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Everything posted by bloke_zero

  1. Looks from the pictures as though they also make Cort. Tempting!
  2. That may change when it's easier! I have basses where the better access encourages playing higher.
  3. ?!?!?!? Banjo you play with a slide with the fingerboard facing up?
  4. I've got some EMG's which, to my ears, did sound much clearer and less fuzzy at 18v like you say. In terms of it not working properly at 9v - I guess part of the equation is battery realestate - it's relatively easy to find room for 1 9V (say in the channel from the pickup in a p-bass) but harder to find room for 2 without getting serious with a router.
  5. Shame about the spacing - this is one of 2 MM style bridges I could find - it took a while to come but it is really well made. Why are there so few options in this space? Does EB prevent their sale?
  6. Thanks! I've done a couple, and my mate has done 3-4. The trick is really slathering it on and leaving it a couple of days - comes out dark and lustrous!
  7. This really helps with that: https://www.montysguitars.com/products/montys-montypresso-relic-wax Leave it to soak in overnight and it really darkens. The longer you leave it the deeper the stain. This is leaving it on overnight. (I have no affiliation with Monty's!)
  8. Check this out though? : https://aionfx.com/app/files/ibom/xenotron.html Interactive BOM checker! I'm tempted now just for that alone! I built a copy of their meatball pedal (not from aion) and it's an amazing creation. Not something I'd use live as it's so sensitive to playing/knob position, but wildly fun in the studio.
  9. Sometimes just giving them a few turns brings them back (like 10/20 turns back and forth). Most pots don't need maintence as such, certainly not after 6 months.
  10. Agreed - those early EMG's have a very distinct and good sound - there is the famous Lee Sklar bass with them assuming they are early: https://scottsbasslessons.com/blog/the-most-recorded-bass-in-music-history-yep-probably-bass-tales-ep-9#!
  11. I thought that too, just from the orientation - got quite excited for a minute!
  12. Sweet looking bass! Reminds nme of those Joe Dart Stingrays, but with a funkier grain. If I didn't already have 5 p-basses including a medium scale...
  13. Beautiful bass. I was looking at the Larry Graham white jazz the other day. That pink is perfect! I bet it's a hell of a bass - GLWTS!
  14. To be fair - they don't suggest doing this - they suggest buying their box that has the isolation stuff in it. Which seems weird to me. 2 x 3.5mm trs (for in and out - this is a MIDI 'standard') or mini USB with MIDI seems like a more user friendly solution.
  15. Sounds weird. All the midi trs I have require a connector for both in and out as there needs to be a connection for the optocoupler (yeah - I only vaguely know what I'm talking about!). Out of interest I googled "Transmit MIDI on the ring and receive MIDI on the tip of the TRS cable" and got: https://www.midi.org/midi/forum/8439-receiving-midi-on-trs-ring Which I *think* answers your question - you need the box otherwise it might well not work as the external MIDI device needs the additional connection - which in this case is provided by the box.
  16. Interesting! I'm on 0.015. I'll try higher to see what happens. The problem is the oscillation between too much relief and too little. I don't think it's the best neck. The 2mm difference in fingerboard makes me think the attention to detail was not great.
  17. I'm just going for a standard Fender set up with 2.5 - 3mm at the 12th. It's a chunky 50's style jazz neck with an inch depth pretty much the length of the neck. I did shave a mm or so off about a month ago so maybe it's all still settling. Yes, having to adjust the truss rod, measuring with feeler guage. After a while it gets very buzzy around the e-string frets 1-5 and I re-adjust. Ok - thanks! I guess I'm just going to have to live with it! I guess it may get more stable over time. It's still pretty new.
  18. This is right. The shipping can be £100 + so makes a difference.
  19. I need to leave this here:
  20. I've a neck I put on a body I hade made and it seems pretty unstable. I set it up Fender style and then if I move it to a different environment, say studio (pretty stable temp) to home it needs setting up again after a day or so. As I understand it the type of woods involved can make a difference? In this case it's maple with rosewood fingerboard. The weird thing about this neck is that the fingerboard tapers from 6mm at the headstock to 4mm at the body. Could that be part of the problem? None of my other basses really need constant setups.
  21. Lovely looking thing. I bet the tone is great with the 51 and Jazz pickups. I can't help but notice there is a lovely knurl on the knobs as well. GLWTS!
  22. Absolutely - my dad was that kind - I inherited an 80's telecaster from him in just that kind of shape. Fingerboard clean, finish good - kept really carefully. I try and keep it the same way.
  23. Bob Moog and Dan Pearce designed. Might be worth checking some youtube for the sound. FWIW I have a mate who had a lab amp back in the day (I think BB King had one or something?) and wasn't enamoured. But what would he know? He's a guitarist!
  24. There is a 74 jazz bass in the studio. Everyone hates it. There is also a 74 p bass - everyone loves that - regularly wins in the blind listening shoot out against all sorts of other basses (not all - it lost out against a new squire jazz the other week). I think modern quality control is often much better than it used to be. 4K is crazy money!
  25. Cool! What do the knobs and switches do?
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