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About Mottlefeeder

  • Birthday January 31

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  1. Anderton's write up does say that the fretted version is shown 'for illustrative purposes' David
  2. To reduce water usage by your loo, the recommendation used to be that you put a brick in the cistern. You could use something spherical so it did not flex, and hollow so it was light - a tennis ball or two? David
  3. I've seen two styles of battery box, a) conical springs point in through the end of the box, in line with the battery terminals, and b) curved spring contacts sit at the bottom of two pockets which are sized so that the battery terminals only fit in one way, so it is impossible to connect the battery the wrong way round. 'b' seems to be a much better way to go. David
  4. Heavy duty battery clip https://www.bitsboxuk.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=192_194&products_id=1428 David
  5. My understanding, from the comments of an independent retailer, is that having stock you don't own on display improves your sales, and then you also get commission when you sell the stock that hasn't cost you anything. If you are selling into a niche market, go to a specialist in that market and accept they will take a cut. David
  6. It may be that those manufacturers want to mimic the look of Marshal / Vox / Hywatt / Wem cabs from back in the day. Several speaker builders on this forum have used speakergrills.com, so that would be a fairly safe option. If you investigate other suppliers, check the thickness of the grill they offer. David
  7. There are speaker grill manufacturers who will produce a grill to your dimensions - eg www.speakergrills.co.uk Before going down that road, you need to consider how you are going to fix it to the cab, whether you want a flat grill, or one with folded over edges etc. I would also recommend having it coated before despatch. You will waste a lot of paint spraying through the holes if you do it yourself. The alternative, if it exists, is the aftermarket you refer to, which may be more expensive because each product is intended to fit an expensive branded cab. David
  8. I had a s/h Warwick Corvette fretless tuned BEAD, which I loved, and decided to move on to a 5-string fretless Corvette. What I didn't realise was that the transition from 4-string bubinga body to a wider neck 5-string and lighter swamp ash body would result in neck dive. I tried various remedies and eventually decided I would never be happy with it so I moved it on.
  9. It may depend on whether the amp module is stand-alone, or on the same pcb as everything else. When I fried my Ashdown MyBass, I did some basic tests for them and they then sent me a new module and asked for the old one back. That suggests some component level of repairability is feasible. David
  10. I have a Tascam GT-R1 recorder/bass trainer with stereo mics built in, but found it overloaded at performance sound levels. Conversely, a cheap Tandy electret mic feeding into a budget mixer worked fine at the same volumes. YMMV as they say. David
  11. Things like the Phil Jones Briefcase are available second hand, using mains or a 2.2kg 12v lead acid battery, so they are a one hand carry, but not that light. I hear that the next generation used a lithium power pack which is lighter. but much more expensive. David
  12. A box that includes different size holes for the battery terminals would tick the boxed for me - no chance of inserting a battery rhe wrong way round and damaging the circuit. David
  13. That one was two shielded balanced pair cables with a common figure-8 sheath - presumably someone still makes it. David
  14. As a compromise, Studiospares did a figure-8 stereo microphone cable - two balanced cables joined together. Haven't found it yet on the G4M site... David
  15. The BL provides a Yamaha mixer/amp and PA speakers, but we often busk using event-supplied generators. I carry a mixer which can be battery powered, and a battery powered rig so we can continue with my mixer & amp & his speakers if the power fails (typically the generator runs out of fuel). David
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