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Everything posted by agoulding

  1. After selling my trace rig I'm hoping to get a decent combo or practise amp because, I am no longer in a band, i have no intention of joining any other band and i have no room for a big amp but i do need something with a killer sound. Im looking for something up to 100w maybe 150w. Does anyone have an idea what i could go for? i am tempted by a little markbass or maybe an ampeg. thoughts? Budget...looking at 200 - 600
  2. how did this go from "wow thats a nice bass" to "no youre wrong" strange. oh and mental autopsy f*ckin rules. pure grit.
  3. is brown metal enough for you though?
  4. no offence. but you look too chavvy to have such a cool bass. did you nick it? haha j/k. im sure youre a nice kid
  5. still for sale. anyone?
  6. xmas eve bumpity
  8. ill let you know mate. cheers.
  9. [quote name='geilerbass' post='360634' date='Dec 22 2008, 12:17 AM']Well, it's actually MY head, but never mind... Seriously though, if it is one of these, then I can't praise it enough! Sounds amazing and I personally have no plans to get rid of mine. The 12-band makes it very versatile and it really punches through the rest of the band. Good luck with the sale...[/quote] oh i know. id dint mean that one specifially. your definately right in your description. It blows my tits off.
  10. replied re. PM's. The above offer is interesting. My mate who has the cabs goes to uni in stoke. got any info or pics of it. pics of the cabs will be up shortly.
  11. just found a pic on the trace porn thread. Pic of my head.
  12. The head and 4x10 are now sold! the 15 is all that is left!
  13. bump. dont maske me put it on ebay. thats where its heading.
  14. what?
  15. £230 now guys
  16. [quote name='artisan' post='351764' date='Dec 11 2008, 01:53 PM']you are a twat[/quote] lolocaust
  17. great basses for peanuts
  18. well im thinking because we are signed up to courier service already it wouldnt really cost too much. so 250 including shipment. darn good deal if may say so. i meant yamaha gig bag before not padded case aswell. that can be free unless you want a hard case for an extra 20 quid
  19. Bump. Anyone?
  20. as promised. more availible if anyone would like to see them. [attachment=17055:STA50128.JPG][attachment=17054:STA50117.JPG][attachment=17053:STA50130.JPG][attach ment=17052:STA50121.JPG]
  21. righto. ill see if i can get some pics up tommorow night. too late now. bit more info. Its in fairly decent condition and i have only gigged it once. It has a bit of wear below the strings and the finish has actually been naturally polished and is shiny in comparision with the rest of the bass. The neck is in perfect condition and plays really well. theres also marks on the bridge, i dont know what they are but they were there when i bought the bass and sometimes they rub off (?!) Im gonna buy some new d'addario strings for it aswell if . so ill throw those in the deal if i can get them from my local music shop. If not ill put rotosounds on it. I can throw in a yamaha padded case in for free or i can throw in a nice hardcase for an extra 20 quid - which is in lovely condition. rightyoe. ill try and get pics up tommorow night. please dont make me put this on shitbay
  22. thats mainly becuase he uses a korg pandora thing with a pre-amp he uses for all his stuff. great player, i think hes great, i sometimes look through to see his tecniques
  23. [quote name='robert43' post='347124' date='Dec 6 2008, 11:05 AM']If you want it painted then either a auto spray shop or a place that paints kitchen cupboards with a hard bake finish that what I would recommend. Take off all of the hardware. If you want a DIY the suff the body with fine wet & dry paper , this make new paint grip to old paint . Clean with thinners / turps dry & then I recommend a rattle can paint out side on a clam warm day. If you cannt have this make the room warm with heaters, With auto shops they use heaters or a oven to get the product warm & to bake the paint. Paint takes better when its warm ie room temp If you use auto touch up paint you will have to undercoat it as this paint is very thin & darker coulors will show up. If you never used a rattle can the get some timmber to try on. With paint rember several thin coats are better than 1 thick coat.[/quote] awesome, that helps alot. cheers. Im thinking about paying someone to do it! will be chillin'
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