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Everything posted by Bidd
you're not being unreasonable at all. All you need to do is take what you've written here, and repeat that to the band leader/guitarist and the band.
As said previously a lot of Muse stuff is pretty straight forward. The track that stands out for me though is Rio by Duran Duran
I'm 15 - my mates all start playing guitar because its suddenly cool to do so. There's a guitar and a bass in my house. I pick up guitar - I can't play along to songs because I can't play chords. I pick up bass - I can play along to songs with simple basslines. 9 years later... I can play along to songs with slightly more advanced bass lines, and I still can't play guitar (or rather don't want to)
[quote name='Delberthot' post='1010576' date='Nov 3 2010, 11:39 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vends-Akai-Deep-Impact-Sell-Akai-Deep-Impact-very-RARE-/120640303425?pt=FR_YO_InstrumentsMusique_AccessoiresGuitares&hash=item1c16b8f141"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vends-Akai-Deep-Impa...=item1c16b8f141[/url] That's obscene - I had one. They're not that good. Pity that discontinued = more desirable. If they were more popular then surely they'd still be making them?[/quote] I think your maths is wrong, the equation should read: Discontinued + Chris Wolstenholme = More desirable
Markbass rig for sale. WITHDRAWN FOR NOW!!
Bidd replied to tombboy's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale
Just bought a 2u rack case from Pete. Perfect transaction - great. effective communication and item arrived on time, securely packed and in perfect conidition. Pleasure to do business with.
Basically (to me anyway) its like weight training at the gym. Initially to build up speed, I would find a song that I could just about play but would get a little painful towards the end and would need me to push myself to keep tempo. I repeated this until it became easy and effortless to play said song as my muscles/stamina built up. Then I would find a new faster song and repeat. I've learnt a lot of Muse songs over the years and I remember when songs like Thoughts of a Dying Atheist and New Born were had to play stamina-wise. I'm currently stuck at Stockholm Syndrome, but my band's music never requires me to play sixteenths at over 120bpm continously for a good minute.
Thanks for everyone's views - it makes me feel more comfortable knowing that a lot of you not only feel the same, but are prepared to say no outright. Anyway, my amp seems to be fine, but somehow my kettle lead has been misplaced through the night - great. The soundguy had no idea so I presume that some f***er (sorry for language but I'm tired and angry) has nicked it. So now I'll need to buy another one (I havea couple of spares lying around the house but they're not very long). What annoys me the most however is that I've basically provided a service and equipment, and not even received a simple thankyou. That's the last time I'm ever amp sharing at a promoters' request (unless I'm in the headline band, then I'll expect a deposit) Rant over, goodnight y'all
[quote]It's not Vman productions is it?[/quote] Funningly enough, it specifically isn't Vman, but this promoter used to be/worked for Vman. If you hadn't guessed, the gear I'm using is the one in my sig, an Ashdown combo and extension cab. I've wanted to buy an expensive decent rig for a while now but on the unsigned circuit, you use the headliner amp if you're not headlining, or have to let everyone else use yours if you are, which I would not do with a more expensive amp. Therefore I don't see the point. The problem with promoters is the leverage they have these days. There's so many "bands" now, and even if they sound crap, if they've got 100 friends willing to watch them at every gig, a promoter will book them. If I try to demand a deposit/payment for hire, no matter how reasonable it is, it will probably end up badly as they will then ask the next band etc etc, and my band will gain a bad reputation for being "uncooperative" Also, after reading other posts I've realised I may be a bit of a hypocrit. As said previously, these gigs usually have only the headliner band bringing an amp, so I've turned up (at the promoter's instructions) not to bring an amp if we're not headlining, and expect to use someone else's amp. If the headliner band did not want to share there amp, I would have no issues whatsoever bringing my own (but I imagine the soundguy would get annoyed). Also if I use someone else's amp, I try my best to find them at soundcheck, double check with them, and get them a drink.
I know there's a similar thread about amp sharing, but this is a slightly different situation. Basically my band are playing in Manchester tonight (Copper Face Jacks if anyone is interested? - shameless plug) and its an unsigned "festival" night so there 7 bands on. Usually the headline provides drum shell and bass amp, but the two bands after us both cannot provide bass amps for different reasons (one had their amp break yesterday, one is a foreign band who have no bass amp with them), so I've been asked to provide one. I was asked last night whilst I was working by my guitarist who was asked by the promoter, and as I was busy and appreciated that a quick answer was needed I agreed, but thinking about it, why? On the plus side, I don't want to hinder the gig, and it keeps the promoter happy, but there are far too many negatives. I've spoke to the promoter and apparently he won't claim liability for damage caused by any other bands (or the venue staff) and I imagine the band's themselves won't unless its obviously their fault (even then, they might be dicks about it). Also I have to wait around for 2 hours after my gig so I can collect it, and have to get their early so the opening band can get set up. This wouldn't usually bother me but what do I get out it? Nothing. The promoter didn't even said thank you on the phone. I totally understand why a bass amp is to be shared, as a quick changeover is needed, less work for soundguy etc etc, but personally I believe the promoter should rent one at his own expense if sharing is to happen. What I will do though is give the soundguy some strict rules (obvious ones like no drinks on amp etc) to relay to the other bassists in hope that they will treat it like their own. I do mostly trust other bass players but at unsigned gigs you tend to get younger inexperienced players who are not entirely sure how an amp works, or that they are using another person's amp rather than a hired one or the house one. Has anyone else ever had this type of issue?
