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Posts posted by originalfunkbrother

  1. Hi guys and girls,

    I have an issue that is driving me mad. I use a pedal board comprising of tuner, octabass, chorus and DI powered by the Diago Micropower9. When I play this through an active amp at home, it sound good. No hum, buzz nor hiss. But when I take it to church and play it through the MarkBass amp, I get considerable levels of hum. I'm at my wits end because I don't know where it's coming from. Could it be the amp? Unlikely because when I plug the bass direct, there's no noise. Could it be the XLR output on the DI?
    Anyone with a clue?

    Many thanks

  2. I have a question for the Pro Tools gurus. I have a recording I mixed down to 2 tracks and then faded it out at the 4 minute mark. I then bounced to it to track but when I played back it stopped abruptly at the same point where the fade out ends. Question is shouldn't the fade out have taken place or does the bounce to track override the fade out? One more question, it it common for the Clips List not to recognise a track after selection? The same track that I mixed down, when I select it, it doesn't automatically select the corresponding track in the Clips List. Apologies for the 100 questions....

  3. Hi,

    I got Pro Tools 9 last year and loaded it onto my MacAir. It's working fine on there. I've gone and gotten an iMac and when I try to load PT9, it comes up saying 'this version of Pro Tools will not work with this version of Mac.' I have since noticed that there's an upgrade on PT9 (PT 9.0.6) but even when I update it to that, I keep getting the same error message. I've tried over the last 3 days and its fair to say I need some help.


  4. Hi folks,

    I'm new to the domain of effects pedals and I am planning on investing in a pedal board. Question i have is: can I run the individual pedals on rechargeable batteries or is the pedal power peg a good investment?


  5. Hi guys,

    Me again. I have connected my Mac to an interface and that to KRKs. For some reason I am not getting any audio from the Mac. But when I connect a line in it works. Where am I missing it? Please assist.

  6. Any pro tools experts on here? I'm trying to install the software and the hardware discs onto the laptop but whilst the software seems to be working, I'm getting a message concerning the hardware that says 'hardware not connected' even though the audio interface is.
    Please help. It's been driving me nuts since last night!

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