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Erax Sound

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Everything posted by Erax Sound

  1. The only thing that slightly irritates is the fact that they update the versions, so you're paying to able to do that. Otherwise you're stuck with a version which may not work after you update Windows or whatever mac's run. Hence the low cost of the plugins per se. Also there's so many of them to choose from. The SSL channel strips are great as is the 1176, CLA and SSL compressors. I use them all for different things. Depends what you like really.
  2. I'm happy to do a before and after for you @Beedster. Send me a file. There are many things at play like the signal chain, mic, timbre of voice. There will be small parts of everything going on of course. Mind you, I've edited podcasts that were really badly recorded and no amount of creative effects would have made it sound like the smooth product you want.
  3. To be fair, I sold them short. Last week I got 9 emails. As a rule of thumb, using stock plugins will save so much RAM you wouldn't believe. I tend to use stock Cubase plugins myself for the obvious things like delays and reverbs, but for like the SSL emulations or character type compressors, you kind of have to go elsewhere.
  4. Waves plugins are kind of like DFS sofas in that they're always on sale. Sign up for their emails. If you don't get at least 3 a week with some form of discount then I'd be surprised. They are of course very good as I use quite a few myself.
  5. Compression, basically. Not too much else.
  6. Hi peeps, I hope that everyone is well. As lockdown is starting to ease, I've decided to offer the first 3 Basschatters who PM me a free mix and master. Up for it? Aside from that, I still have affiliates offers running at £60 per song mix and master for the duration of lockdown! As my fellow bass brethren have been sorely treated on occasion, I feel duty bound to not "do an Ulrich," or whatever the appropriate term might be. For examples of portfolio pop over to www.eraxsound.com Cheers, Andy
  7. I would suggest using the piano roll as you can put hits on (or off) the lines. It's quicker in the long run as once you get a beat down, you can just copy and paste it for the relevant sections. Then put in the cymbals as and where you like as well as fills. Set your snap to something like an 1/8th or 1/16th then you'll be able to use the piano roll to put fast fills in more easily if you want to programme them yourself. Trying to tap them yourself will take much longer to edit in my experience from having done it. Happy to help you out if you like.
  8. So, as we're now in "Lockdown 3: Please Make It Stop," I thought I'd bump this. £60 mix and master. Revisions are included of course. Do your or your band have songs kicking about that need finishing? I'm not offering this anywhere else except to my fellow bass brethren. PM me if you need anything.
  9. I use Superior Drummer 3. It's fantastic. It is quite involved if you choose to make it so. For basic stuff EZ is fine. I don't agree that stuff sounds "too good" though. You can go all lo fi very easily if you want. I'm of the opinion that there are 2 things which sonically have to sound great and that's the vocals and drums. Subtle changes in bass or guitar timbre are lost on the casual listener. I say that as a bass player who like all of us, searches for tone in all it's forms. Choose whatever sounds the best to your own ears. Just remember, it's much easier to make something great sound worse/less clear than it is to make something bad sound better.
  10. As those of us in England are about to go back into lockdown, I thought I'd put this offer back up. 60 quid a mix and master for the duration of lockdown. PM me and we can discuss your material.
  11. So peeps, the offer is still open to those who want to get some work done. Sixty quid a mix. Six thousand pence. See? You can have your music professionally mixed nd mastered for pennies!! If you're interested, boot me a PM. Portfolio on my website: www.eraxsound.com
  12. Just a friendly bump to everyone. 60 quid for a mix and master. Sixty quid! Want to breathe some life into an old song? Need help turning your lock down masterpiece into a fully finished masterpiece? Does your band need your recordings mixed? Help is at hand. I'm up for it and love working on new things. Take advantage of an offer peeps and get in while the lockdown is still on.
  13. I got really good results with it, but then again, I use amplitube. They all require people to read the manual and dig in a bit. As with all things, practice makes perfect. I wouldn't say that it's that expensive, but if you're looking for a really good amp sim thrown in then I think that will be difficult to find. Something will have been skimped on in that case.
  14. I appreciate that times are a bit grim so in light of my flash offer a few weeks ago here's a reminder about the follow on. £60 mix and master for the duration of the lockdown. Yes, sixty quid. We've all been recording so take advantage and get a fully professional product for a bargain.
  15. Musiclab do variants based on a Strat, Les Paul, Acoustic, 8 string and Rick. Not massively expensive either. I have used them a lot and nobody can tell the difference. https://www.musiclab.com/
  16. Just a small bump and info as to what has went on.
  17. If the mods want to delete this, fair enough, but it's recording related. I posted this thread in Affiliates. Have a read and hit me up if you're interested.
  18. There are other ways. I'm recording people remotely using Steinberg VST connect. It's free to use for the person being recorded. The engineer needs Cubase (which I have) and once the files are sent as they are recorded. If anyone is interested in recording in real time as nobody can go to a studio, I'm happy to facilitate this for you.
  19. Try Hardcore Mixing and Home Mastering Masterclass. Both are excellent and not bank breakingly expensive. There are plenty others. It's all about if you like the style of the teacher.
  20. That sounds to me like the drummer wasn't up to it or prepared enough. I can usually edit drums for a song in about 30 minutes to an hour depending on length, complexity and how well they've been played to start with. I generally operate on a "light touch" philosophy. If something isn't going to be a nightmare I'll try to leave it alone. I had a situation like this about a year ago. The drummer didn't get more than 4 bars in time of a couple of 3 minute songs. So, as the band insisted on keeping it, I went to work and got them something that was fine. That whole situation could have been avoided if they'd just got someone to play drums who was better. In this case it was more like 5000 slices per song. More silly was that the guy forgot to play the drum intro. So, instead of getting them back, I got my 8 year old daughter to play it in 1 take and didn't tell them. I like for things to still have their humanity and unless you're doing certain genre's of metal which require absolute accuracy, I generally don't do that. If the drummer can't get it, it's quite often easier to edit rather than keep trying until everyone loses the will to live.
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