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Everything posted by bloke_zero

  1. Thats a bit gutting! Sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings!
  2. Those cracks from the tuning peg can be successfully glued. Sold now so I guess moot either way! looked lovely - walnut over maple?
  3. There are a lot of situations where having the clearest cleanest signal is not desireable. I'm thinking specifically of tape where you get insteresting peaks and troughs through the frequency range plus a load of saturation effects. Or a valve amp is another example. I used to feel that it was best to get the cleanest brightest signal recorded and then mix and EQ it, but now I feel like if I can get the sound right first then I'm in a better place. And directly to the point there is something I really like about passive tone control and the interaction with amplifiers and that cable just adds a bit more variation. More for guitar than bass - I just thought it was interesting!
  4. There is a great deal to be said for visiting the shop, hanging out a bit, getting to play a load of instruments. One of the only things I'm looking forward to about going back to the office is being able to troll down to Wunjo's and appal them with my terrible playing on many many basses - you get a real feel for what you like and what sounds good that way.
  5. I don't have any direct experience, but when I asked the same question here the response was positive, and I looked a lot through their facebook page and you can see they are a solid business. I'm still thinking about getting a body from them. I see they've started to sell necks as well. https://guitarandbassbuilds.com/ https://www.facebook.com/guitarandbassbuild/
  6. I have to agree. It's a really beautiful build, but like when I obsessively put together a bass and my mate said, "wow it's like a £3000 bass" (I'm sure he was being nice about it!), even if that was true it would be like buying a ferrarri replica from someone with an unknown track record - it might be as good as the real thing, but part of the value comes from the marque it'self and a bitsa will never command the prices of a Fender and will remain the value of it's parts. Which doesn't detract from the fact that it is a great looking bass - nice work!
  7. There is nothing like a really good set up. And we all love it when a bitsa comes togther! There is something magic about when the bits of wood work together. Glad you got a good result!
  8. Looks deadly! Great finish - how does it sound?
  9. The neck thing would be key for me - the Yamaha specifically says it's thin, the L2000 will be chunky. I had an L2000 for about a year and played it out a lot, it was great for a wide range of sounds, but it didn't have that effortless "yeah thats it" that you can get from a good passive - with the MFD's you just got so damn much sound even passive!
  10. Nice - I like the way the white has aged a little - makes a change from all the sunbursts!
  11. Played one at the weekend - very fun! Perfectly playable and sounded ok. Took me a minute to get my fingers scaled but after that and lowering the pickup it felt good.
  12. Worth noting that speaker cable and instument cable is different: https://www.studybass.com/gear/bass-amps/how-to-hook-up-heads-and-cabinets/ I have a mate who has one of these: https://www.undertoneaudio.com/products/vari-cap-instrument-cable It effectively emulates cheap cables - slightly bonkers!
  13. https://www.centrofiatiepercussioni.it/prodotto?p=kawai-kb-10-sleekline-2
  14. Tasty! I'd neeed to change the pickup cover to white or something
  15. https://www.allparts.com/products/pjmo-fat-replacement-neck-for-precision-bass These are chunky! I found it felt great - smaller headstock size though and you'd need a bit of work done obviously
  16. Love this - exactly what I'd do right now, but with a reverse P. If I had the money - good luck with it!
  17. Good call - let us know how it comes out!
  18. It's pretty important to get the neck relief right before doing anything else, probably before shimming the neck? It's not that hard but it helps to have the feeler guages. I found this series really helpful: Or there is no shame taking it to a tech! Some people can set up a bass like butter!
  19. Nice - I use a tilt filter all the time mixing bass, be useful to have one with some 2nd order harmonics from the overdrive on the pedal board - the concept sounds like a winner!
  20. Nice - unusual but harmonious looking!
  21. I know many of the suggestions here are toungue in cheek but this reminds me of the thread on a cycling forum about getting cold hands cycling, followed by 13 pages of ingenious heating ideas with the final post being a picture of a pair of gloves. I sympathize and have done the same several times, but after you change the battery 3 or 4 times you'll remember to unplug - if only for the sake of the planet. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but I think that is defeatist nonsense!
  22. Steer clear from 50's fenders then! It all went wrong in 60's when they went 3 ply...
  23. What?! We're not talking about the elephant in the room? That is triple ply! You must take it off now for shame! Single ply white > the others (on a fender).
  24. Hello 5 string Cello!
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