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Everything posted by littleal

  1. Oh My God That is 1st class porn!!! I want it,, but i don't think i could gig it, i would just stare at it :wub:
  2. It depends how percussive you want your slap & tap to be, i have to use two basses as the fretless bass doesen't sound snappy enough for that style to me, Having said that, a Wal custom fretless will do both very well, When you pull up on the volume contol it engages a pick attack & almost makes it sound as though it has frets (great slap sound even when fretless) but they are very expensive, Playing fretless in a rock band? I do & it sounds awsome! Check this guy out, [url="http://www.jeroenthesseling.com/audio.htm"]http://www.jeroenthesseling.com/audio.htm[/url]
  3. Very nice Thumb, Very powerfull looking rig
  4. [quote name='Les' post='572444' date='Aug 18 2009, 12:09 AM']ME [/quote] Dam!! Why did i have to move to the isle of wight!!
  5. £250 for both cabs!! anybody?
  6. You never know you might like it when you try it, I'd be interested but the lines would confuse me :wacko:
  7. I bought a hk sixer for my girlfriend around 4 months ago & she can't put it down, she loves it. Here's my quick sum up of it. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46793&hl=hk"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46793&hl=hk[/url]
  8. [quote name='Mr.T' post='567478' date='Aug 12 2009, 11:28 PM']If that means £150 for the head... I'll have it!!!!!![/quote] I'll probably keep the head as a back up, also they're hard to find in this condition.
  9. Both basses are no longer for sale,
  10. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='566797' date='Aug 12 2009, 02:29 PM'][size=1][font="Garamond"]<<<<Secret typing that Mrs LEB can't read>>>>[/font][/size] [color="#C0C0C0"]How much for the 2x10?[/color][/quote] I was thinking around £200 for the 2x10 £150 for the 1x15
  11. This is still for sale at the bargain price of £500!!
  12. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' post='566172' date='Aug 11 2009, 07:40 PM']hEY MAN DONT SELL THE WARWICK MAN SHES BEEN THROUGH MY HANDS AND YOURS AND SHES A BEUTY. sorry about caps ım on holıday ın turkey!!!!!!!1 be good man hope youget to keep her zıggy.[/quote] Hey Ziggy, Thanks for the kind words Dude, i think it's the smith thats going & i have become very attached to both of them but that warwick is very special. Hope you're enjoying your hols Al
  13. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='565914' date='Aug 11 2009, 02:14 PM']:cry:[/quote] I know the feeling.
  14. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='565819' date='Aug 11 2009, 12:15 PM']Al! You only just got the Smith! I really regret letting mine go, but needs must eh mate. Good luck - Bump - Benn[/quote] Cheers Ben, I know i'm gonna regret selling it but like you say needs must. I didn't know that you sold your smith as well!!
  15. It Looks like the smith may be gone
  16. [quote name='Chris2112' post='565318' date='Aug 10 2009, 07:52 PM']Love that Thumb, and I'm definitely in the market for a fretless one...shame my finances are in a temporary depression at the moment![/quote] Why not make me an offer you never know
  17. I'll accept the closest offer on this as i really need the cash by the end of the week & dont want to have to sell either of my basses.
  18. Quick Bump & update.
  19. [quote name='Mr.T' post='564725' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:59 AM']I really regret selling this rig. It gave me years of good service, and has always been 'babied'! Easy to set-up and gives a consistant sound at any venue. I only sold it because I found the cabs a bit heavy with my dodgy old back. (55lb & 70lb). As LittleAl says it is pretty much mint. I am having one last attempt at getting my sound, and if that doesn't work I will be in touch![/quote] Cheers Mr.T I really dont want to sell it but it's either this or one of my basses
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