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Everything posted by likelylaz

  1. thanks for the quick responses fellers yer , i should have mentioned i have a line6 lowdown300 combo. .... yer i am going into town tomorrow to have a go of as many basses as i can get my hands on ! haha , i suppose its just what feels and sounds right for me
  2. Hey , im looking to get a new bass soon. my band is starting to become pretty serious as is my bass playing so i really need to upgrade frm my cheap stingray copy which i bought for £100 to learn. it has possibly the worst pickups ever ! , haha . so its my 18th next month and i am looking to spend about £500 on something. i just dont know what. in an ideal world i would love a rickenbacker but they are too expensive. I have been looking at various fender's and warwicks but i just dont know enough about bass's if i am honest to make a decision. any advice would be much appreciated ! heres my bands myspace to give you a feel for what type of music we play if that helps ! ........ myspace.com/smilerifle
  3. I was asked to learn to form a band about a year ago. One of the best things ive ever done as i love everthing about being in a band and playing bass and feel asif i will play for the rest of my life now whether our band is successful or not.
  4. likelylaz


    Just joined the site and thought I would say hello I have been playing bass for about a year and am self-taught as i learnt in order to fill the bassist posistion in a band me and my friends put together. My bass is a cheap Musicman Stingray knock-off but i plan to get a new one soon with a budget pushing £1000 for my 18th The amp i have is a Line6 Lowdown 300 Pro and is more than adequete for me at the minute. I have joined the site as i am kean to learn much more theory as i know little at the minute. Please feel free to check out my bands myspace and tell us what you think www.myspace.com/smilerifle
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