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Everything posted by originalfunkbrother

  1. Saw this last night on Facebook too, get well soon big boi!
  2. Donny Hathaway - Live with Willie Weeks on bass!
  3. I havent watched the video but I guess when someone finds it hard to accept criticism, it could also be down to the fact that he may have been misinformed by family/friends and they made him think he was the ish (as the young would say). As the OP said, hopefully he (and every other budding player) will wake up and smell the coffee.
  4. Right on thread - I use a Korg Triton (old school I know but I am still learning how to program the bass sounds) and I think synth bass on keys does add value to any bass playing. I still wish on the LittlePhatty.
  5. Thanks for posting! I love this guy...
  6. I have here my main gigging rig and I bought this brand new at the beginning of this year. In very good condition and kept really well. Reason: I am looking for a different sound so looking to trade for something along the lines of SWR. Cashwise, I am looking for 800. If you are interested, hit me up and lets see what we can do. Please excuse the picture quality.
  7. Wow! Forewarned is forearmed! Thanks again...
  8. Thanks Paul. I will look into the VT2. Do you have any experience with the Electro-Harmonix Bass Blogger?
  9. The church I play at normally include some songs of a rock bias (Hillsong etc) and whilst I have played these songs before without effect, I feel the need to get a pedal that would best bring out the bass for this genre. Please suggest a pedal (distortion or similar) that would do the job. Thanks!
  10. I wish every budding drummer would stop and pay attention to John Robinson. The world would be a much better place.
  11. I play at my church every Sunday so I used to lug my Markbass rig between the house and the hall every Sunday until the light dawned on me and I bought a powered amp to use at home so I could leave the 4x10 at the church and only carry the head. Anyway, yesterday I left the house with bass, stand and cable bag in tow and I only realised as I got to the stage that I had forgot the amp at the house!! That meant I had to go through the house via D.I and whilst its something that doesnt happen often, it did make me feel bad. My initial thoughts were that I wasnt paying attention as opposed to forgetting. Just thought I'd share....
  12. [i]leader starts in the wrong key and you have to wing it.[/i] Story of my life!
  13. Did anyone else see Freddie 'Ready Freddie' Washington in the new episode of Mike and Molly? I found it hilarious (the show wasnt bad) but seeing him play for the church choir was a chuckle.
  14. Charic, I will take you up on that offer, if I am ever in the Cambridge area. Thanks
  15. I will take that into consideration. I had kinda overlooked the effect the wood has on the overall sound but I guess my mind was operating in another sphere!
  16. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1317301192' post='1389240'] Delbert[b]hoth[/b]? These are not the droids you are looking for [/quote] I am slightly convinced by that right about now! Charic, its true, personal preference is king so I am gonna have to give as many brands a go, Shuker included. Thanks guys...
  17. Haha Delberthoth, I got lost there for a minute!
  18. Cool, I appreciate your opinion. I believe they have some at the Gallery, if I find them in a good enough mood, I might be allowed to try one!
  19. A Sei? I hadnt thought about that but I'm gonna look at it. Thanks!
  20. With my 30th approaching very soon, I have been thinking I should spoil myself and get a fretless bass. I wasnt sure of what make, even though I play Fender basses but last nights events turned my head: I dreamt I had a Fender Jazz fretless bass and it was the most gorgeous guitar. It was in cherry sunburst, lined with a maple neck and gold volume control knobs. I guess it was brought on partly by me watching the Marcus Miller clip posted by PeteAcademy in an earlier thread. Just thought I'd share...
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