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Everything posted by BassPhil

  1. Love these guys!!!
  2. Wait!! What???! Neil Peart is dead...?? 😶😳😢 Missed that news...
  3. This is a great example of a typical modern church set-up that is becoming very common in the UK...this was for a live album recording but this is pretty much the same as you'd find on a 'normal' Sunday morning...(Life Church Bradford & Leeds)
  4. Oh...and there's also a whole magazine all about playing in church....it's bang up to date and includes advice for the tech team, bass player and drummer... https://www.worshipmusician.com
  5. Hey! This is a great thread!! I've played bass almost exclusively in church for 30 years (had a sheltered life!) and I agree with a lot of the advice that's been offered already so I won't go over old ground...just a few things... It's definitely a thing that the key matters! For this reason I started to use an iPad app called OnSong - it's a bit pricey but I used it for years as my digital songbook, as did the lead guitarist in the band. It transposes with a tap. Do be sensitive to the audience (congregation I guess is the word) - it's an unusual gig because there are babies and old folk and everyone in between in the same room. Invest in some Subs if your sound set-up doesn't already have them. And then talk really nicely to the sound guys about what kind of sound you're looking for...I spent some years working with some sound guys who had me so low in the mix that I may as well have stayed home, that was until we agreed that bass is more about frequency than volume!! Rehearse with the drummer, if you have one - get to know how you both deal with changes in tempo, sudden shifts from verse to chorus, ad libs, etc... Don't forget that you own the root! Whatever you do in between, try to keep the root note solid because the congregation need all the help they can get to keep in the right key.... If you have an organ or cellist, or even a competent pianist, you really need to speak to them about who plays which parts. I had a great relationship with the cellist in a church I was in - she was very happy indeed to let me take the bass parts that she'd been holding down before I arrived. And don't forget that any organist worthy of playing a church organ will be pretty handy (feety) with the bass pedals and they have a lot of power but not much clarity - so rather than compete with them, get used to enjoying the middle range. Playing in church is where I learned to use and came across IEM's, Ableton live & logic, click tracks, synchronised videos, lighting rigs, smoke, feedback destroyers, 6x15 (x2) subwoofers!. I've also had the privilege of playing in every set-up from 1 guitarist through to a band with two drummers, percussionist, horn section, choir, 2 x electric, 2 acoustic guitar, string section.... Also - there's some excellent new church music out there that is pretty contemporary...don't limit yourself!! (It's been a long long time since I've played what most would recognise as a hymn!) Let us know how you get on...
  6. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Grolsch-Spare-Washers-Swing-Bottles/dp/B0026WZB7W
  7. Cry No More Tears - Sweet Chariots https://open.spotify.com/track/3YPwgHNkJVJgxLbkUwOm8B?si=4nRhF7XoTqaSESgFFDBvBQ
  8. I agree with you @GuyR .... I play a Godin A4 fretted and absolutely love it. I used to play a lovely G&L L2000 but got rid of it because the Godin floated my boat far more. Not that loud without being plugged in to something but when it's plugged in the tone and sounds available are definitely sublime. Not only acoustic sound but can also hold its own in other styles too. Also- nice build quality with a super smooth and fast neck...oh and if your budget stretches that far you can of course plug straight into a Roland GR synth. If you can get anywhere to try a Godin I would recommend it...
  9. I've got these and play bass in almost the identical set-up you describe. They're not completely sound isolating and have a good level of bass frequency...they are only dual drivers but that seems like plenty to me. They do have a triple driver for more money!! https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Shure-SE425-Sound-Isolating-Earphones-Clear/J35 Before those I had a set of these : https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Westone-UM-Pro-20-Earphones-Clear/2DPI they were really excellent until I stood on them!!!
  10. Sounds a bit like your guitarist is misunderstanding 'Jamming' for 'Can you guess what I'm playing..' which is a different game. I played with a guitarist like this once and what I did in the end was to prepare my own 'riff for use when jamming' and then led from the bass and let the guitarist keep up with me...musically makes much more sense really imho. Could be a nice intro to funk for them too - learn a nice funk line that you can set up and keep going and then let them lay something over the top. My favourite there would be Rain Dance Maggie - RHCP. JUST NOTICED THAT THIS IS A THREAD FROM LAST YEAR!!! Oh well....hope the last few months have gone better for you...?
  11. It's those new Rotosound Rubber Band gauge strings...
  12. Anything by Acker Bilk or Kenny Ball for more Trad Jazz.
  13. Oops - missed this!!
  14. Back in 1992 a good friend of mine told me my jazz bass playing was too conservative so gave me this album on vinyl to listen to....Doesn't matter if you're sober or not when you listen to it!! Otherwise - for something a bit more accessible try anything by George Melly..✌️
  15. That video doesn't make you want to buy one does it....All that solid bass and such a thin sound....
  16. That'll be Jessie J !!! 🤣
  17. What goes around comes around I say....Good music will always be good music and it can be found across genres and enjoyed by any and every generation. I have two kids 16 & 20 and their playlists have loads of really 'old' stuff on that I love and also music that makes me very grumpy!!! With the way the internet provides access to so much new and interesting music it would impossible for anyone to be in-touch with everything...Just look at the Christmas 2018 Number 1 and how the singles chart goes up and down. https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/singles-chart/ No point trying to keep up with that!! Spotify has done a great job at getting new music out to new audiences and I for one regularly listen to new stuff that I would never have found if it wasn't suggested by Spotify. 'Out of touch' is the new 'In the groove'.....maybe....
  18. BassPhil


    Thanks for the welcome everyone! Douglas - edited my post above! Sorry about that... I’m letting my Hofner go because I haven’t played it for a long time and I don’t have space in my house for more than one bass. It was going to become nothing more than an ornament looking pretty in the corner!!! I did love playing it for quite a few years but it was limited really in what it could handle. As you say - a discussion for another time maybe... Phil
  19. BassPhil


    Hey everyone...✌️ I've just joined here so I'm saying hello. I first picked up a bass in 1985 and after having played other instruments as well I have always come back to my first love. I've had a sheltered life (!) so for the last 20 years or so have only played bass in modern churches (no pews, no organ, big screen...) I have played with some awesome and talented other musicians but have never 'gigged' outside of a church setting. As a family we are moving to Nottingham in the Summer this year (long story) and I want to take the opportunity to get out with my bass more - once we land and settle I'll be searching for a guitarist to play with. In relation to that I have a question : For the last 10 years I have only played using IEM's. (Thanks to a Behringer X32 desk) How common is this out there in the real world? I've seen some threads about it so I see that other bass players are using IEM's. Mainly I'm asking because I don't have an amp and haven't had for a long long time - I don't want to buy one if I don't need one..... Anyway - I'm here...see you around the forums.... (I play a G&L L2000 Tribute and am just parting with my old Hofner Senator.) Phil
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