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Everything posted by rasher80

  1. Anybody ever bought anything from Anderton's? they're supposed to have some decent prices
  2. That's cold
  3. You know what, i tried and tried to play right-handed and it just felt wrong. When i restrung the crappy acoustic i was borrowed in the beginning and turned it upside down, then i was comfortable. It's such a shame cos i'd have no end of choice and i'd be much much happier! Stupid cackhandedness!! :wacko:
  4. Cheers Lateralus - it's exactly what i want - except it's right handed! Always one gotta be awkward hasn't there
  5. So, i've managed to offload my Ric 4004L and i'm now on the lookout for a Fender Jazz (LH of course!). I need to try and keep it to a budget of around 600 absolute tops but would prefer around the 500 mark. I've been hunting and hunting but want to try and get a decent CIJ or even a well used MIA over a MIM. So you can imagine my delight when a CIJ 75 Jazz popped up in Ishibashi's U-Box. Now doing a bit of tinkering, it's going to cost heading £630 to get it here even before customs have had their chunk, and it's estimated that that could be another 100 or so on top. What makes it worse is that i worked out that had it been in March of this year, i could've got it bought, shipped and through customs for under 500 due to the exchange rate. I'm in desperate need of a "main" instrument as i'm worried my Squier might give up the ghost at any time, so i don't fancy waiting until the exchange rates come back to a sensible level (who knows when that could be!). Added to which the "new" MIM Jazzes are much more expensive, and all for what i can gather are slight cosmetic changes and a wee bit of shielding. I wish Fender would just do a couple of more options, i'm not asking much! Twunts. a decent 62 or 75 reissue would be nice!
  6. Yeah, and to top it all off, you'll sack Mark Hughes and get Keggy Keegle back for good measure
  7. I'm manc too - and Red. there's been plenty of stories in the meeja about big name players rejecting the idea of going to Citeh - Huntelaar was quoted as saying [b]"There was interest in the summer, but these weren't the clubs we had thought about. Manchester City didn't meet our criteria. Manchester United? Maybe that would have been another story!"[/b] I think until Citeh start challenging for trophies, not many players who are at top clubs will be tempted. CL qualification is a must, but i can't see it happening this year even if they do buy some players in the transfer window. MASSIVE! Welcome to the forum anyway - good to have ya
  8. don't you just love the useless science they use on TV shows? I saw a soap where they worked up a patient for a bone marrow transplant and had the results in a "while-u-wait" stylee, a bit like having photos developed.=, after about an hour. ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH! IT DOESN'T FOOKIN WORK LIKE THAT!!!! Sorry
  9. And again *SIGH*
  10. i'd love a bit of that but unfortunately i'm a sh*t player :wacko:
  11. Cheers Dood, much appreciated. The mando is electro-acoustic so it should be good to go. One last question RE: the PitchBlack - is the switch quite sturdy? i prefer the feel of the switch of the Boss pedals, plus the switch went on my USA Big Muff twice in the space of a year and it's the same type as on the PB. Still gonna buy one though, i'll jsut be a bit weird cos it's not Boss!
  12. Thanks for all the useful info about pedal tuners. I'm about to upgrade from a small handheld jobby to a pedal tuner. From all the good things i've heard here, i'm going to plump for the PitchBlack over the TU-2 i've been craving for. I was wondering if anyone knows if you can tune other instruments from it (specifically mandolin?). Looking at the range it can handle (E0-C8) i can't see it being a problem but i just thought i'd ask.
  13. Thought i'd throw this one out to you knowledgeable folks out there... OK. so while i'm waiting to offload my Ric 4004L (LH!), i decided to start modding my Squier P bass which i am currently using as my first choice. I'll probably throw a badass II on there at some point, but first off i wanted to change the P pickup which i use almost exclusively, and having heard nothing but praise for Wizard pickups, i want to plump for them. I've never heard one of the pickups in a bass, so i'm kind of unsure. I presume trad does what it says on the tin - and the thumper delivers a rumble a bit beefier than that. Anyone shed any light on this? I'm leaning towards the trad, as the pickups in my Ric pack some serious punch, but it isn't classic P bass obviously. It is deep though, when i solo'd the neck pickup i could seriously get things to fall off the tops of other amps, tables etc! So whaddaya reckon? anyone had any experience with these?
  14. You've got a few stores in manchester Dawson's Music Ground Johnny Roadhouse Forsyth's They're all in walking distance of one another so you ought to be able to get round them all in an hour or so. couldn't be 100% whether you'll find what you're looking for but they're the best we have to offer!
  15. so i presume once they are pre-grooved like that, they can accommodate any strings? isn't a massive problem, i only use standard 45-100s anyway
  16. Where can you get pre-grooved ones from?
  17. amen to that! I'm not really a fan of jazz, although i've never given it that much of my time to be fair!
  18. rasher80


    Having decided that i might have to abandon my quest for a Fender Japan bass, and from getting some good advice from members of this board, i'm now considering doing a build my own project using Warmoth. What i want to do is have a 54 P bass body with the matching neck, but with the Jazz profile at the nut. The trouble is i'm a bit thick when it comes to guitars, and once i have all the pieces the eye can see, such as tuners, nut, knobs, control plate, bridge, scratchplate and pickup - then i have no idea about the innards. I wouldn't be able to do the work myself cos i'm useless, so i was going to enlist the help of a local luthier to put it all together. I saw a Lindy Fralin pickup which they will overwind to give the sound a bit more oomph! I just need it to not be overly expensive, or there's no point is there? I'm not concerned about re-sale value, as being a left hander there's by and large no such thing sadly! So is this a worthwhile option or should i just forget it?
  19. Right - i never knew that. I thought that the size would be close enough to Jazz size rather than the more traditional Precision size. That's not bad at all. Just got to work out all the bits and pieces i need and get someone to throw em together!
  20. I live in Manchester. It seems fairly straightforward in practice from what you've said, but i'm confident in my own disability to operate any sort of tools efficiently that i would no doubt end up with a neck for a prototype 13 string bass if i attempted to do it myself I know that i could just buy the bits and get a local luthier to stick them together but it would cost me quite i bit i reckon! And i'm only 5'8" so i was worried the '54 body would totally dwarf me and i'd look ridiculous
  21. i didn't get a howdy outta that guy. GIVE THE GOVERNOR A HOWDY!
  22. Most gigs in Manchester, the headline band brings the drums and the bass amp, so a lot of the time, you are obliged to use the headliner's rig. It's turned out that we've headlined in these situations that i've had to let people use my amp, but not many people round here have Ashdowns, it's mainly Hartke or Behringer from what i've seen and the odd Fender, so i take it upon myself to make sure they are using it right. I went to have a look at the settings on the amp after one band had been on, and all the buttons were switched in, you name it - bass boost, treble boost, sub bass, the lot. I don't have to worry about someone asking to use my bass as it's the wrong way round for 9/10 of you. If i knew them then i'd maybe consider it, but as someone alluded to previously, if you batter the crap out of your bass and then expect someone to lend you theirs when a string goes, then frankly you're having a giraffe IMO
  23. You know, i thought about going down the Warmoth route but i just about know how to change strings - i've always let a luthier do any adjustments i've ever needed so i'd be lost as to what to do. I'd really love a 54 P Bass with the corresponding neck but with a Jazz profile. That would be sweet. Or easier still, Fender could expand its LH bass repertoire a bit more from MIM Standard Jazz MIA Standard P and MIA Deluxe Jazz Hopefully if i'm lucky Malcolm will still take an order from me and i can have the CIJ bass i've always wanted!
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