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Everything posted by basslass

  1. Hi! A while back i got be a part of Davie504's video for "the hardest bass riff ever" (I was bassist #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcEl4_XP4fs). After the video people wrote to me and asked if you could extend it into a song and I did. How did I do?
  2. I'm a misguided creator!
  3. Hi I do bass loop versions of movie and sometimes tv show theme songs. Like the one below. I have no idea what to do next. What are your favourite theme songs? Thanks in advance!
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  4. THank you Lozkerr! I really appreciate you taking the time to watch my noodle! There is not a big market for videos on bass looping so every view and subscriber is special! Its fun to make them though!
  5. Thank you Dave! I wasn't aiming for a hip hop/skateboard type of expression but the drum machine kind of set the pace and I think it turned out fine. Some foibles in the playing but it is what it is. Thanks for checking it out!
  6. I did a Version of Ennio Morricone's Ecstasy of gold. What do you think? Cool or blasphemy?
  7. Thanks Davo! Sorry about the face situation
  8. Thanks for the kind words everybody! If you like this type of content it would help a lot if you would consider subscribing to my channel to keep me motivated! Thanks!
  9. Thanks! Yeah they all are! They were all things that i threw together in the spot except for level 3 which I recorded with a previous band with a lot of effects but it never got published since the vocal track wasn't up to par.
  10. Thanks for that I'm so tech illiterate Thanks also for the feedback! Much appreciated!
  11. Here's an example of a two signal ampless solution
  12. I threw a little video together on bass tones from small to big. What do you think?
  13. Here are some examples what my rig does in its current state!
  14. Hi all! If you are a fellow bass Youtuber (playing, recording, gear, gig stories etc) hit me with a link in the comments to your best video and I will make a playlist [link to playlist: The comprehensive playlist of Youtube bassplayers] of said videos for the bass community to enjoy. Also if you find content from others that you enjoy, make sure to support the creator by subscribing! Thanks in advance! I eagerly await some cool content!
  15. Here is an example what you can do with a POG (octave up) and some other stuff:
  16. The Xotic X-blender has a phase switch but is bigger and more costly thant the LS-2. I bought my LS-2 yesterday and did this:
  17. Did another loopy loop yesterday:
  18. Its really not. I bought the XR-20 used for like a hundred Euro, but I admit the looper is a bit expensive. Other than that you're good to go.
  19. I stopped carrying my amp anywhere unless there isn't any other option at the gig venue. The FOH will DI it anyway so I thought why lug around something that is essentially a monitor and has no effect on the FOH sound. I'm using the Noble DI preamp (http://nobleamps.com/preamps/) which works great! I have it on my board and send the xlr to FOH and connect the 1/4 inch either into the bass amp's effects return, which bypasses the amp's preamp and I get only the sweet tube sound of the pre, or directly into the front of amp and just eq the amp flat. The DI has only three knobs, Volume (affects only the 1/4), bass and treble --> sweet simplicity! I've gotten the best IEM sound of any DI from the noble. It isn't cheap but it is the best peice of gear I've ever bought. I wont sell it ever. The roster of people using it is awesome and the Guy who builds them - Jack Roan- is a bloody legend. There are loads of good videos on the preamps but in the name of shameless self-promotion here is me and my Noble in action (Most of the videos in my YT-channel is made with the Noble) :
  20. I recently started to do live looping and wanted to avoid a computer so I bought an Akai xr-20 used for dirt cheap to act as the master clock for my Pigtronix Infinity looper. Sure, if you want to record it, you need a computer, but for playing live, this setup would not require a computer. In some ways it feels very liberating. Here´s how my setup sounds:
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