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About jonnybass

  • Birthday November 9

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  1. Hiya Doug, Nice to see another local I'm from East Lothian, hope you enjoy it but be careful before you know it you'll own a different bass and amp for each day of the week Jonny
  2. Spot what?
  3. Personally, i'd say play them (if you can) and get the one that feels/sounds best to you. I dont think where they were made matters half as much as how well they play. That being said, I've not played a MIJ fender or Squier that I didnt like the feel of. I have also got on well with around half of the MIM fenders I've played though. Black does look cooler IMO though... Jonny
  4. I have a fender custom shop custom classic jazz bass. Love the playability of it but the pre amp and pick ups were the same as in the Jazz bass (ultra/elite/whatever) from 2012 and i found them a bit lacking. Fender N3 pickups i believe. Now the bass has an East preamp and Nordstrands and it sounds like a proper super jazz. Jonny
  5. Totally agree with Mr Burns. Its about getting a good instrument, regardless of price and spending time with that instrument. Any instrument you buy can be tweaked or modded, no matter the price. Basses, strings, amps, effects, cables can be as expensive or as cheap as you like, the only thing that matters is does the sound fit the band/song you are working with and is it reliable. Jonny
  6. Watched this yesterday, really lovely little documentary. Jonny
  7. Beautiful bass, love a dotted bound neck. Shame my bank balance doesnt allow me to indulge. GLWTS Jonny
  8. Im really new to double bass. What are the advantages of a wooden end pin over a metal one? is it purely less damaging to floors/stages? Jonny
  9. Gorgeous
  10. Thank you Ead. Good luck with it brilliant piece of kit. Jonny
  11. I might be mis-remembering @EddieG but didn't he tell you in the summer he was about to glue the body. From the last update it looks like he's still not done that and it's almost 6 months later. Am I remembering correctly? Jonny
  12. They are different tools, to create something like whats goin on properly, you need to understand it, analyse it as @OliverBlackman is stating, maybe not to the level of transcribing and working out the harmonic relationship of the bassline/chords/melody, but well enough to at least mimic it. To just create something out of nothing, you might be able to sing it, then you might be able to just play it. The problem is there isnt one way of creating anything. Artists work differently even when they use the same medium, music is the same. If not we'd all be the same as Jaco/Jamerson/Cliff/Sir Paul/Nolly/Flea. Jonny
  13. For me, when working on a song, it should always be about "Does this make the song sound better?" if the answer is no, try again, if you arent sure ask your band mates or the songwriter. The bass, like any instrument is about enhancing a song sometimes thats supporting, sometimes its carrying the melody. This is generally genre specific, so you are unlikely to have a 3 minute bebop bass solo in a thrash metal tune, likewise, in a folk band you are unlikely to have distorted two handed tapping basslines. Jonny
  14. Depends. If its an in the house stand I use a Ruach stand like this: https://ruach-music.com/product/ruach-gs-2-original-wooden-bass-guitar-stand/ Spendy but with my ACG recurve (Offset body) on it, its more of a furniture feature. There are cheaper versions of this type too. If its a take to gig stand Hercules which many people have already mentioned. I have a Jazz, p bass and the ACG recurve all play nicely with both stands. Jonny
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