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Everything posted by agoulding

  1. Is that a moth on the upper horn? does it come with the bass?
  2. HAHA cheers for that. So, a light 5 string set on a 4 string bass in C standard would be fine dya think?
  3. Sup. I have just joined a stoner/doom band that uses C standard tuning. It has been bugging me for a while, I have a selection of basses, and i think i want to use my trb with has a longer scale neck. I think if i even use 50 guage strings it won't be good enough to cope with the tuning. What about if i get a 40 gauge 5 string set, use the lower 4 and tune them up a step? Risky? Or would it be fine? Im not sure. Another thing aswell, do i risk making the grooves in the nut bigger by using heavier strings and will that effect it if i replace them with standard strings in the future? Cheers
  4. I think, im better off getting a aquire of something. I know the vintage mod jazz basses are good but what about the precisions? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_sq_vintage_modified_precision.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_sq_vintage...d_precision.htm[/url]
  5. I rekon Yamaha trb. I got my 1004 for under £300. New.
  6. The idea was, was to change all the hardware and electronics. Im thinking about a more expensive, squire as an alternative
  7. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hot_rod_bass.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hot_rod_bass.htm[/url] Im a right to say this looks decent for 86 quid? anyone had any experience with these? would love to pimp one
  8. No idea man, but i wich they bought out budget version.... She will be mine....
  9. Anything by The Fatback Band, Black nasty or the Majestics
  10. I love these basses! Good luck with the sale.
  11. I eventually found some great instructional websites, showing mny different ttechniques. Has anyone done this themselves and posted in the build diaries?
  12. Have a bump from me. I have the 4 string version, was my first bass and ill never let it go. Ive i have the dosh and this is still here ill let you know
  13. I want it to be fretless because of the sound. The aria is a single pick up, im sure it won't effect that as much. Its the single pup that i love about the bass and sound! I do indeed know it will effect the tone, but i see its potential as a fretless. It is very twangy and a sound ive been wanting for a while.
  14. [quote name='dood' post='590986' date='Sep 5 2009, 08:48 PM']What's the bass in question? If you love the tone - and hopefully it is a bolt on neck, hopefully the chances of you being able to buy a fretless copy/clone/replacement neck are high - and - should you ever decide you wish you hadn't modded it.. just bolt the old neck back on! [/fender][/quote] Its an Aria SB101 i think, I recieved it off MB1 as a part exchange deal. It has a wonderful tone which i think would be perfect for fretless. It is a bold on, im not sure hor hard the necks are to get hold of. Ill have a browse. What are the chances i could get a non aria neck and fit that instead as long as its the right dimensions?
  15. Ive been wanting a fretless for a long time now, Id like to buy one but I love the sound of one of my basses and i see the potential it has to be a good fretless. Id really love to mod it, but don't have the nerve to do it myself. Could someone give me some decent guidlines in order to do it properly, or is the whole idea, a bad idea? I could search for some local luthiers to see if they could do it, but there really isnt any in the area...that i know of anyway. Would appreciate anyones help.
  17. BUMP. Oh and price drop. £65 for the pod and pedal
  18. i saw a pic in bass player mag a few months ago. Im fairly sure he uses an XXL. Not sure if he used it for this, agree with one of the posts above, definately flanger and wah added to the mix
  19. [quote name='Monz' post='581995' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:01 PM']So let me get this right.... You let your Drummer go near your bass amp and twiddle with knobs Have you any idea how dangerous that is?[/quote] So LET ME get this right.....you've never heard of a drummer that twiddles with knobs?
  20. [quote name='flatwound' post='581099' date='Aug 26 2009, 10:36 AM']I had "Weekend Detention" so that rules me out, and besides I cant play,...tastily or otherwise. !![/quote] This comment is the true meaning of "Epic Fail"
  21. [quote name='iamapirate' post='578989' date='Aug 24 2009, 12:54 PM']I think line 6 in general, really. :/ Just really don't understand it unless you want a very digitally sounding constant chorus or overdrive to use in black death metal.[/quote] I think it depends what your using it for, as for the line 6 bass POD, the effects bar a couple are pap. But its pretty freaking handy for recording if you are limited in the equipment/space side of things. Same goes for the guitar one.
  22. Its 4 players for me, im also a massive fan of the way some of these players use their fx Les claypool Marcus miller Geezer butler aaaaannnd.......... Dexter Redding edit: loving the fist action of the guy in the background
  23. I once took a warwickshire lass apart with an angle grinder but that doesnt count. those finishes you previously posted are great though. I bet it will look gaaaawjus
  24. I was probobally busy doing something stupid and irreverent. Wasn't me folks.
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