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Everything posted by bassmandan

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='114812' date='Jan 6 2008, 05:45 PM']I am definitely interested in the Stroborack especially if you can do a special "Basschat deal" Keep us all informed please![/quote] +1 ..... some toerag lifted my DTR2000 from a gig a few months back and I need to replace it with like, or better. Do we have a 'ball park' notion of what kinda BC price is likely yet?
  2. a couple of me looking vaguely demonic, attempting to sing and play at the same time: ....another, not singing, but clearly concentrating hard all the same! and the whole band on a nice big stage:
  3. my first band was named "Wednesday" after the day in the week on which we formed..... first gig was Friday of the same week! Can't begin to imagine how bad we actually were; the part of my brain that handles such memories is currently refusing access to those files!
  4. and another 10..... and three half finished ones, so that takes us back to whole numbers aswell WOO 938
  5. I've got one of these badboys! Don't use it very often, but it always prompts loads of attention when I do. It's actually a really nice sounding bass, a blank canvas so to speak.... bit weird to play though, with nothing under the strings. oh yeah, and mine's a covered pickup JLP, guess your memory's not faulty after all!
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='84103' date='Nov 5 2007, 05:31 PM']What like this... Go on take it, one less for me one more for you![/quote] OOH! you bugger..... I've just had an accident!
  7. ALRIGHT ALRIGHT WE CAN HEAR YOU JUST FINE! ha ha, I was actually just coming on here to post the link for this, watched it live the other day, 'twas truly a corker! the end section of "People Make The World Go Round" gets madder and madder everytime I hear it! some of us were having an online discussion about the SWR/EBS thing while the gig was going on, woodster said that Marcus has an "unofficial relationship" with EBS: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7081&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7081&hl=[/url] so there you go..... I'm sticking with EBS for the time being though, just wish they'd make an 18" cab!
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' post='76532' date='Oct 19 2007, 01:14 PM']I get B&Q and C&A, but maybe my mind's not dirty enough for M&S?[/quote] I overheard an amusing, albeit brief conversation the other day: person 1: is there a B&Q in Stourbridge? person 2*: er, well..... there's definately a 'B' [size=1]* In the context I'm fairly sure person 2 was having a laff, but otherwise it would make a great blonde/brunette joke I reckon![/size] PS: there [i]is[/i] a B&Q in Stourbridge; it's on the Ring Road just by the cop shop, and the nearest B&Q Warehouse would probably be Mucklow Hill in Halesowen...... for those of you who may have been wondering!
  9. yeah, it was Tomorrow's World definately. I remember watching it at the time (quite probably about 15/20 years ago) and for some reason I've had it in my head ever since that the guy in question was Abe Laboriel (playing it, although I don't think he'd been involved in its production).... but I'm probably wrong on that front!
  10. ..... got me thinking now?!? He does play sax, although I've never seen him play a Bari before...... maybe he whipped one out quickly while I went to make a cuppa anyway, he was definately playing a Bass Clarinet at one stage, similar range to the Baritone Sax and shaped very much like a Sax too with bent over silver crook and bell, but with the main shaft being typically wooden; hence the amazingly haunting sound, over the raspy honk of the Bari (not that that's a bad thing of course, still gives me the shivers when Dick Parry kicks in with one on Shine On You Crazy Diamond!) [size=1]edit: just realised what a veritable cornucopia of double entendres this post is! have fun boys and girls [/size]
  11. just turn it into one of these: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4918&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4918&hl=[/url] ..... obvious solution really!
  12. bassmandan


    Check out this site: [url="http://www.majelectronic.co.uk/"]http://www.majelectronic.co.uk/[/url] these guys made them in the first place, and restore/refurb/sell old ones. I don't know a great deal about the different models, but some are certainly worth their weight in, er.... well maybe not Gold; Egyptian cotton, chocolate or maybe fresh Tuna though?!?
  13. [quote name='Machines' post='75949' date='Oct 18 2007, 12:16 PM']I was impressed with Marcus's sax playing though.. wow those things go low.[/quote] .... as do them there Bass Clarinets!
  14. I use www.luthierssupplies.co.uk and they're ggggggreeat!
  15. er, SWR?!? What's going on there, where's the EBS? He's still endorsing EBS accoring to his website although I can't seem to find mention of him on the EBS site! hmmmm, Fender pulling strings again maybe methinks?.......
