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Evert Albers

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Everything posted by Evert Albers

  1. Can I still reply? I have a Chinowsky too and I have to admit that it's great in almost all respects. I did not keep count but it may have been my most-gigged bass over the past 18 months. The volume difference between passive and active can make onstage switching tricky - but both sound fantastic. Actually, I like the RSD logo - the original Sadowsky typography is not my favourite, the story behind RSD is kinda funny (less so for the Sadowsky team of course) and it makes the bass less vulnerable for theft.
  2. If I estimate the bridge pickup position correctly, I'd say that it has a '70s J pickup, not '60s - but I'm not entirely sure.
  3. "Mic-cupping" - had to Google that. 🙂 I have 2 SM58 ripoffs, and a cheap condenser mic. The latter sounds more sophisticated, but I feel the dynamic mics work better to cover up my limited vocal skills.
  4. I have only read the first page of this thread, but I really missed dedicated hardware multitrackers in the list of recording options. Zoom, Tascam, Boss, and possibly other companies still produce these. Maybe multitrackers are not as flexible as DAW's but they are less prone to typical computer issues, take up less space on your desk and let you focus more on recording instead of searching the interwebs for the latest plugin. (And I guess I am not the only one who loves to be away from his computer screen in his time off.)
  5. Hola Lencho, sabes el peso? Y para qué funciona ese switch?
  6. I have a passive version of this bass which I like a lot. I do do feel the asymetric profile and the difference between curved and flat fingerboards, but switching is not a problem for most players.
  7. Evert Albers


    Comparable with a jazz band that I sometimes play in myself. We may or may not be more virtuosic, but you guys certainly have better dynamics and self-control (if that's the correct word in English).
  8. Not the biggest audience that I've played for but certainly the most lively crowd. And most important: in my current hometown. Made this compilation from cellphone clips that I received from kind people in the audience. The announcer is pretty well known here in Holland (and in Surinam).
  9. I happen to be a designer, and feel at home in the world of templates, CMYK etc. Lately I needed >6 hours to make a design for a friend's CD (not overly complicated, but in this example with a photo grid on the inside that required a touch-up of plm. 10 images coming from different sources), put everything in place etc. So if you don't have the layout skills in the band it's good to reserve some budget.
  10. I have the Ibanez rd905 and I love the playability and sound.
  11. The title says it - more info (in Dutch) and clips (in Spanish 🙂 ) can be found here https://pimiento.nl/page/vacature and here https://pimiento.nl/page/video-en-audio And of course we speak English and Spanish - feel free to contact us.
  12. 🤦‍♂️ Didn't expect is was that simple... Thanks!
  13. Amor Artificial (Plain link - but does anybody know how to embed YouTube clips? I see other people do it, but I can't find how) Wondering if there are any other salsa bass players on this forum so posting this clip. Recently made the clip during an intimate live gig, recorded sound via the mixer (and most percussion coming via crosstalk - if that's the correct English word- from other mikes). I love the song and the lyrics, but it was not the best performed song from the evening. It's very new for us and a bit on the high side for the vocals, but this was the only song that I had 2-camera footage from so that made the selection process easy. Would love to hear your feedback. There's older clips, mostly salsa and some merengue, on https://pimiento.nl
  14. From what I heard, the differences between Elite and Deluxe are quite minimal indeed. The Fender marketing team did an excellent job in their sales texts apparently.
  15. Well-deserved bump. Until recently I had a very comparable jazz (only heavier and more run-down) but the previous owner bought it back because of fond memories. I can testify that Model J pickups are perfect for fretless jazz in a band setting, most fretless players tend to favour one pickup over the other. I mostly combined the neck pickup with a mute to obtain a babybass sound, e.g. second clip from the bottom on this page (disclaimer: the recording is not perfect). Never had any hum problems, whatever the circumstances.
  16. Parece qué el fretboard no tiene side dots arriba? (I tried Googling but couldn't find any images taken from above). Y sabes el peso? I'm not a sunburst fan, otherwise it seems a lovely instrument.
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