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Everything posted by BlueMoon

  1. I have to admit to being in the camp (pun intended) that dismissed him as a bit of a bellend back in the 70’s. Absolutely unjustified! I’ve subsequently seen a few videos that really impressed me both as a talented player, but also as a really nice and genuine person. He also wrote a few well regarded contributions to bass guitar magazines on technical stuff. The guy knows his onions. I also thought ABBA were pretty meh at the time. Just goes to show how wrong I was on both counts.
  2. I saw Nash and Crosby do a show a few years back and, even then, it was clear that Crosby had some health issues. His voice though and those harmonies were just fantastic. RIP.
  3. My thoughts entirely! That makes at least two Belgian-based fretless bass players mega frustrated with that Brex** decision. The bass looks a beauty.
  4. Keep it! Been there, and bought the t-shirt. When you then spend time trying to track down the instrument you sold or one very similar, the replacement never quite matches the memory of the original. If funds and circumstances allow, keep it………..or let me have first dibs on that gorgeous fretless P.😂
  5. I just joined another band, as in my original band our lead guitarist left and his replacement can only rehearse every other week. Since the new guy is very good, we agreed to switch from weekly rehearsals to every other week. Hence why I wanted to fill in the downtime, so I joined another band that is playing a different genre. They rehearse every other week as it happens. I’ll have to manage any potential gig clashes, but I love the overall vibe I get from playing in bands.
  6. This is pretty much my approach, except I use an EBS Microbass 2 or Avalon U5.
  7. The cancer/reproductive warnings are for California Prop 65 regulation. Basically anything that is on their list of nasties must be cited if it is possible to be present through manufacture or residuals in the object. This is normally a CYA action that has manufacturers putting on labels to protect from possible liability. Since California is a big state for Fender, they make one label and it goes on their global stock. I would file vertically.
  8. That just ticks every box, doesn’t it? Gorgeous. (Said in my best Craig Revel Horwood caricature!)
  9. Super cabs, these. GLWTS!
  10. Ask me in about a week. I have one incoming. American Deluxe 4 stringer with rosewood fingerboard. So much for my gear abstinence efforts!
  11. If you can deal with the low tension, then TI flats are your best bet, imo. Failing that, I’d recommend Diaddario Chromes for a “brighter” flat string on fretless.
  12. BlueMoon


    My tally is 5 basses in and 1 out. Still a junior compared to some!
  13. Been down that rabbit hole with hi-fi equipment. I not sure my hearing is good enough now to tell any difference ……and I suspect the comment was said in jest. I use KZ ZS10 Pro‘s ………without burn in and they are fine.
  14. For me it was my Buzz Hornet unlined fretless P bass. Superb instrument.
  15. Yep…..totally agree. Having loads of expensive doesn’t necessarily make you a better player!
  16. I normally start with a flat board and add the minimum relief as needed.
  17. I’ve found stickers by the brand Jockomo to be the best for this purpose.
  18. My advice would be to try them first with some candle wax on the screw and just snug them on the neck a little way first.
  19. Gotoh for me. Hipshot also very good.
  20. Try wherever possible to avoid touching anything with silicones in it, otherwise you can get some nasty reactions taking place with paint adhesion. Keep things solvent clean and wear disposable gloves. Silicones are present in various personal care products (eg deodorants) and household care products (eg furniture polish) and stay on your hands/fingers even after washing with soap and water. Touching the surface of anything to be painted after that can be troublesome. Good luck and have fun!
  21. I have a few nice basses but would baulk at gigging a bass costing more than 1K to 1.5K £. With a very expensive or rare instrument I would be paranoid to get it dinked. So my more exotic basses stay for home/studio use only.
  22. If it makes you feel any better……..it’s just the same over here.
  23. Smart bass is the term IIRC.
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