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Everything posted by itu

  1. At the time BaSSStar necks were available like Warmoths. Rarer, but MG produced several neck models. I've seen a poster from late 80's that most likely had a headless neck, too. MG made also complete basses with BaSSStar necks. I think most of them were similar to a J. A Charvel body and an MG neck, why not? As the picture shows, the neck is 24 frets. Maybe the neck pocket and other dimensions were perfect for this combination. That looks very good, and certainly stays in tune. EMG was very popular at the time, no wonder it was chosen. MG had (has) EMG as their standard choice, and bartolini, and later on, Lane Poor as custom options. When I bought my Quantum 5, the shop had a glossy black lined fretless BaSSStar in their selection. It played like a dream - and vanished pretty soon.
  2. Art of Noise (?) bassist commented once on synth bass something like he had to play ahead of the beat. Otherwise the sound was too late. After a tour he found out he had to learn to play on beat with an ordinary bass. To shorten the lag, you should at least try piccolo strings on that bass. An old trick but certainly worth a try.
  3. That's one pretty old unit. I suppose cleaning all pots would be helpful. Do NOT use whichever liquid.
  4. Check the factory. I think that they may sell one for you against the serial number. But this was long ago.
  5. itu

    Envelope filters

    Has someone a Jennifer Envelopez or any experience...?
  6. http://planetbass.com/shop/ has some MGs in stock. They have an archive which is of interest.
  7. If price is not an issue, a Modulus Revolite. Didn't Elrick make light basses, too?
  8. I read those graphs and for me they look like (+/- 3 dB): - the full response is 40 - 800 Hz - port response something like 27 - 75 Hz If we choose +/- 6 dB, we get around: - the full response 32 - 1000 Hz - port response 20 - 100 Hz (What should be taken into account is that the max level of the port is some 4 dB less than the whole system.) @Bill Fitzmaurice please throw some comments on this.
  9. That looks bad! Solderings, screws... someone has done quite a lot of DIY. Seems that the transformer should be attached to the frame with two screws. The transformer lacks the ears or an extra frame. Green/yellow is always ground and nothing else. Why is it and that blue cable soldered (badly!) to the power connector? Where are those sealed Abiko connectors? While the amp looks very bad, you can fix it with patience. As the biggest faults are on the power line side, I would still suggest you show it to someone with accredited company. If your house burns, no one will pay you anything. Insurance requires firm systems, nothing like this c... cheapo DIY.
  10. It could be feasible only, if the response could be filtered dramatically, and the actual speaker elements wouldn't mix/mess the trial completely.
  11. Could you please open this up a bit? Do you just change the bridge and the nut, or fix something else, too? As your specs as well as price level seem to meet at higher pricepoint, have you been thinking about meeting a luthier?
  12. A Black Uhuru day today. Found a CD from my archives. No autotune, no hundreds of overdubs, just brilliant music. Will play it again tomorrow.
  13. This so subjective. I have two different caps behind a rotary switch (OFF/C1/C2/ON; thanks to @KiOgon) in one of my basses, and both sound good in their respective music styles.
  14. First of all, 3 pos is not necessary. Do trials and choose two sounds out of three: series is the other and parallel or single is the other. Those latter ones are very similar. Parallel gives slightly higher level, single a thinner and brighter sound. But the difference is small. If you want brighter sound, put 500k or 1M pots.
  15. Did you use a wooden pin to make that surface to the body? Watchmakers use wood to decorate movements.
  16. If there's place for a buffer, then the pot value would be negligible. And if there was a buffer, why not a preamp?
  17. The late BP had a good rack preamp shootout. There were Alembic, tce, and many others. You may find it somewhere. SWR Mini MO would be different, but nearly impossible to find. As your power amp has two channels, have you considered biamping your possible rig? Highs could have fx, and the low end could be pure lows. I don't have a biamp system, but drive my fx boards with a X-over tuned to 400 Hz.
  18. The temp is the same, but if your iron isn't powerful enough, the result will be a chore. 15 W for wires, +50 W and wider tip for pot cases.
  19. Sure, and the price is also amazing. It is most likely far from that £2k limit.
  20. Serial will help finding the bass. Six numbers, where the first and the second reveal the year. Like 95xxxx.
  21. So sad and true. I saw a big change happening in the 90's. Many of my friends stopped smoking, many decided not to drink anymore, but chose to drive their equipment home. Of course some of the players continued to drink and smoke, but most of them are in really bad shape now. Some of them can not even play anymore. Few have died. I try to find my high time from music, and sports. That requires more work than beer, but I just feel better (no hangovers!). And no, I am not a pro player at all, but when I see people enjoying themselves on the floor, I know why I have played that bass so much.
  22. I did it years ago with few groups. Not much money involved, but lots of playing, and nice people. If you can mute your instrument easily, learn to do it quickly now. A tab with scores, and a pedal page turner (like Dragonfly or similar) are worth a lot. Extra set of strings, cables, and batteries are a must. DI box may save you if your amp breaks. I remember that I drank somewhat during two weeks with one group, but found quickly, that it's one really bad habit: I wasn't that sharp anymore, and the amounts rose very quickly. Not to mention the costs. I played just fine, but I wanted to be sharp to support the band and the actors. Then I made a decision that playing and drinking in front of people is not my way to perform.
  23. We know so far: - 5 string J - J pickups - 34" - tight string spacing - thin maple neck There should be lots of such basses. Some brands: Lull, Sadowsky, Vincent, Sandberg...
  24. @Bill Fitzmaurice please, we see only txt, no pics.
  25. Tonewood, sorry, I thought it was a ton of wood. To @ped: your tonewood is too cheap and it will NOT be considered as a tonewood, because it is a) local (imported is priced higher, because it is imported), b) cheap (see previous), c) looks different than mine (yours cannot be as good as mine), d) wasn't used by Leo, or Les, e) add any opinion. Case closed. I did not use any tonepaper, or tonepen, nor even toner to this answer.
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