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Everything posted by Mottlefeeder

  1. If it is a problem you can thread the string through a washer or a nut to space the ball away from its fixing point, and loose a few mm of string length. David
  2. Splitters might work, but you would find adjusting levels would be a pain if the inputs interact with each other. Also, the mix might only appear on one channel. A basic 2nd hand mixer would not cost much more and would be more versatile. What and how many inputs are you wanting to mix? David
  3. The Mk2 - ready for Sunday's gig, and the Behringer Xenyx 302 in the background
  4. I have one of the 302s as well in my practice rig. The EQ on the second channel can be used to drop out the bass on either the attached MP3 player or the USB feed from the PC. - best feature in my opinion. On the Micromix USB1 , the PC feed is switched between main out or headphone out, via their level controls, but with no access to EQ. They do however, have a Micromix USB2 which appears to be a copy of the Behringer Xenyx 302. David
  5. I have a small Mackie anogue mixer, and the stereo input jack sockets are wired so that 1 jack onto the left socket gives you an output on both left and right busses. One jack into the right socket gives you an output on the right bus only. This also works with several other mixers I have used. Have you tried plugging into the left jack socket only? David
  6. I've been looking for a monitor mixer with eq that did not require a 0dB mixer output to work properly, and I recently found this: It is designed to run from a USB port, so it can be powered by a USB charger or battery pack. It has a balanced mic/line input, and a second mic/line input with less gain options, but a hi-z instrument input, and 2-band eq and pan on each channel. I'm using it with a bracket to enable it to be belt mounted, and a usb battery pack that fits in a pocket. My bass cable now has a T junction so this mixer can pick up the bass signal, and my tie-clip microphone on my bass strap picks up stage ambient sound, and I can set the mix to suit me. It would also take a line feed from the FOH mixer etc. It worked well on the first outing other than my tendency to move the sliders while altering the channel volume, and my belt loop lash-up failing. My MK2 has a cover over the sliders and a better belt mount. In summary, it's slightly larger than a Behringer P1, or an LD HP1, but it's cheaper than either, and a lot more versatile, and it can be left on your rig, or attached to you without too much effort. David
  7. As @nilebodgers says, the site rules are that you can only ask for valuation opinions if you have paid to sell things by becoming a supporting member. The background is that some people were using the valuation route as a way of selling items without paying the fee, which the site needs in order to remain afloat. David
  8. It may be that you have limited EQ functions on your PA, but if not, why are you adjusting your own EQ rather than the PA EQ? Surely they are playing in the same room as you, so they need the same tweaks as you do. David
  9. Oops You said that and I missed it. David
  10. Modern switching power supplies switch at high frequencies to avoid causing problems in the audio band. If the keyboard psu and yours are connected via the mixer, what you may be hearing is some form of beat note from the two psu's differing frequencies. Changing one of the PSU's may cure it. David
  11. How much does it weigh? David
  12. A good guide, but point 2 is not quite right. A neutrik/speakon NL4FX 4-pole plug will physically fit a neutri/speakon 2-pole combi jack/speakon socket. Presumably +1 & -1, but I can't check that. David
  13. I think XLR connectors lack the creapage and clearance requirements to be legal at the voltages that a power amp could produce. The Bulgin black mains connectors disappeared at the same time for the same problem. David
  14. I find 'loud' is a problem for me these days, even in a band that busks oudoors through a small PA. I usually use a small mixer to provide my monitor signal, but I recently borrowed an LD systems HP1, and tried it with my active bass plugged straight in via a jack to XLR adaptor. I found that I had to turn the volume control up somewhere beyond 75% to get enough volume in my Shure SE215 buds. At that setting, something in the monitor signal chain was distorting. David Edit - I subsequently found that my bass's battery was on the way out, so that might explain the low volume and distortion.
  15. The behringer P2 and its rivals are designed to take line level outputs from a mixer, so your bass may not have a strong enough signal to give you enough volume, especially if it is passive. A cheap used mixer (2-3 channels) and a basic microphone would allow you to mix ambient sound and/or PA sound with your bass and would give you a headphone feed. When you decide what mix works for you, you can buy the gear you need and sell the mixer on, or you can use it for silent practice at home. David
  16. In the busking band I play in, the BL likes to have one PA speaker at the front corner and one PA speaker in the opposite corner behind him as his monitor, but just doesn't get the fact that the back line have to wear hearing protection as a result of having a speaker so close to them. Although we play at relatively low levels, we often get feedback issues when the next front-person plugs in with a different mic to the previous one. I've probably spent as much on IEM gear as I have on my rig, just to keep the noise level down, and to hear what I am doing. David
  17. @Bassassin has the right words for it - a tenon joint not a lap joint. Stop sniggering at the back David
  18. I can't see that little amount of neck thickness taking enough screw thread to hold, so it may be that the neck has a muffin top profile to fit an undersize neck pocket. Maybe... David
  19. That's what I'd heard, but I I thought it worth checking with a user. Thanks David
  20. Did you use it for bass guitar, or other instruments? David
  21. Yes you would need something to mimic the pot. If you don't then you will hear pick-up (electrical) resonances that the pots usually damp down. David
  22. The P2 has a volume control but no blend or mix controls, so you will need to do the mix elsewhere. First question, how many of the outputs from the mixer have your bass signal on them, and secondly, what else do they have on them. With that information, you may be able to home in on the signal that suits your needs. David
  23. Nice chord sequence, I wasn't aware of it before. Good explanation too.
  24. I was in the house band for an open mic night in Warrington, so we elected ourselves as support for Dodgy when their last / comeback tour included our pub. I was playing a 5-string acoustic bass at the time and my main recollection was that the local bought-in sound guy had no idea what to do with a bass like mine. Dodgy weren't impressed with the venue or the sound as I recall. David
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