  16. [quote name='bnt' post='74833' date='Oct 15 2007, 10:17 PM']Jings! That certainly passes the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mull_of_Kintyre_test"]Mull of Kintyre Test[/url], eh? Or do we call that a fail? [/quote] ha ha, I'd not heard of this before, just Wikipedia'd it...... most amusing! of course, everytime I hear mention of M of K it always makes me think of good old Mark and Lards classic cuts: [url="http://www.cix.co.uk/~lemoncurry/ra/PaulMcCartney-MullOfKintyre.mp3"]http://www.cix.co.uk/~lemoncurry/ra/PaulMc...llOfKintyre.mp3[/url]
  17. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='69182' date='Oct 3 2007, 05:53 PM']The moulded plugs work much better. You really do get what you pay for.[/quote] +1 I picked up my ER15s at the weekend and they're absolutely amazing, used them in rehearsal and they really do seem to have [i]actual[/i] flat attenuation; but for me, they really score big on the comfort factor, I can wear them for hours and just forget they're there..... BRILLIANT! .... hope I don't manage to lose them anytime soon!
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='75313' date='Oct 16 2007, 10:50 PM']Sorry to sound stupid, but what is 'music live' for those of us who don't know? Nik[/quote] big trade-y, live-y, type event full of manufacturers, retailers, musos, er.... and Brummies etc [url="http://www.musiclive.co.uk/"]http://www.musiclive.co.uk/[/url] normally a pretty good place to bag a bargain or two!
  19. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='73805' date='Oct 13 2007, 03:24 PM']You know what, I think after buying and selling a few basses and couple of amps in the last year or so, I've finally found my sound. Using the G&L L2000 Tribute I've just got and my Warwick mini-rig, I'm getting the growly, punchy, clear hi-fi sound I thought I would from my Stingray. With no pedals, effects or anything. It's spot on for what I need it for (punk, rock and indie covers) and the whole kit (bass & amp) came to less than the price of a new Stingray. Goes to show, it's not what you spend that counts, I guess. Won't stop me GASsing for something else, mind.... Anyone else happy with their aural lot?[/quote] good to hear Matt, does this mean you'll be changing your name to G&Lfan now?!? hmmm, not sure if it's got quite the right ring to it! I'm still pretty happy with the Warwick/EBS combination by the way....... but BOY is it bright!
  20. [quote name='ped' post='72729' date='Oct 11 2007, 12:08 PM']Surely that is part of some longer video?[/quote] I sincerely hope not! ....but, to be fair guys and girls, I think we've all learnt something valuable about the intricacies of advanced EQing techniques, have we not?
  21. [quote name='bassmandan' post='71588' date='Oct 9 2007, 03:03 PM']My first Bass was a Kay also! Inspiration wise I would say that even though it came out a while after I'd officially started playing; the "Fellow Hoodlums" album by Deacon Blue was the main reason I got off my a$$ and started trying to play the Bass properly; in particular, tracks like "The Wildness" and "Your Swaying Arms" displayed really melodic playing, the like of which I'd not noticed before in Basslines.[/quote] HOWEVER.... if that hadn't done the job, I'm sure this would have! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lecytazY6n4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lecytazY6n4[/url] mods: feel free to do your thang with this, cos it never flippin' works when I try!
  22. My first Bass was a Kay also! Inspiration wise I would say that even though it came out a while after I'd officially started playing; the "Fellow Hoodlums" album by Deacon Blue was the main reason I got off my a$$ and started trying to play the Bass properly; in particular, tracks like "The Wildness" and "Your Swaying Arms" displayed really melodic playing, the like of which I'd not noticed before in Basslines.
  23. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='71515' date='Oct 9 2007, 12:43 PM']Honestly, you are [i]such[/i] a douchenozzle [/quote] ha ha, why thank you! [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='71516' date='Oct 9 2007, 12:48 PM']Best band name: WAR BASTARD[/quote] closely followed by: MAN HOOVER
  24. My first stop when looking for the last one was the Dictionary.com's word of the day archives: [url="http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/archive/"]http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/archive/[/url] managed to find some interesting stuff but the rest of the guys ended up vetoing everything I liked and we ended up with our current namepox in the form of: UXL
  25. [quote name='7string' post='71337' date='Oct 8 2007, 11:08 PM']Cool song. Nice, even mix !! What's there not to like !![/quote] thanks muchly mate - Dan
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