yadda Yadda, I shouldn’t really need to say much more, you either wanta be committed to semi pro Rock ‘n’ Roll band with a bright future or not… get in touch: www.myspace.com/sweetseductionmusic
  13. What kind of Korg tuner is it?
  14. [quote]every time i put a set of strings on a bass weather new or just replacing them after cleaning a fingerboard ,i put them on tune them up, stretch them, tune them up ,stretch them and tune them up ,until theyre stable.[/quote] +1
  15. [quote]I'm pretty sure it is a 5-string... with a broken and missing G[/quote] ahh i do believe you're correct! can't really see it that well in the picture. Still looks dodgy to me
  16. i would'nt go near it! the seller has zero feedback, he's advertised it as a 5 string when its a 4 string! the description is also rather poor for such a nice bass. bid with caution i say!!
  17. Ive been dealing with Kevin @ stringsandthings for the last month or so regarding my musicman sub, when i wanted to adjust the bridge i bought some wrenches that did'nt fit so i contacted Beth @ ernieball to see if she knew of a musicman spare parts dealer in the uk and gave me a link to Kevin. I called and spoke to Kevin and he listened to my problems (about my bass) and i found him very pleasant and helpful, he sent me the spares for my bass but they didnt solve the problem. So again i contacted him this time via e-mail and he told me that he would send me a musicman wrench in the post. I received the wrench friday and have finally managed to set up my bass to a playable level. Basically i wanted to give a shout out to Kev and say that if anyone needs parts for their musicman he is the guy to speak to!!
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Status-Graphite-Jazz-Bass-Neck_W0QQitemZ230149820369QQihZ013QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Status-Graphite-Jazz...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] might be worth watching for someone doing a jazz project!
  19. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-USA-Jazz-Bass-Honey-Blonde_W0QQitemZ130131672952QQihZ003QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-USA-Jazz-Bass...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  20. presoulnation had delano's in his Sandberg, could ask him ?
  21. I have to agree with Stingrayfan, the Warwick gear is pretty good. Though it is seen on most stages with metal or soul/funk bands with a bit of time tweaking your sound its definitely got value for money. Pick up a 4x10 WCA411 4ohm cab which can handle 600w and add a Profet 3.2 or if you can find a secondhand Profet4 you'll have a setup that would cut through the mix of drums and 2 marshall combos with ease.
  22. Amazing Beedster! I'm surprised he did'nt give you a reply full of abuse. Glad he realised his "mistake"
  23. Metallica - Cliff Burton, Jason Newsted RHCP - Flea RATM - Tim Commerford The Beatles - Paul McCartney Muse - Chris Wolstenhome Thursday - Tim Payne Queen - John Deacon i could go on and on!
  24. i was attracted to this.................. until i saw the pics! what planet is this guy on? does he really believe somebody will fall for his scam.
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