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Everything posted by Bassislife16

  1. MIJ? Wouldn’t it usually say somewhere on the bass?
  2. That was so awful my ears committed suicide
  3. I was 15 minutes too late. Gutted. Please let me know if you choose to move this on, I could do with a backup.
  4. Bin Bags are fine as long as the bass is cased, bubble wrapped, then bin bagged.
  5. Good luck with that one, you’ve got more chance winning the Euromillions..
  6. Scott Devine. Can’t stand him and his clickbait.
  7. Black Oxide coating.... Ways of reblacking screws & hardware would involve either enamelling or powder coating. All I’d recommend is buy new off eBay, not worth the hassle unless it’s a bridge or something substantial.
  8. Every bass I’ve ever got preowned or in a trade usually has disgusting screws. Rust and DNA gunk etc. I usually remove the screws. Soak in either Coke/Vinegar for a few hours, I then remove them, dry them off and use fine grit wet & dry paper over the heads, (not the threads) to remove any remaining rust until the head of the screw is clean. I then soak the screws in oil, usually a small amount of WD40 in a cup to neutralise the vinegar and stop any further rusting. I will usually do this on all screws when I get a preowned bass, it’s especially important to keep screws clean, (bridge screws too!) because nothing annoys me more than doing a trade for a perfectly adjustable bass and getting a bass home mid setup to then realise I’m working on a bridge I can’t adjust due to seized screws and neglect or pickups I can’t lower/raise due to rusty/stripped screwheads. I do not understand how & why bass players don’t look after their instruments and let stuff get that dirty & mank. Obviously if the screws are stripped just remove and replace. Look after your damn Instruments people!! Oh and if you’re doing a trade: 1. Please clean your disgusting gunk/sweat/bodily fluids off the instrument before the trade, handing over a dusty, dirty bass shows you really have no regard for your belongings, cleaning an instrument pre trade is appreciated. 2. Disclose any dysfunctional/non working part so you’re not screwing someone over and they realise what they are getting/dealing with. Tech & Trade addict rant over.
  9. Let me know if it falls through please!
  10. So I thought I’d add to this thread to say I visited Bass Direct again today and exchanged my lovely Status Matrix for this PJB BG400, cannot recommend Bass Direct enough. Lovely people and the service is always top notch & second to none!
  11. I am a huge Linder Fan. Unfortunately I’m limited to 4 strings rather than the £9000-£12000 6 & 7 string Mattisson’s!
  12. I think @edstraker123 currently has a 4 String Victorious for sale!
  13. I usually pit fight mine against each other until the death, where severely overweight tattooed men bet on which one will win 😂
  14. Argh! If only you were in the U.K. !
  15. I had the Jazz bass version of one of these, was a lovely bass but the finish drove me mad. Yours looks lush & much better than mine was however! I’m sure it won’t be here long!
  16. It’s strange, my status is solid black painted neck, yet at the heel the paint is sunk into what looks like carbon weave, I’ve took out the neck pickup and scratched some of the paint off but all that’s visible is the foam whatever filling
  17. Does anyone actually know whether the old Status basses are “solid graphite” as in solid composite like the old NS basses etc, or do they all still sport the woven carbon even under paintwork?
  18. Does anyone actually know whether the old Status basses are “solid graphite” as in solid composite like the old NS basses etc, or do they all still sport the woven carbon even under paintwork?
  19. Update: Now with a better bridge and it suits dam well too! USA Hipshot Kickass! Been debating with myself as to whether this beautiful Matrix will be popping up in the For Sale Classfields as I feel the bug for a Spector Euro starting to develop again...miss my old one ☹️
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