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Everything posted by littleal

  1. Mr.T is a great guy to deal with, i have just recieved his trace stack & would say it is better than advertised & so well packed it took me 20 minutes to unpack it, (i think he must own a bubble rap company or something ) Thanks Again Myke,
  2. [quote name='Golchen' post='449316' date='Mar 30 2009, 11:31 AM']Hah! someone should have snapped it up at the original price! To be honest I don't think that it'll sell here though, really expensive kit doesn't seem to shift at the moment.[/quote] Except for wal basses!!!
  3. [quote name='steve-soar' post='448910' date='Mar 29 2009, 08:06 PM']Has your drummer got one of those John Bonham Ludwigs?[/quote] My drummer thinks he is john bonham
  4. Here are a couple of recent shots of me, it's a good thing that our camera get's confused by our lights
  5. If it was unlined i would have it, these usually go for around £1700 but being fretless it could be worth a bit more as you don't see many fretless nt6's (i think jeroen paul thesseling own's most of them) my one is an unlined fretless but it was modified by the gallery, they replaced the whole fingerboard as it was fretted originally, I think that because of pickup placement,wood combination & the mec eq these sound awsome as a fretless bass
  6. Why not look around for a trace elliot ah600smx head ?? you have all the tonal possibility's, all the power & you can split the sound running to each cab ( i think it's called biamping) & adjust the levels for each cab. i have this head running through two 4x10's & sometimes i run it through a 4x10 & 1x15 with awsome results,
  7. I have one of these already but i could be tempted with another, i'll wait for the pics
  8. Thats lovely bass for a reasonable price, if it had 1 more string i would have it ....
  9. It looks like it's been defretted & filled with a colour matched filler to me, i like warwicks but that just looks wrong
  10. Most definately, i would go for a 400w cab to be on the safe side, are you sure you need a 200w hiwatt head, the dr103 that i had was a 100watt all purpose head & that was more than powerfull enough for any venue that i played, even the wedgewood rooms in southsea, the output rating seems to be totally different to any modern bass head that i know of, you need to try a hiwatt head next to another brand of the same wattage or higher & you'll see what i mean,
  11. I played bass through an original hiwatt custom 100 (dr103) for around 10 trouble free years, what an awsome amp, to give you some idea of the power these things are capable of, i ran it up against a 400w rms peavey head running through 4x10 & 1x15 cabs so down to 2ohms (full power) the hiwatt was hooked up to a marshall 4x12 angled bass cab running 16ohms & made the peavey completely gutless in comparison, so i cannot begin to imagine the power of the 200 or 400 watt heads, I also started using a trace elliot gp12smx preamp through the hiwatt head with amazing results in giving me a more modern tone & a slap sound to die for, but this was an original 1970's dr103 so i have no idea if the new ones are the same
  12. Dude Dont sell it! my one turned up last week & it's the best bass i've ever played & i've had em all & they are bloody hard to get hold of too, cant you sell something else? Here's a pic of mine keeping my warwick company (i would never sell either of these)
  13. Hmm :brow: I love prog rock, Dream theater & arena being my favorites & i like rush & it bites too, in fact my favorite guitarist John mitchell who play's for arena also play's & sings for it bites, I have all the gear & know how but i live on the isle of wight, i dont mind jumping on a ferry to rehurse & gig but storing my rig on the mainland may be a problem...... any ideas??
  14. NoNo!! it's true, with this guitar you can rule the world & kill people with the flick of a switch all this for just £1700
  15. That's him!! I have that dvd as i used to play guitar before i came to the deep end
  16. [quote name='barend' post='423912' date='Mar 3 2009, 09:58 AM']Hi, I have a beautiful shedua fretted Wal MK1 from 1985. Serial number is W2616. I really like the bass but since I mostly play fretless I want to swop it for fretless Wal. This can be an MK1 or a Pro or the budget line Pro with one bridge pickup. The bass is all original. It is in good shape. It has some user mark near the bridge pickup and some buckle rash on the back. The electonics are perfect. The bass sounds very good. I prefer a swop no sale. here are some more pictures. [url="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/walbassesnaturally/photos/album/841118526/pic/list"]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/walbassesnat...118526/pic/list[/url] You can contact me for questions or additional pictures. [/quote] Dude don't let that go it's lovely, give martin or alex a ring at the gallery (the guy's that make the sei basses) they removed a rosewood fretted fingerboard from my wal & replaced it with an ebony fretless one & even put a nice abalone inlay on it for me for around £300 & i've just had them do the same on my warwick thumb nt6, The job these guy's do is second to none
  17. WOW, That looks absolutly stunning! Your guy knows what he's doing, well done oliver.
  18. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='414670' date='Feb 19 2009, 07:59 PM']You should drop Ken an email. He's a lovely guy.[/quote] Is there something i should know ?
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='414563' date='Feb 19 2009, 06:10 PM']Now you can do the nasty! Mind telling how much that cost to get done?[/quote] It sounds expensive at £340 but the job they have done is out of this world & looks like it has always been fretless, the gallery is the only place i would trust to do a job like that as they did the same thing with my wal.
  20. And finaly the return of my warwick thumb sixer, I sent her off to the gallery 4 weeks ago to have the original wenge fretted fingerboard replaced for an ebony fretless one, they have done a superb job & even reprofiled the neck so she play's like butter, here's some before & after pics. So now i just have to wait for my smith to arrive
  21. I have finaly found one & have just bought it, it'a ken smith bt6tnv black tiger
  22. I'm seriously gasing for one of these at the moment but it's finding one, i have the cash ???
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