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Everything posted by Strawbs664

  1. So this popped up in my FB feed. Anyone know anything about it, other than how sexy it is? 😍
  2. Oops! double post
  3. I started learning bass when I was 14 (brother played guitar and I wanted to be different). First band when I was 16 at 6th form college. We played a single gig at a youth club & then split. Answered an ad for a local band looking for a bass player when I was 17 & was suddenly gigging every week or so until various members disappeared to Uni etc. In answer to the question "how do you know when you're good enough"? It's when the band don't kick you out 🙂
  4. I think Cheggers was the musical brains behind this. I read his book ages ago & he had his own studio & recorded a lot of music for ads & TV shows etc. Nice cover BTW!
  5. If you have a roof box, put all the crap you'd usually put on the boot in there, and then put your bass on the boot? However, when our kids were little, and we had dogs in the boot, our roof box was always full of all sorts of family holiday detritus, securely strapped down, but just normal family luggage. We could lock it (which we did) but there was no real reason why anyone would target a roof box full of dirty laundry (basically) over some of the more easy targets.
  6. Well, I very much enjoyed that and have dipped my toe into the Cardiacs pool before, but never really taken the plunge. So, where do you recommend I start for a full immersion?
  7. This thread reminded me of these guys. Saw them at the Reading Festival in 1989 (I think) and followed then until they split in the mid 90s. Their Tea Chest player eventually graduated onto a 4 string for later albums, which was a Stingray if I recall.
  8. Must admit I thought everyone would already know this so glad to be able to share with a few more people. To bring things slightly back on topic - Mark King playing faultlessly, then being told, "No, with the book"! 😆
  9. Hate to admit that I skipped the Dio set at Monsters of Rock 87. I was knackered after WASP, Anthrax & Metallica, needed a break and, as the article above mentions, at that time Dio was seen as slightly embarrassing, especially to a 16 year old me! Glad to say I caught the reformed Sabbath on the Dehumanizer tour a few years later at the Southampton Mayflower so feel slightly redeemed!
  10. My second bass was a Marlin Sidewinder 😲 It was a step up from my 1st bass which was an Encore Roadster. Both horrible basses, but I gigged the Sidewinder for a good year or two because I couldn't afford anything else!
  11. Am I the only one disappointed that this isn't a live feed of the Red Special to see what it gets up to next, akin to Springwatch?
  12. Just take the Gene Simmons approach and spit blood and/or breath fire over the audience 😁🦇
  13. Shouldn't you be working? 😆
  14. PM sent.
  15. From Genesis Live - "An Unaccompanied Bass Pedal Solo from Mike Rutherford" shortly after a one note bass pedal parp 😁
  16. Gear For Music do a good range of acoustic bass cases & bags. I ended up going for this for my Gretsch, as being a long scale it was about the only thing that I could guarantee wold fit. Deluxe Dreadnought Acoustic Bass Case by Gear4music at Gear4music
  17. Geezer Butler for me. And also the late Tim Brooke Taylor.
  18. Well, she has enjoyed 25 years of my company, wisdom & shining wit! 😁 (Actually, she has something far more sparkly & shiny - I'm not that daft!)
  19. Oi! That's a bit unnecessary! 🤣
  20. 25 years of marriage was worth it after all (I can say that safely as Mrs Strawbs doesn't read these pages ). She surprised me with this lovely shiny silver American Pro II P Bass this morning for our silver anniversary - she's definitely a keeper!
  21. Number of The Beast album that RTTH was taken from went straight in at No1. Maybe that's what Bruce was on about?
  22. There have been a few over the years that made me realise I was never going to be as good as they were. Nowadays, any pro bass player will be better than me, simply because that's their job and for me it's only a hobby. I'll get disheartened occasionally, and think oh crap! What's the point if I'm never going to be as good or inventive as "so and so". Then I pick up a bass, it feels right in my hands and I realise that I enjoy playing and can make a decent enough fist of it to play along with others, either on record or live, and I'm happy again 😊
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