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Everything posted by itu

  1. I think @GisserD still offers them.
  2. Don't continue. The only option. Find someone with proper tools. Friend, neighbour, relative...
  3. My six string - but it still would be bass - could be a Linc Luthier. I do like the looks of some older semi acoustic jazzes, like L-5, Byrdland, D'Angelicos and similar.
  4. Acupuncture while playing, it seems to be possible.
  5. itu

    Ibanez Porn

    I love the small body Bean, but that Artist is a real gem! Lovely!
  6. Do you have a colour picture of your set, please? Coat...
  7. itu

    Ibanez Porn

    First one, with a Kahler? Second one, Bean bass? Third one, the Artist, please tell me about it.
  8. 30-90 is super light, 40-95 (125) is standard for my basses. SS RW.
  9. I am doing several roundings, and without testing the set my results are only guesstimations. My text is long to clarify details - and if there are grave mistakes, anyone can fix them. I checked one battery, named as Fossibot. It just came up, but the important thing is to understand the specs. Yours claims 1 kWh capacity, and 1.8 kW max output. Don't care about that 2.7 kW, that is probably marketing. We are not welding anything. PA consumes something like 400 W in total at full speed + monitor. Markbass is 300 W, and therefore consumes maybe 500 W max. A 50 W valve amp needs 150 W. (Hopefully no one will connect lights to the system!) The numbers should be rounded upwards: this system can draw up to 1500 W. Your battery claims to be able to push 1.8 kW, so we are just on the safe side. An audio system rarely draws this much energy for a long time. Usually the peaks are measured in milliseconds (ms). Overall power consumption could be in the ballpark of 20 - 30 % of the total power. This would mean some 300 - 500 W continuous. lower power: 1 kWh capacity should be divided with 300 W continuous, and round the result downwards: 1 kWh / 0.3 kW = 3 hours of continuous operation. higher power: Divide the capacity with 500 W continuous, and round the result downwards: 1 kWh / 0.5 kW = 1.5 - 2 hours of continuous operation. This is because the claimed battery capacity is not linear, and is less than its maximum at the end of its drain cycle. If there's some extra power drawn, the capacity is used much faster. An outdoor gig will draw far more energy than a low volume pub gig. I would try the unit at the rehearsal to get an idea of the capacity, and the unit's functionality if there are possible noises, or any artefacts. Shorter cables are better, position the power bank in between you all. To repeat myself, my guesstimations are only ballpark figures, and have to be checked by a pro. @agedhorse, or @Bill Fitzmaurice, please comment.
  10. One of the best basses I've played was an Empathy in Long&McQuade Toronto. It was only lighter in colour than this one. Starting from smooth tuning... everything was top notch. I still hate myself, but I didn't have that much money with me then (late 90's: steady income, what was that?). Good luck etc. Someone will be really happy.
  11. IE Nimbus. But sadly the sentence: "There are not many reverbs..." holds on IE, too.
  12. My basses are made for playing. P is not for me, not only because of its ugly design. J neck is too thin. List is long but these are just my preferences. I do not know where are people playing their instruments, but I use a bass that fits me, not the other way around. (I have bought just few basses without test ride. Three times I have managed to find a gem.)
  13. 17C may be manufacturer's date code or similar. 20 kohm is clear. Other alphabets are non standard, as there are many different ways of telling things: "A" may be "audio taper" i.e. logarithmic, but it can also be linear. That C6, you took a picture from the other side only which says 85 degree centigrade. This is the max temp it works. The numbers on the other side tell the parametres needed.
  14. FX loop, use a cable to override lousy jack switches?
  15. Salsa hasn't been mentioned here. Many bands use Ampeg Baby Bass.
  16. Reverb works well with fuzz. Hear reverb also in Duffy's Mercy.
  17. 300 AUD sounds very decent. VAT + tax does not. That unit is still definitely maybe.
  18. itu

    Barefaced amp

    What I liked was the humble text: "I don't know when this will be ready" instead of empty promises. The unit itself is somewhat pricey, but small production runs tend to cost pretty much. HPF is a nice extra in this straightforward unit. The story of the EQ is of interest: I tried an Ampeg side by side with a Glockenklang, and they did sound really different! But here the sound from a system (an amp and a cab) that can be tweaked with the two band EQ - it requires a bold user that turns the knobs until a wanted sound is achieved. Uncoloured amp may offer surprises for many.
  19. Edgar Meyer is my all time favourite. Start from Dreams of flight.
  20. As the rooms are different (size, furniture...) they have their own effect to your sounds. Our rehearsal space is not too big, and because of that bass has not so good low end (the room dimensions are not on my side). But out there on a gig in a bigger arena, the bass starts to sing! At exactly the same volume. After you have found some decent sounds in those two places mentioned, it may be feasible to keep your laptop with you while gigging.
  21. itu

    Help please

    Novation bass station, I or II. At least the first version can be found with and without keys.
  22. True. I used to work in a watch company of 500 people. Watch is in a very hostile environment when it is worn in wrist. Yes, if you could analyze the chemistry between a wrist and a watch, you'd be amazed. Leather strap has a lifetime of 6 months to three years depending on the sweat. Naturally the surrounding environment has its effects (humidity, temp etc.). Remember: a leather shoe has far longer lifetime. We received reports about Ni allergy something like 100 / year. As we wanted to analyze these incidents, we opened all reports of one full year. Many products did not contain any nickel at all. No Ni allergy possible from the product used. Excluded. Some products contained nickel in stainless steel (316L) i.e. not in very soluble form, and not in direct skin contact. Excluded. Some products contained nickel (316L) and could be in direct skin contact, some indirectly via sweat like flush screws. There we could see around 20 possible cases that might be Ni allergy. Fine. But. We also saw, that many of those reported units were really dirty. Some of the units were obviously uncleaned and had been like that for a long time. To be honest, some of the units were smelling really awful. I am saying that cleaning hands (skin) and the instrument is the key to lessen any possible contamination which could lead to allergic reaction. Sweat is so tough that it can react with 316L and its less noble alloys. As nickel is present in all common stainless steels, less contamination is always better - sure it is a reasonable start to not use nickel plated strings.
  23. 1) It's in player's hands. 2) Neck represents the most significant parametre in the whole equation. 3) Player should test and find the best sounding instrument for oneself, not the others. 1b) It is possible to get bad sound from an extraordinary bass. 2b) The equation includes body, electronics, pickups, strings, not to mention the player... 3b) If you cannot feel and hear any difference, buy the cheapest one you like. Or the one that looks good.
  24. Comment: Stainless AISI 304 (L = low carbon; sometimes referred as A2) has 8 to 12 % Ni in it. AISI 316 (L; A4) has Ni 10 to 15 %. Most of the steels contain Ni. All string core wires contain Ni. If your fingers sweat a lot, consider washing them actively. An alcohol based liquid may dry your fingers a bit and may help.
  25. Mouser, RS, all big electronic component dealers should have, if not the same, then similar connectors. And pots. If you find a beaten Ibanez, you could ask for parts.
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