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Everything posted by Yan_Huriey

  1. Had this for a couple of years, and I have gas for something else now, but its a lovely bass. Condition of the neck, body and headstock is immaculate, there are the usual scratches on the scratchplate, overall its in superb condition, no dings or buckle rash, very little fret wear, home use only. I had it professionally setup by Ram Jam music of Aberdeen and It recently had a set of Rotosound stainless steel strings fitted, so its nice bright and zingy. Price drop £1300 - £1200 and i can post for a reasonable fee, the bass will be insured for couriering. Or collection from south of Aberdeen.
  2. Tried turning the volume down and it still happens, its beginning to look like string to pole contact.
  3. I know Pier Piras uses pickup covers on his Jazz Elite, maybe its just one if the oddities that this bass produces. I have noticed that the onboard preamp is way more aggressive than any other active bass I own.
  4. You are not being pedantic, you are quite correct. The only reason I put it in there was my head was on fkn fire.
  5. I did put a strip of insulation tape accross the neck pickup and it has greatly improved things. I chained my BK7U and my AOU together, when the BK7U is last in the chain, I still get it, but its much reduced than before. With the AOU last in the chain there doesn't appear to be a problem. Though I was using headphones with my amp, so I need to do more testing, could be fixed though, cheers dude.
  6. Firstly I made sure the overdrive light wasnt kicking off on my amp (it wasn't) Secondly I set the gain or (level) of each pedal so I don't get a volume increase when I turn any of them on. Thirdly, it doesn't matter which pedal I turn on the issue can arise (one pedal on, the other on bypass). Fourthly, the order in which I put the pedals on the board does make a difference, The BK7U is a main offender here. Fifthly, turning my compressor off also helps, its like the compressor is picking up the noise and highlighting it. I feel that its an issue I have created myself becasuse I process the bejeezus out of my signal and I dig in big time. But that's how I like my sound. I am very puzzled how a pedal can affect another pedal when its in bypass mode, but it absolutley does.
  7. Nothing, but most of the gigs I play I go straight to the desk. I decided to just 'take my sound with me' usr the house rig as a power amp only.
  8. I feel I have become obsessed with preamps, apart from all the fannying about it's raised an issue, heres the list. 1. EBS Microbass 2. 2. Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra. 3. Line 6 HX Effects. (more for mucking about) 4. Darkglass BK7 Ultra. 5. Sansamp Bass driver DI. I do like running 2 preamps together as I switch between generes during a set. For example I can run the sansamp or the AOU for a clean signal, with the BK7U for the dirty stuff. Sometimes I run both preamps as it just gives flavour to flavour. I am getting a weird 'popping' noise in my amp at home when I really dig in on the E string, or slap the E (not an issue if I slap on the fretboard)idkw. Practice seems ok might be my home rig, but thats EBS, so not budget. I play a Jazz Elite, which seems to have a hot signal, and U make that hotter again, twice. Just trying to figure out what is going on. The BK7 ultra is a keeper, because its genuinely unique, The EBS is superbly engineered and just 'works very well' The AOU has a superb EQ, but the distortion I could live without, which makes it an expensive EQ, The sansamp is probably the 'warmest' but I find it a bit 'vanilla' idk, cant put my finger on it. The line 6 I havent made my mind up yet. Just need to sort out that popping, still happens with the amp gain right down. Any pedal on its own is fine, it happens when I chain them.
  9. Mate, that sorted it, guys thank you so much for your help. I just dropped my bridge saddles the other day, so it makes sense now, every days a school day. 😅 Thank you again.
  10. I have a Fender Jazz Elite, I have noticed recently I'm getting a weird kind of vibrato kind of split signal almost chorusy sound on the G string, it's more pronounced higher up the fretboard. I always felt like I had a very faint bit of a split signal sound, however it seems to have got more pronounced. Here's a list of my troubleshooting:- 1. Tried in passive mode, problem still exists. 2. Changed batteries, problem still exists. 3. Put bass direct into amp without pedalboard, problem still exists. Amp is EBS 250 Reidmar 4. Tried on front pickup only, problem still exists. 5. Tried on rear pickup, problem still exists. 6. Tried a Fender P and a Musicman bass through my rig and I have, no problem with either of them. 7. Played extensively on D, A & E strings with no percieved issue. I don't know if this is a Jazz bass related oddity, however I'm completley stumped and I hate the effect its having on my high fretboard work. Maybe it's a preamp or pickup issue IDK, but I thought I'd post here as somebody might have some ideas. I love the bass and don't want to part with it, but might consider changing out the electronics and pickups if this is the issue. I've had the bass for a couple of years, the photo is just for illustration. Thanks for looking.
  11. I love my Darkglass stuff, regardless of genere.
  12. I can't believe this is still here, its lovely.
  13. This is without doubt one of the most exotic bass guitars I have ever seen.
  14. Mate that is lush, look after yourself buddy.
  15. Um Bongo, Um Bongo, dey play it in de Congo..🙃
  16. Well My guitarist play a Jaguar, it's quite high endy, so if I have a clean sound it does sit nicely. I have been experimenting with the darkglass, I have found a nice compromise, I use the blend knob to keep 75% clean sound and 25% overdrive and distortion. It's a subtle change but I prefer it to a full on distorted bass. Need more time to experiment, I have also used very mild distortion, going for a Chris Squire sort of effect, blended with a usable slap sound, watch this space, not the easiest thing to pull off, but I'm getting close.
  17. Absolute Bargain, I have one and I'm now looking for a 4 string one. 😅
  18. You want to know what is weird though, I love the Darkglass Ultra for it's EQ, I can use it for that alone. I did some pick work the other day and that seems to make a huge difference, I shall play around a bit more.
  19. I have a boss bass overdrive, an ebs microbass 2 and a Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra. And I can't find a distortion/overdrive sound I like on any of them. I use a fender Jazz, Ric 4003, and Musicman Stingray. I play fingerstyle mainly. I hear people say it makes you stand out in the mix where I feel the opposite is true. I feel my bass distorted gets lost. My band all agrees with me, they prefer my clean tone which I'm very proud of how I sound. I definatley don't get lost but probably carry more treble than I would if we had less of a hard alt rock sound. I like the clear bell ringing highs and beefy lows. I've tried again and again to get it to work, in the end I just turn it off because I can't be doing with the sound of it. Some people sound amazing with distortion, I don't think I'm one of those people. Been doing my napper in as I thought by now I'd have found something I like, but I havent.
  20. Nice bass.
  21. Thats lovely...
  22. I use an EBS Reidmar 250, I couldn`t believe how good (and loud) it was when I first played it. Does everything I want it to do and then some. They are super helpful too.
  23. Hi, could you please post a couple of pics of the back of the bass including the serial number thank you.
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