cheers for the advice guys. The bass isnt really expensive, it is was my first bass but i really want to use it alot more. my main reason is for looks but if i can find an alternative option that seriously improves sustain. But the old girl has stonkin' sustain so im not bothered.
it all seems like sense to me what your saying. I have thought about contacting the ibanez parts site, and ive noticed the iceman basses have black bridges that would fit so im considering getting one of those.
you all might think im a total teewat for having these thoughts but im just fascinated with the idea of modding this bass but i dont have the minerals to do it. (imagine it with a yellow finish and black hardware - f*cking kick ass)
i totally appreciate all your comments.
if i posted this on say id probobally get the reply "your such a f*cking noob, twee boy" so im very grateful.