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Posts posted by Jay2U

  1. 3 minutes ago, Caz said:

    Thanks for the straight wrist advice. Been trying it out a bit today, can see the benefits from a physical point of view, probably isn't good to have the wrist bent all the time. It changes the angle I pluck the strings at a bit, like was mentioned.. I'll look into this a bit more


    When I see a jazz bassist with the bass high up on the chest, having the right wrist bent almost 180 degrees to reach the strings, I'm feeling fatigue already.

    Instead my bass is hanging low. Some say one doesn't have full control over low hanging basses. I don't know, as I don't have full control over my fingers anyway. 🙁

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  2. 23 minutes ago, SaimoN said:

    Thank you very much!👽 My right hand position is very comfy for me, no muscle tension whatsoever;] I guess it's a technique thing - I attack the strings from a different angle than you, more aggresively (though I'm not heavy handed), to get my strings to hit the frets. Your video is very nice! Keep up the good work👽


    1 hour ago, Caz said:

    Nice SaimoN. I noticed your right wrist is quite straight when you play, is that intentional? Just curious if there's a technical reason to keep the wrist straight instead of curved over the bass.

    Same here. I keep the wrists as straight as possible, in order not to stress the joints and tendons. Apart from this, arthritis forces me to be very careful to not get inflamed joints.

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