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Everything posted by itu

  1. 606 was SS, and 303 maybe nickel. Is there a lion hitting the strings, and red colour in the package? Yes, here you go: https://www.rotosound.com/blog/cool_timeline/the-funkmaster/
  2. Yes, my answer was probably not in exact line of your thoughts, let me open it up a bit. I have read a lot about people wandering in the jungle of tunings. That include those close to the basic (B)EADG(C). That D'Addario PDF helps a lot to keep the tension feasible, when changing the tuning and strings. Tune to fifths and you surely need to do a bit of research to find suitable strings of the same tension. (I had an Ashula that I converted to a 5 string, and tuned it to CFBbEbAb. But I was and still am too old to learn it, and sold the bass after reverting it back to original. Piccolo tuning and an octaver! No... it didn't sound or feel fine. If you're happy with your current tuning, keep it that way and learn to use it everywhere. You could also use several tunings - probably on different basses?
  3. Find the old D'Addario string tension guide PDF, and start experimenting. Tune your bass to fifths and widen your reach. Or to double bass solo tuning, or tenor, or BEAD, or whatever.
  4. That probably was rubber paint. It's really paint in the A: just some sunshine (UV), and it becomes sticky. Acetone sure is very aggressive, butter and oil work for many sticky materials but need quite a long time to act.
  5. This was an issue few years back. My understanding of the current situation is that an instrument with an ordinary rosewood is not under CITES. Of course, if you try to use some rare, CITES controlled wood, that's another story. Papers do no harm, but the super strict times should be gone. A much bigger issue is furniture. Many exotic woods are used to tables and chairs, and it seems that their market is in the far east. One tree gives hundreds of fretboards, while a big table, well, you do the maths.
  6. We have here three guys with over 2000 "patterns" to learn and play. Just check @tomread, @ChrisDev, and @TKenrick among other active transcribers. Their work is just fabulous!
  7. £1500, or £150? Am I missing something? Simple looper pedal is something like tce Ditto. I am using a cheapo Valeton, after a Boss and a tce. It is good for instant feedback of my playing, and contains headphone out, no need for anything else around it. Using it at home, not in band context.
  8. The former is G D A E B F twice on a row. This is the system to remember the sharps and flats in front of the scores. # -> . . . . <- b F C G D A E B
  9. Transcribe a score?
  10. I do not understand most of Des'ree's texts, but I like many of her songs.
  11. Quality audio transformer and cheap are contradictory terms. Lars Lundahl is a good one.
  12. Any specific colour looks whatever in the net. Calibrated display, what's that?
  13. Type 85 from Countryman is literally indestructible. Found one years ago used and yes, the cover had dings and dongs, but works as planned. It is now something like +30 years old.
  14. Oh dear... Price isn't right - I'm broke - and that colour is debatable, but a 5 string Passion, that's my dream bass. Good luck and so on.
  15. Stuart Hamm and that sonata from his first solo record:
  16. Try these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-Adjustable-Reusable-Cable-Straps/dp/B083K8M8Y1/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=GCZJU48Z38UD&keywords=velcro+cable+ties&qid=1692017009&sprefix=velcro+%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 The amount seems pretty big in the first phase, but after you have met your bandmates, found strange cable heaps, abd talked to your neighbours, the package is used very quickly.
  17. If you have a CNC machine and some wood, would you be able to make a good instrument? Find some suitable wood, cut it the right way, and then prepare it to the machine. Ta da, we have a blank! Rob makes super instruments, he is able to produce, or should I say, manufacture high end stuff. If prices seem high, we could play like Jonas or Chris, and ask for an endorsement. If it suits Rob, problem solved.
  18. One band that my friend has been seeing since they started has a music teacher as a singer. Friend told me that she was a chore when they started two years ago, and now she's the star! If you get someone who can sing, the charisma will follow.
  19. The system has to be close to the hum, i.e. pickups. Was it Vigier that has a dummy coil in the Excess control plate? And Alembic has that dummy coil visible in between the actual pickups. Find more info using words: "hum removal dummy coil".
  20. I've seen humbucking systems that are built to the pickguard to reduce single coil hum. Still the instrument acts and sounds like a single coil.
  21. But a Y-cable with resistors, wouldn't that still be the simplest? Of course, the tinkering needed, why not build a tiny box with three connectors and Rs.
  22. itu

    Bright Onion

    The result doesn't have to be degradation, but somewhat changed behaviour of certain fx, especially the family of OD/dist/fuzz. Buffers usually have super low output impedance. A hi-Z output (once more: this is not about signal voltage levels) bass may drive the pedal in a different way, and this results a different sound.
  23. But no sir, he decided to make instruments for all customers. Retro guys loved those bolt-on cheapos...
  24. If the field is really magnetic over electric, your chances to shield anything are low. But if only the g-word is affected, start from checking the placement of the amp, and then the instrument. Maybe you have to tilt the amp to its side, but be creative. (When I was working with electronic compasses, a customer was asking to shield the circuitry from electric fields, because train drive affected the compass' performance... If it is unclear to someone: electric field always produces magnetic field, too. Magnetic fields are possible without electric fields, like with permanent magnets.)
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