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Paulo Silva

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Everything posted by Paulo Silva

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='315955' date='Oct 27 2008, 04:23 PM']I'm not so sure. I see C sharp as the greedy bisexual between C and D.[/quote] oh god! I have never heard that one before! the C# string is quite amazing actualy! I have a C# 0.195 and with a guitar with 8 string tuned with a low F#, the C# is very helpfull and it brings the most fullfiling low end you can ever imagine!
  2. Hello! I'm new to the forum and for me to participate in the market place I think this is a good way for the few pleople that know me from other places to give the forum some informations about my trades and stuff. take care!
  3. thank you all here in this forum is a great friend of mine (oversoul) who introduce me to the Jerzy madness in Portugal there are 6 Jerzy basses and 3 of then are Basics. I've read that ARGH is a ERB die hard defender I'm more peace and love my main bass is a late 80's yamaha trb 4p and this Jerzy Drozd is a bass that I only play in my band. GreeneKing: I'll get back to you right now
  4. that spanish store is great and has some amazing Jerzy Basses a friend of mine went to that store and he was blown away
  5. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='313649' date='Oct 24 2008, 11:12 AM']Should I buy it ??? My gosh i ll be broke...[/quote] I dont know how your finances are but here in Portugal Jerzy's basses are extremely rare and in the second hand market the prices climb through the roof! Jerzy's basses have unique features that stands appart from other bass builders and that is reflected in terms of pure sound and an "acustic woody feel" with a modern growl in a distance of a knob! Jerzy's passive tone is the best passive sound with modern feel that I've here heard! a portuguese friend of mine has two Foderas, one jerzy and one Sadowsky and he tells me that the Jerzy is by far the best money for value bass that he ever bought!. can you post some pictures of that beauty?
  6. I dont want to start any riot but you all sound more closed minded then my fellow portuguese bassist! the use of ERB's is limited, I only use my 9 string in my band because the guitarist has a 8 string guitar. the low F# (0.165) string creates new sonic textures that helps a band stand appart in the music scene. imagine a mix of Meshuggah, Dillinger Escape Plan and Intronaut. the higher notes F 0.22 and A# 0.14 are great to do chords and to back up a single guitarist in a band situation. there is space for everyone in the music business and there is no need for bashing the ERB players.
  7. I have a sweet Jerzy and the bass is very interesting! I've compared to Foderas and Ritter and the Basic sounded really nice. With all eq in flat (or passive mode) I prefer the Jerzy tone and natural feel.
  8. hello! my name is Paulo and I'm from Portugal. the love of my life is this sweet little Jerzy Drozd Bass I hope you like it Thanks
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