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Everything posted by BlueMoon

  1. I love his comment on his Taurus pedals........ "If you have a soundman who has balls!"
  2. My Fireglo 4003 is from 1999 and has inlays just like yours. Someone will provide a a date (or range) when changes occurred. I recall that they changed from VOC to lower VOC lacquers and added the vintage tone pull pot around 2005-ish. Hope that helps.
  3. I'd suggest you send an email to Hipshot. They're a customer-friendly bunch and will likely mail replacements to you FOC.
  4. Yeah........sad loss. Great songwriter.
  5. Super basses, in my opinion.
  6. Nice........I particularly like the GB Spitfire!
  7. A cruel heartache that saps the will and life out of those poor folks who are afflicted by it. To add insult, a few medical folks still sneer at it and say "just pull yourself together"! Tosh........it's real.
  8. He is rather good, don't you think?😀
  9. Me too, @stewblack! I catch myself sometimes saying - "no keep it simple, go with the music - don't get carried away with extra fills etc" . It is tougher than it appears. Less is more!
  10. @Jimbogubson : When you are able to, I would advise you to get it checked out. A focused series of physio sessions would be my recommendation having first had an overall physical. Timing at the moment is not ideal though. Good luck. (p.s. i'm a retired occupational health physician)
  11. I agree. There may be other things going on that give folks the impression that there is a lot of difference. It's difficult to do a true a/b test even with the eq on each bass and the amp the same. Personally I prefer the 60's sound, but I think it is the romance playing with my ears rather than any spectacular difference.
  12. Not anymore! Thanks @wayneyboy, this baby has just joined my stable. A few beauty shots 😃
  13. He comes across as unassuming and quite humble. Genius!!
  14. Not rolls of paper that serve a more basic function? If they were, you'd be a very popular chap right now 👍.
  15. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wal-MkI-fretless-4-strng-bass-Mahogany-core-wWenge/264673901302?hash=item3d9fcb3af6:g:znwAAOSwhpledMHz
  16. Current bid is £37........go figure.
  17. Yup....the clue is given in the serial number M6827. The "M" prefix is unique to Metro's, as far as I'm aware.
  18. On my 2005 Stingray, when the battery went down it first sounded like a motorbike going at 60 mph in the next street, then farted out on switch off/back on.
  19. Not quite on topic, but I'll give it a go. I was at a urinal once. A small guy steps up beside me; I see the top of his long curly hair, long fur-type coat. He was humming away to himself. We both get on with it..........looking ahead, at our feet etc., as you do. At the wash basins (yes, I do wash my hands), I look in the mirror, adjust my view slightly downward, and there was Leo Sayer. He was playing at the uni that night. Just a regular guy. Must have been around 1975 or thereabouts.
  20. Hi Ronald, Welcome to the club. I'm with @Reggaebass. Preserve what you need to be able to play it, but cherish the memories of what your dad has passed on to you!! Best of luck.
  21. Wow.........Some folks are really low! That's a real eye-opener if you are basically trusting or don't have much experience of the dodges and scams some people get up to.
  22. In and around 1976, I was having a quiet drink one evening in a local country pub in Cranleigh (Surrey).............and in walk two unassuming chaps, both with acoustic guitars. The barman tips them the nod and seems to know what the'll want to drink. They set up two stools in a corner and proceed to give an impromtu acoustic concert for the locals. Guess who?? Ronnie Lane and Eric Clapton. Gobsmacked or what !!!!!!
  23. Sometimes the job description doesn't match the reality though. 😷 Bioinformatics sounds intriguing to me!!
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