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Everything posted by Bidd

  1. Just want to ask a question. I went Sound Control Salford for the first time today looking to try a couple of US/Japanese Fender Jazzes, but they did not have a single Jazz, not even a Squire. Is this normal for a shop this size? They did have a Yammy BB614 that I was impressed with. Does anyone have one and would you recommend it, or the BB414? OK, so they did seem to have loads of Warwicks (a wall load in fact) but I didn't think everyone planned to spend over £1k on a bass, especially not me, being a 20 year old student. Can someone recommend me any good guitar shops for bass guitars in the northwest as I have no idea, especially ones that have a decent variety of bass guitars
  2. I could do with a £250, but I am a bit low on money, so I'll generously take it off your hands for a £150 (Sorry that this reply is useless but I'm bored)
  3. Cheers for the quick advice everyone I don't know much so what is BadAss, a type of pickup or bridge? Also I always wondered on this site what MIM meant, cheers for the info. I did hear good things about the Jaguar and really want to try one out. About buying second hand, I was a bit put off by the idea as I have a feeling that a brand new bass would be so much better (I don't know why). I have been looking on the For Sale section on here and will continue doing so. Also I may venture on ebay but I've heard from here that things tend to go pear shaped. I was also looking on GAK.co.uk cos they seem pretty cheap (obviously P+P has to be accounted), and has anyone dealt with them and what do you think?
  4. Right, my 21st is coming up and I'm after a decent bass guitar to replace my Washburn T14 Taurus (my first!) Due to lack of car, and the fact that I don't live in a big city I've yet to go to a big shop (sound control etc) so I've only manage to try the very few basses in my local area, which is basically a Yammy BB414, Fender Jazz Mexican, Fender Jazz Aerodyne & a RockBass something My question I want to ask, is to you veterans, is a US Jazz (around the 600-700 mark) worth the extra 300 quid over a Mexican Jazz. I wasn't that impressed by the Aerodyne but will it be worth the effort to try a few US Jazz's? Also when trying basses although I've been playing for three years now I still don't actually know what to look for. I am in a blues/rock band at the moment (i think) but I also like to play pretty much any style with other students at Uni, so I'm looking for versatility. Overall I'm useless, please help
  5. Here's a MIDI file of the one that I learned from Toejam & Earl [url="http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/BigEarlBumpV2.mid"]http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/...gEarlBumpV2.mid[/url]
  6. Very random game on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis called Toejam & Earl. Some very funky basslines on that.
  7. isI know this t not techincally a general bass discussion topic BUT it is probably the most read by everyone. I sold a BP80 on the old basstalk about 3-4 weeks ago and a guy called Rich paid for it through paypal. He told me to hold onto it though until he returned from holiday so I sent him a message with my contact details so he could contact me once he got back As the website changed to this one, the details could have gone missing and he could still be wanting the pedal, but might have no way of telling me, and I have his money. His name on basstalk was Rich, does anyone know if he is on here, or does anyone know who he is in general?
  8. EDIT - Sorry I think i put this in wrong section of forum I'm on the verge of joining a band in Uni, that play Blues and Funk - Hendrix, BB King, Howlin Wolf etc, and I've realised that I have yet to change the strings on my bass even though I've had it for 18 months and have been playing with stock strings since. Basically, I've been playing a lot for the past 18 months but in bedroom, and a few half arsed jams so I've never really cared about the tone of my guitar, but I think its time to buy some decent strings. I simply do not really understand a lot of the technical side of the bass guitar, I basically read tabs and play. so I need advice badly cos I know fook all. What strings would you more experienced lot recommend? I play a basic Washburn T14 so its hardly packs a nice tone, but because I plan to play slap and 12 bar blues type stuff, I want to treat myself to some new strings that may improve the sound. You have to forgive my stupidity as words like Roundwood or flatwood, or 105 super slinky gauge blah blah have literally zero meaning to me as I havent experimented with other basses, so please treat me like an idiot
  9. Sorry to sound stalkerish, but where abouts in Widnes are you from, cos I'm from that same lovely polluted town and am currently at Uni myself in Durham. All the bands I've seen in Widnes have bassists who just strum root notes, as a third guitarist so its good to hear im not the only guy who plays bass properly in Widni, and your pedal collection is exactly what I would have, if I wasnt a bastard skint student
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