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Everything posted by itu

  1. FX loop tested with a cable? Older amp may have some oxidized contacts.
  2. I do not know where did you find this, but acoustics lecturers told me 120 dB is the threshold of pain. I have seen something like this in some American materials. Scale is based on 5 dB steps which is awkward. 3 dB is based on hearing. 0 dB is approximately the threshold of hearing, but some people can hear -3 dB levels.
  3. I found these two threads: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/286315-arthritis-in-neck-vertebrae-arm-neck-hand-chest-pain-vertigo-advice-needed/ https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/326376-back-ache-any-tips-to-avoid/
  4. I was playing a gig, and forgot that my right hand does not like the body shape of the J bass. I had to shorten the strap a bit and then my right hand started to lie on top of the body. That affects the circulation in my hand, and at the end of the gig my hand felt like a log. I really need a muscle hammer now. What issues you've had that have prevented or hindered your playing? How did you survive? Some words mentioned earlier: CTS = carpal tunnel syndrome back, or neck pain arthritis ischias bursitis
  5. "The sound" is made in the mixer boards in the 60's and 70's, when it was placed under all other instruments. Things haven't changed that much, because the bass is still in the same place under similar other instruments and voices. P bass has enough low end to sound decent in the mix. Compared to a SS strung Status, I find a P one very dull sounding instrument by itself. But again, I am not King, and my sound is low pass filtered in the final mix, thus I could play a P. Ergonomics, well, many, maybe most of the Precisions are bulky and heavy to my taste. Vigier Passion on the other hand... I just happen to love French design over an American 50's ice cream bar that has stripes, and funny paint.
  6. Exactly. Though you may be a studio star, me just a gigging bassist.
  7. @Baloney Balderdash already said it, but it's true: you will use one or two options only. Therefore I suggest you do trials with the options before closing the bonnet. Sounds you get are probably something like: - series is THE sound - parallel gives a bit different sound - single is lower in level and a tad brighter If you do soloing, the level and sound difference of series/single may be usable, otherwise your choice is series/parallel.
  8. But if that's 4-, 5-, and 6-string basses, you already have six!
  9. A red Status 4 with 30-90 set for slap (no gigs, just for fun), Vigier 4 and Modulus Genesis 5 for gigs, fretless 4 and 5 for fun, maybe gigs, a double bass for jazz and classical, electronic upright for jazz... some modern 36" lightweight bass for noodling around, what else? An Alembic, and...
  10. So many good players are mentioned already. One of my favourites is the late Victor Bailey playing his koa Pensa-Suhr.
  11. So, what are those numbers?
  12. A bamboo chopstick is a good tool to tap components, if there's a cold joint.
  13. I'd like to be as young as the fire engine red Status I saw in the 90's.
  14. 100 W -> 200 W = +3 dB 100 W -> 400 W = +6 dB 100 W -> 1000 W = +10 dB Therefore with compression and HP filtering you can get quite some volume with a 100 W amp. True: some extra headroom is always nice.
  15. Yeah, pickups are basic hi-Z, balance is basic hi-Z. You can use higher values if you want. If the blend is "active", lower values are common and feasible. Here it's not. The lo-Z tone stack follows blend and vol (and here these pots act as hi cuts in the circuitry).
  16. 200k - 1M. Logarithmic taper. The higher the resistance, the clearer the high end.
  17. No, but I think Chase Bliss are. I mixed the brands, getting so damn old.
  18. But Source Audios are analogue with digital interface, no?
  19. I think Rickenbacker had the first through neck bass.
  20. I think there's a place for another theme and variations:
  21. Well, here's Prince, and two takes of The look of love.
  22. Where's Prince?
  23. Love my Glockenklang Soul head from the Soul combo. It sounded excellent, but that weight, nearly 85 lbs. (38.5 kg). I didn't have any friends on gigs. The Soul head itself is 24 lbs. (11 kg) and alusonic 2 x 12" is under 40 lbs. (18 kg). Easy to carry one after the other. I don't need a modern light weight head. (That Blue bird sure looks good...)
  24. To be precise, this looks like a fretted one, although all of these look and feel wonderful. Someone has most likely modified this along the way. I am pretty sure, that the fret markers are between fretlines. This is an all original unlined 5:
  25. I have a bass with BEAD nut, works like a dream with EADG tuning. I didn't touch the truss rod, but it works perfectly. Secret? Different gauge, different tuning, same tension.
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