[quote name='essexbasscat' post='981514' date='Oct 8 2010, 12:58 PM']It's still an Antoria, even if Noel Redding owned it. Based on my experience of Antoria's, there are generally much better instruments to play out there (unless it's practically given away). Unless you've been looking for a bass owned by the player from Smokie ....... T[/quote] The singer in my band got it for free, and he's now offering it to me for nothing. Its just that I would like to know if what he's been told is true. If I did ever play on it, it would just be noodling around at home, or maybe as a backup to a backup bass.
This is a long shot, but does anyone know Terry Uttley, the bass player from Smokie? The singer in my band has been given an old Antoria P bass, who in turn has offered it to me (as he doesn't play bass). He has been informed by the friend or relative who gave him the bass that it was once owned by the bassist of the band Smokie. It would be cool if this could be verified - he might even like it back himself. IIRC, the bass is a P Bass copy, black with white scratchplate.
I realise I'm bringing up an old thread, but just last night the singer in my band offered me an old Antoria P Bass, that was passed on to him by someone else. Anyway apparently this bass was owned by Smokey's (or is it Smokie?) bassist. Would it be right to maybe give the bass a whole upgrade, and maybe complete a trio of Jazz, Precision and Musicman type bass in my possession, or just leave it as a piece of history (even though nothing can be verified, who owned it, or even if it was ever used during the Smokie era)
Bought my Yamaha BB414 of me. Possibly the fastest ever payment I've ever received - only took 2 hours for bank transfer from start to clearing in my account! Communication was also extremely prompt, concise and overall everything was completely hassle-free. A completely flawless transaction and the guy is an absolute pleasure to deal with.
It's probably come up before, and maybe in the wrong forum section, but I've spent hours with myspace and its doing my head in. Basically, as I'm the one with the most computer knowledge in my band, I said I would take care of the myspace - bad idea. I was hoping that some of you on here might have not only done their band's mypsace, but also be a genius with coding, and maybe kindly donate their knowledge to myself to help a frustated member. First of all, I want a twitter feed like they do on Muse's myspace: [url="http://www.myspace.com/muse"]http://www.myspace.com/muse[/url] (quarter of the way down far right). I've gone to Twitter, and they do a widget for websites (and Facebook but not specifically myspace). However it is in Javascript and myspace HTML boxes (Myspace 2.0) do not like Javascript - so is there anyway of converting code, or getting a widget in the right code. Also, does anyone know if Myspace allows HTML hotspots - i.e. where a part of an image is a clickable link - I've also tried to do this, but myspace doesn't want to know.
MUSE?...Bass Player wanted in NORTH EAST...
Bidd replied to Citizens Erased's topic in Musicians Wanted
If I remember rightly, you posted an advert about 2 years ago on here asking for a bassist, and since I was living in Durham at the time I applied and spoke to you (or one of the other members) over the phone. Since I didn't have my own transport back then, I think that put you off, but if I was still in the North-east I would love to apply again, as I absolutely love Muse and playing their basslines. I imagine you will have loads of interest with this anyway, and good luck finding the next Chris Wolstenholme. -
Obviously this is a Bass forum but due to our drummer quitting (amicably) last night (so he could focus on Uni), my band need a new drummer and I've been put in charge of finding our replacement via the internet, so therefore I'm using as many websites as possible. Anyway, we are a St Helens-based originals alternative rock band that are regularly gigging in the North-West (mainly Liverpool & Manchester), and are working towards getting signed. We are very professional in how we do our work, and we expect the same from all band members. Age and own transport are not vital (for info we are 24-29), but own drumkit is. Our myspace is www.myspace.com/bleakhill (it should be in my signature too), so you can have a listen to our stuff and look at our upcoming gigs. If any of you know a drummer, or are a drummer, whos looking for a originals band, then you can either e-mail us @ [email protected], or ring our singer Kevin at 07791768906. Cheers, Bidd (the bass player)
[quote name='Oggy' post='969585' date='Sep 27 2010, 03:39 PM']Hi Bidd, I reckon you got your price spot on; I watched one of these got for £139.99 at the weekend on evilbay. I've also got one on the site as a P/X or Swap - looks like it'll be the evelbay though. I have to say that I'm very impressed with the build quality and available tones on these basses. All things being equal, you should get what you want for it - good luck with the sale bump. Is your Dad's camera charged yet? Just a though - the odd photo - of how it looks now - might help. Oggy [/quote] Cheers for the comments Regarding pictures, I've just realised that the camera does not charge when connected via USB to the computer - so now I've just found the proper plug charger and photos should be up within a couple of hours.
[quote]These days I only ever hire beginner bass players. Why? They know they're not sh*t-hot so they don't try to show off all the time, they don't have any funny ideas about bass being a lead instrument, and they don't think that they're in a position to rewrite all your stuff to make it more "interesting" for them to play.[/quote] For some reason this is uncomfortable reading. You say you are a singer/songwriter and if you mean hire bass guitarists as a backing band for yourself, rather than a band per se then I can see your point. However it is sad to think that you believe that any (or most) bass players that are not beginners suddenly lose the ability to play to the music and want to fret-w**k everywhere. It is experience that has taught me how to play for the music, rather than for myself. A beginner bass player you say will just do his job, but wouldn't you like someone who can not only do that job (with more ease), but to be able to contribute to your ideas and possibly make them better. A proper experienced bass player will not have ideas about being a lead instrument or want to rewrite every aspect of your music, or at least I wouldn't. At the end of the day, I imagine bad experiences has lead to your actions, and if its working, then good on you and hope you every success. But as a bass player who plays in a band with fairly simple but effective basslines, and who appreciates the song as a whole, it is rather sad that you have to look at beginners who will have no input whatsoever.